Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Федеральная целевая программа "Преодоление последствий радиационных аварий на период до 2015 года"
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Decree, Programme
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Issued by: 
Government of the Russian Federation
No official English version available
Overall Summary: 
The document summarizes specific evidence for irreversible effects of nuclear disasters, focusing primarily on the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe (26 April 1986). Exacerbating the fragilities of Russia’s environmental system, the policy provides a thorough assessment of nuclear disaster effects and risks, reveals persistent weaknesses of the national energy system, proposes steps to minimize atomic catastrophe impacts in a sustainable way. As provided by the policy document, there remain health and protection concerns for people in areas exposed to radiation. It is considered indispensable to increase awareness on the consequences of nuclear disasters.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
The policy gives an imperative to look at existing nuclear energy prospects and challenges in a holistic framework.
Energy environmental priorities: 
It is important to work towards prevention of population exposure to hazardous radioactive materials. The right for highest attainable standard of health has to be observed. --- Holistic measures have to be taken to protect the health of people in the areas affected by the Chernobyl catastrophe. Enormous challenges are posed by high radionuclide activity levels (contamination with Cesium 137 increasing the risk of cancer due to high-energy beta radiation).--- The policy aims to enhance the effectiveness of capacity-building actions on prevention of nuclear disasters considered the greatest threat that confront the mankind today. ---The policy seeks to ensure participation of the effected population in the decision-making process pursuing the primary objective of improving Russia’s preparedness to radiation emergencies.
Pollution control action plans: 
Precise monitoring activities shall be carried out by the Emergency Ministry of the Russian Federation tasked with formulating a clear and time-inbound plan for reducing the level of radioactive contamination (Cesium-137). The concentration of Cs-137 will be monitored in soil and water.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Priorities of the program: Develop relevant infrastructure in contaminated areas to ensure radiation safety of the population.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
The 8524 mln. Rubles nuclear disaster recovery program is funded mainly from the federal budget (7528,5 mln. Rub.).
Energy management principles: 
National policy structure: 
The policy builds on the underlying principles and aims to ensure coherence with the Long-term Concept of Economic and Social Development of the Russian Federation until 2030 (adopted by the Government Decree of 17 November 2008 № 1662-р). ---- Present Targeted Comprehensive Program was enforced pursuant to the Government Decree N 523 of 29 June 2011. ---- The policy reaffirms the objectives of the Federal Targeted Program on Nuclear Disaster Recovery until 2010 adopted pursuant to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 29 August N 637. --- Calling for compliance with the legal obligations and the fulfillment of international commitments on the prevention of nuclear catastrophes, the Program refers to the Resolution of the UN General Assembly 62/8 of 20 November 2007 on Strengthening of international cooperation and coordination of efforts to study, mitigate and minimize the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster.
Energy institutional structures: 
Strengthen cooperation between state agencies and relevant stakeholders. --- In cooperation with relevant specialized agencies – Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, and Federal Forestry Agency - Health Ministry and the Ministry of Emergency Response of the Russian Federation will carry out an assessment of radiation health effects, will undertake measures to ensure environmentally sound management and disposal of hazardous substances. --- The policy urges relevant regulatory bodies to ensure coherence of national nuclear energy policies with internationally agreed standards and guidelines. --- The International Chernobyl Research and Information Network established under the auspices of the United Nations Development Program, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations Children’s Fund, and the World Health Organization is considered an essential mechanism for supporting national initiatives on nuclear disaster recovery.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
It is important to work towards prevention of population exposure to hazardous radioactive materials. The right for highest attainable standard of health has to be observed. --- The policy aims to enhance the effectiveness of capacity-building actions on prevention of nuclear disasters considered the greatest threat that confront the mankind today. ---The policy seeks to ensure participation of the effected population in the decision-making process pursuing the primary objective of improving Russia’s preparedness to radiation emergencies.---More needs to be done to enhance peaceful and sustainable use of nuclear science and technology, including improvement of the level of accessibility to nuclear science and technology.