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Plan/Strategy, Other
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Energy, Industry, Transport, Building, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Oil, Gas, Renewable, Other
Ministry of Finance, Economic Development
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Te Kakeega II Mid-Term Review (TKII MTR) Action Plan 2015 summarises the main outcomes of the TKII MTR. It identifies areas of assistance required by the Government of Tuvalu to promote development and re-orientate and re-prioritize Government’s programs and development strategies for period 2011 to 2015. The Action Plan builds on existing goals established in Te Kakeega and proposes new and revised strategies to ensure that TKII targets for 2015 will be met.
Energy access priorities: 
Improved energy service and efficiency to the public through the development and continued implementation of a National Energy Plan.
Energy access action plan: 
Improve access to public of low priced fuel through the securing of competitively priced, reliable supply of quality fossil fuels.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Reduce the countries reliance of fossil fuels through energy and conservation and use of alternative energy.
RE targets: 
Convert the country fully over to renewable energy.
RE action plans: 
Complete projects converting to photovoltaic energy for all islands,and continue radio programs on alternative energy usage. In addition to continued management and monitoring of fossil fuel and alternative energy usage by Renewable Energy and Efficiency Unit. Moreover continued training of staff for management of Renewable Energy so they will be qualified to manage the full conversion to alternative energy by 2020.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Reduce carbon emissions and save on import of fossil fuels through the implementation of green growth projects.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Reduce the countries reliance of fossil fuels through energy and conservation and use of alternative energy.