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Тип документа: 
Agreement, Other
Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Geothermal, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind, Other
Alliance of Small Island States
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Сводный обзор: 
The overall objective of the Barbados Declaration on Achieving Sustainable Energy for All in Small Island States, is to: 1) reaffirm the commitments outlined in the Barbados Programme of Action (BPOA) and the Mauritius Strategy of Implementation (MSI) 2) Reaffirm United Nations General Assembly resolution 65/151 of 20 December 2010 which, inter alia declared 2012 the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All. 3) Emphasize that achieving sustainable energy for all in SIDS includes providing all households with access to modern and affordable renewable energy services, while eradicating poverty, safeguarding the environment and providing new opportunities for sustainable development and economic growth. In particular, the parties acknowledge that this initiative has identified three interlinked objectives which underpin the goal of achieving sustainable energy for all by 2030: • Ensuring universal access to modern energy services; • Doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency; • Doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.
Energy access priorities: 
[A]chieving sustainable energy for all in SIDS includes providing all households with access to modern and affordable renewable energy services, while eradicating poverty, safeguarding the environment and providing new opportunities for sustainable development and economic growth.---Objective:• Ensuring universal access to modern energy services;[...].
Energy access targets: 
Timor Leste:By 2030 all families will have access to electricity 24 hours a day 3. By 2030 approximately all 100,000 families will have access to solar energy 4. By 2015 there will no household(family) in the capital city using firewood for cooking.---Palau: Deliver clean, secure and affordable energy for all citizens of Palau while treating the environment responsibly.---Marshall Islands: Electrification of 100% of urban households and 95% of rural outer atoll households by 2015.---Maldives: Provide all citizens with access to reliable & sustainable energy services at lowest possible cost.
Clean cooking solutions: 
Timor Leste: [...]4. By 2015 there will no household(family) in the capital city using firewood for cooking.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Palau: Maximizing cost efficient energy efficiency and renewable energy resources and conservation of energy wile safeguarding the environment.---Maldives: Promote energy conservation and energy efficiency.---Samoa: Promoting energy efficiency practices in all sectors.
EE targets: 
Objective: • Doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency; [...].---Tuvalu: Improvement of 30% of current annual demand of Funafuti.---Marshall Islands: Improved efficiency of energy use in 50% of households and businesses, and 75% of government buildings by 2020; 5. A 20% efficiency improvement in transportation sector fuel use by 2020.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
[A]chieving sustainable energy for all in SIDS includes providing all households with access to modern and affordable renewable energy services, while eradicating poverty, safeguarding the environment and providing new opportunities for sustainable development and economic growth.---Palau: Maximizing cost efficient energy efficiency and renewable energy resources and conservation of energy wile safeguarding the environment.---Maldives: Promote renewable energy technologies. ---Marshall Islands: Feasibility studies and internationally supported financing plans for innovative ‘game -changing’ renewable energy and sustainable development opportunities including Majuro atoll waste -to -energy and Kwajalein/Ebeye atoll OTEC plants undertaken by 2015.
RE targets: 
Objective: Doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.---Cook Islands: 50% of inhabited islands electricity needs to be provided by renewable energy in 2015 and 100% by 2020 through implementing the Cook Islands Renewable Energy Chart.---Tuvalu 100% renewable energy by 2020. Implementing Solar PV 60 - 95% of demand. Wind - 40% of demand (if feasible). Biodiesel 5% of demand (import).---Timor Leste:By 2020 power generation – 50% of energy would be produced by renewable energy.---Samoa: Increase the contribution of Renewable Energy to total energy by 20% by the year 2030.---Nauru: Medium to long term - At least 50% of energy demand provided by alternative sources of energy, including through renewable sources by 2015. Long term milestone - Viable power generating capacity including alternative renewable energy sources by 2025.---Marshall Islands:The provision of 20% of energy through indigenous renewable resources by 2020.
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Palau: Supporting consumers through the transition towards renewable energy.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Palau: Maximizing cost efficient energy efficiency and renewable energy resources and conservation of energy wile safeguarding the environment.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
Marshall Islands: A 40% reduction in CO2 emissions below 2009 levels by 2020.---Maldives: . Achieve carbon neutrality in the energy sector by year 2020.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Remain committed to work towards the continued development and implementation of policies and plans to ensure the transformation of the current fossil fuel based energy sector to a modern, affordable and efficient renewable energy sector, and urge our development partners to provide the required support to enable us to achieve this objective.
Cooperation in env.: 
Remain committed to work towards the continued development and implementation of policies and plans to ensure the transformation of the current fossil fuel based energy sector to a modern, affordable and efficient renewable energy sector, and urge our development partners to provide the required support to enable us to achieve this objective.---Call on the international community including regional and international development banks, bilateral donors, the UN system, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the private sector to provide adequate and predictable financial support and investments as well as technological transfer and capacity building to ensure the achievement of the voluntary commitments [...].
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Cooperation in connectivity: 
[R]ecognize that there are significant opportunities for SIDS to collectively develop their vast renewable energy resources to meet present and future needs as well as the potential to export energy to other economies , and that through collective action SIDS can drive the development of SIDS [...].
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Call on the international community including regional and international development banks, bilateral donors, the UN system, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the private sector to provide adequate and predictable financial support and investments as well as technological transfer and capacity building to ensure the achievement of the voluntary commitments [...].
Investment climate development: 
Remain committed to work towards the continued development and implementation of policies and plans to ensure the transformation of the current fossil fuel based energy sector to a modern, affordable and efficient renewable energy sector, and urge our development partners to provide the required support to enable us to achieve this objective.---Call on the international community including regional and international development banks, bilateral donors, the UN system, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the private sector to provide adequate and predictable financial support and investments as well as technological transfer and capacity building to ensure the achievement of the voluntary commitments [...].
Public Private Partnerships: 
Samoa: Increase Public and Private investment on Renewable Energy in transport fuels and electricity generation.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Maldives: Strengthen the institutional and legal framework of the energy sector.
National policy structure: 
Palau: Providing clear policy direction on the future of Palau’s energy sector.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Palau: Promoting environmentally sustainable energy technologies with the aim to substitute fossil fuels.
Clean energy technology transfer: 
[T]here are commercially feasible options for providing energy such as wind, solar, geothermal, and ocean energy[...]In this regard, we strongly urge the international community particularly developed countries to ensure the provision of financial resources, technology transfer and capacity building to SIDS.---Call on the international community including regional and international development banks, bilateral donors, the UN system, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the private sector to provide [...] technological transfer and capacity building to ensure the achievement of the voluntary commitments [...].
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Marshall Islands: Feasibility studies and internationally supported financing plans for innovative ‘game -changing’ renewable energy and sustainable development opportunities including Majuro atoll waste -to -energy and Kwajalein/Ebeye atoll OTEC plants undertaken by 2015.
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
Call on the international community including regional and international development banks, bilateral donors, the UN system, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the private sector to provide adequate and predictable financial support and investments as well as technological transfer and capacity building to ensure the achievement of the voluntary commitments [...].