Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy, Power, Transport, Multi-Sector, Other
Energy Types: 
All, Power, Renewable, Solar, Other
Issued by: 
Ministry of Environment
Overall Summary: 
An Act to prevent air pollution and to manage and preserve the atmospheric environment in a proper and sustainable manner, in order to enable all people to live in the healthy and comfortable environment.
EE transport standards : 
Each automobile owner shall operate an automobile or ensure the automobile operates to emit exhaust gases in conformity with the permissible emission levels for automobiles in operation, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.---The Mayor/Do Governor may issue an order to attach a device which restricts idling pursuant to Municipal Ordinance of the City/Do to automobiles prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment, including those for the mass traffic, in order to prevent air pollution and loss of fuel owing to idling.---The owner of a ship shall, when emitting air pollutants prescribed by Presidential Decree from among air pollutants emitted from the diesel engine of the ships [...] comply with the permissible emission levels set by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment.
EE financial incentives: 
The State or local governments may provide persons falling under any of the following subparagraphs with necessary subsidies and loans [...] to facilitate wider use of low-pollution automobiles, installation of exhaust gas reduction devices, and remodelling into and replacement with low-pollution engines: 1. Persons who purchase low-pollution automobiles; 2. Persons who install facilities to supply fuels (including electricity, solar energy, hydrogen fuel, natural gas, etc.) to low-pollution automobiles, [...]; 3. Persons who install an exhaust gas reduction device to a light fuel automobile, or convert or replace a light fuel automobile into or with a low-pollution engine [...]; 4. Persons who retire their light fuel automobiles from service early according to the recommendation [...]; 5. Other persons who purchase automobiles which emit a very small quantity of exhaust gases, [...]---The State or a local government may subsidize or extend a loan within the budgetary limits to owners of automobiles which have received an order to attach a device[...].
Pollution control action plans: 
Each automobile owner shall operate an automobile or ensure the automobile operates to emit exhaust gases in conformity with the permissible emission levels for automobiles in operation, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.---The State or local governments may provide persons [...] with necessary subsidies and loans within the budgetary limit in order to facilitate wider use of low-pollution automobiles, installation of exhaust gas reduction devices, and remodelling into and replacement with low-pollution engines:[...]---The Mayor/Do Governor may, when it is deemed necessary for the reduction of air pollution and loss of fuel caused by automobile exhaust gases, restrict the running of an automobile engine while parked or stopped at a terminal, garage, parking lot, etc.---The Mayor/Do Governor may issue an order to attach a device which restricts idling pursuant to Municipal Ordinance of the City/Do to automobiles prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment, including those for the mass traffic, in order to prevent air pollution and loss of fuel owing to idling.---The owner of a ship shall, when emitting air pollutants prescribed by Presidential Decree from among air pollutants emitted from the diesel engine of the ships [...] comply with the permissible emission levels set by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment.---The Mayor/Do Governor or the Mayor of a large city who has jurisdiction over an air quality control area shall formulate a plan (hereinafter referred to as "action plan") to meet and maintain the environment standards applicable to the air quality control area, according to the details and procedures prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment within two years after such air quality control area is designated and announced, and implement such plan after obtaining approval from the Minister of Environment. [...].
Energy institutional structures: 
The Automobile Environmental Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association ) [...] may be established to reduce damage to the human body and the environment caused by automobile exhaust gases.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
-The State or local governments may provide persons falling under any of the following subparagraphs with necessary subsidies and loans within the budgetary limit in order to facilitate wider use of low-pollution automobiles, installation of exhaust gas reduction devices, and remodelling into and replacement with low-pollution engines: 1. Persons who purchase low-pollution automobiles; 2. Persons who install facilities to supply fuels (including electricity, solar energy, hydrogen fuel, natural gas, etc.) to low-pollution automobiles, as determined by the Minister of Environment; 3. Persons who install an exhaust gas reduction device to a light fuel automobile, or convert or replace a light fuel automobile into or with a low-pollution engine [...]; 4. Persons who retire their light fuel automobiles from service early according to the recommendation [...]; 5. Other persons who purchase automobiles which emit a very small quantity of exhaust gases, as determined and announced by the Minister of Environment.---The State or a local government may subsidize or extend a loan within the budgetary limits to owners of automobiles which have received an order to attach a device[...].---The Mayor/Do Governor or the Mayor of a large city who has jurisdiction over an air quality control area shall formulate a plan (hereinafter referred to as "action plan") to meet and maintain the environment standards [...] The heads of the relevant central administrative agencies may provide financial and technical support necessary for fulfilling an action plan within a target period. (2) Where the Mayor/Do Governor [...] fails to formulate or implement an action plan, the Minister of Environment may take measures, such as reducing environment-related national subsidies and suspending the payment of national subsidies provided by the State to the relevant local government, [...].