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The Governments the ASEAN Member States
Сводный обзор: 
This document is an Amendment to the Agreement on ASEAN Energy Cooperation hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement", which was sighed by the contracting parties in order to achieve improved energy cooperation in ASEAN.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
The range of cooperation will span planning, development, manpower training, information exchange, and encouraging private sector participation [...] in any of the following areas: [...] promoting a more conducive environment for commercial and Investment opportunities in all aspects of the energy sectors.
Investment climate development: 
The range of cooperation will span planning, development, manpower training, information exchange, and encouraging private sector participation [...] in any of the following areas: [...] promoting a more conducive environment for commercial and Investment opportunities in all aspects of the energy sectors.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
The range of cooperation will span planning, development, manpower training, information exchange, and encouraging private sector participation, where appropriate, in any of the following energy areas: (i) resource investigation, exploration, assessment. Planning and development; (ii) energy policy and planning [...].
Technological cooperation in energy distribution: 
The range of cooperation will span planning, development, manpower training, information exchange, and encouraging private sector participation [...] in any of the following areas: [...] (vii) energy supply planning and diversification; (viii) processing, handling, transport and distribution of various energy forms. [...].
Technology collaboration with other member States: 
The range of cooperation will span planning, development, manpower training, information exchange, and encouraging private sector participation, where appropriate, in any of the following energy areas: [...](iii) technological research, development and demonstration;[...].