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The Governments the ASEAN Member States
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Сводный обзор: 
This MoU aims to strengthen and promote a broad framework for the ASEAN Member Countries to cooperate towards the development of a common ASEAN policy on power interconnection and trade, and ultimately towards the realisation of the ASEAN Power Grid to help ensure greater regional energy security and sustainability on the basis of mutual benefit.
Cooperation in energy pricing: 
Arrangement for third party access for power interconnection and trade in accordance with such internationally accepted standards in the electricity supply industry and formulation of a transmission pricing framework within ASEAN.---Member Countries shall conduct relevant studies on the following: [...]- Arrangements for the mutually agreed imposition of, or exemption from, import, export or transit fee, duty, tax or other government imposed fees and charges on the construction, operation, and maintenance of the ASEAN Power Grid.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Regional integration priorities: 
Member Countries shall: 1. Establish cooperation on a bilateral and/or multilateral basis, on the various aspects of the development of the common ASEAN policy on power interconnection and trade and the realisation of the ASEAN Power Grid. 2. Initiate studies and updates either on a bilateral or multilateral basis, to support and encourage the implementation of the power interconnection projects in ASEAN.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
Member Countries shall: [...]take individual and collective initiatives to study, assess, and review national and regional legal and institutional frameworks for power interconnection and trade, concerning cross-border issues relative to the commercial and economic feasibility, construction, financing, cooperation, and maintenance of the ASEAN Power Grid,[...].---The Member Countries, [...], agree to strengthen and promote a broad framework for the Member Countries to cooperate towards the development of a common ASEAN policy on power interconnection and trade, and ultimately towards the realisation of the ASEAN Power Grid to help ensure greater regional energy security and sustainability on the basis of mutual benefit.---Member Countries shall conduct relevant studies on the following: -Harmonisation of technical specifications for the ASEAN Power Grid [...]. -Available modes or arrangements for the financing of the construction, operation and maintenance of the ASEAN Power Grid.[...]- Arrangements for the mutually agreed imposition of, or exemption from, import, export or transit fee, duty, tax or other government imposed fees and charges on the construction, operation, and maintenance of the ASEAN Power Grid.---Harmonisation of regulatory and legal frameworks within ASEAN to hasten the implementation of bilateral or crossborder power interconnection and trade.-Institutional and contractual arrangements for power trade.[...].
Bi- and multi-lateral energy agreements: 
Member Countries shall: 1. Establish cooperation on a bilateral and/or multilateral basis, on the various aspects of the development of the common ASEAN policy on power interconnection and trade and the realisation of the ASEAN Power Grid.---Member Countries shall conduct relevant studies on the following: [...] Institutional and contractual arrangements for power trade.[...].
Import taxes and fee exemptions: 
Member Countries shall conduct relevant studies on the following: -[...] Arrangements for the mutually agreed imposition of, or exemption from, import, export or transit fee, duty, tax or other government imposed fees and charges on the construction, operation, and maintenance of the ASEAN Power Grid.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Member Countries shall conduct relevant studies on the following: [...] Available modes or arrangements for the financing of the construction, operation and maintenance of the ASEAN Power Grid. In this respect, ASEAN recognise the important role that would be played by the private sector in some Member Countries.
Intellectual property rights: 
The protection of intellectual property rights shall be enforced in conformity with the respective national laws, rules and regulations of the Member Countries and with other international agreements signed by the Member Countries.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Member Countries shall: [...] 3. Encourage cooperation and pooling of resources by the governments and/or private sector for joint projects subject to commercial viability pertaining to the ASEAN Power Grid;
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Member Countries shall: [...] 4. [...] take individual and collective initiatives to study, assess, and review national and regional legal and institutional frameworks for power interconnection and trade, concerning cross-border issues relative to the commercial and economic feasibility, construction, financing, cooperation, and maintenance of the ASEAN Power Grid,[...].---Member Countries shall conduct relevant studies on the following: [...]-Harmonisation of regulatory and legal frameworks within ASEAN to hasten the implementation of bilateral or crossborder power interconnection and trade.---The Member Countries, [...], agree to strengthen and promote a broad framework for the Member Countries to cooperate towards the development of a common ASEAN policy on power interconnection and trade[...].
Energy institutional structures: 
The Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities (HAPUA) Council, being responsible for the effective implementation of the ASEAN Power Grid, shall initiate the formation of an ASEAN Power Grid Consultative Committee (APGCC) [...].