Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Постановление Правительства от 11.07.2001 № 526 "О реформировании электроэнергетики Российской Федерации" (в ред. от 20.03.2013 г.)
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Document Type: 
Economic Sector: 
Energy Types: 
Power, Other
Issued by: 
Government of the Russian Federation
No English translation available
Overall Summary: 
The Decree represents a prudential approach to accomplishing the objective of power sector reform in the Russian Federation. An action-oriented strategy is being pursued to achieve progress on the way to increasing sectoral efficiency and ensuring uninterrupted supply of electricity and heat in the Russian Federation. Ultimately, mechanisms are being designed to ensure availability, reliability and affordability of power supply at the national level. The policy is supplemented with a detailed plan outlining actions for implementing a deep structural reform in the sector.
Energy access action plan: 
The Decree aims at ensuring reliable and ample supply of energy at the national level.
EE priorities: 
Objectives of the power sector reform: enhance cross-sectoral energy efficiency at the national level.
Energy pricing: 
Objectives of the power sector reform: introduce tariff regulation schemes to prevent unfair pricing. ----- Fair and transparent environment will be enabled with the establishment of a competitive federal wholesale electricity market and with increasing efficiency of retail electricity markets, as provided by art. 2.1. ----- Privatization of power sector enterprises could be a new engine of electricity sector development enabling a competitive market environment and creating a more conductive business climate in the industry.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Development of the sector is being hampered by inadequate infrastructure. --- Objectives of the power sector reform: improve connectivity through modernization of existing power infrastructure, including highway network, increase efficiency of power system dispatch.
Electricity wholesale markets: 
As provided by art. 2.1, wholesale electricity market will undergo reformation. The established rules imply introduction of a competitive market structure along with putting in place measures of regulatory control over tariff setting.
Energy management principles: 
The Decree aims at ensuring reliable and ample supply of energy at the national level. It is stipulated that power transmission and dispatch in the Russian Federation are subject to state regulatory control.
National policy structure: 
Regulatory frameworks for power transmission and dispatch are set by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation on Natural Monopolies (1995).
Energy institutional structures: 
The first stage reform - the period until 1 February 2002 - involves establishment of the federal grid company of UES - the operator and manager of Russia’s power transmission grid system.