Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Концепция формирования общего электроэнергетического рынка Евразийского экономического союза (ЕЭС)
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Overarching Policy, Other
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Issued by: 
Eurasian Economic Commission
No English translation available
Overall Summary: 
Present Concept is developed pursuant to art. 81.2 of the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union dated 29 May 2014 with an aim to strengthen regional dialogue and cooperation on the establishment of a common power market. Bridging the gap between power market development needs is considered crucial for fostering regional integration and spurring economic growth. The policy came into force subsequent to approval of the four members of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and the Russian Federation) on 8 May 2015.
Energy pricing: 
Development of sound national tariff policies for natural monopolies and infrastructure sector.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Regional integration priorities: 
The policy is directed at the effective function of the common power market of the Eurasian Economic Community.--- Power trade is explicitly recognized as a means of enhancing economic integration within the Union. The Concept thereby envisages the development of the Program on the Establishment of the Common Power Market. ---Foster regional integration ensuring equitable access of power producers and consumers to the power markets of member states. It is stipulated that due respect will be given to national development priorities.
Energy trade priorities: 
The Concept seeks to remove obstacles to the expansion of power trade in the Eurasian Economic Community.
Bi- and multi-lateral energy agreements: 
Energy management principles: 
Among primary objectives of the legislative act is safeguarding competition in power markets of member states.
National policy structure: 
Relevant regulatory bodies tasked with implementation of the present policy document shall be set up by the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council [...].
Technological cooperation in energy distribution: 
From a technological point of view, the establishment of a common power market within the Eurasian Economic Community allows for increasing existing power transmission capacities on the basis of bilateral agreements between member states.