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Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Multi-Sector
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Oil, Power, Gas, Renewable, Bioenergy
The Head of State or Governments of the ASEAN Member States
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
The documents entails the following Blueprints and Declarations: 1. Cha-am Hua Hin Declaration on the Roadmap for the ASEAN Community (2009-2015); 2. ASEAN Political-Security Community Blueprint; 3. ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint; 4. ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint; 5. Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Strategic Framework and IAI Work Plan 2 (2009-2015). ----Note: CLMV: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Vietnam.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Develop a program of fuel conservation and renewable energy, with a training component by 2010.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
[I]t is essential for ASEAN to emphasise the need to strengthen renewable energy development, such as bio-fuels, as well as to promote open trade, facilitation and cooperation in the renewable energy sector and related industries as well as investment in the requisite infrastructure for renewable energy development.
RE action plans: 
Develop a program of fuel conservation and renewable energy, with a training component by 2010.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Develop a program of fuel conservation and renewable energy, with a training component by 2010.
Cooperation in RE: 
[I]t is essential for ASEAN to emphasise the need to strengthen renewable energy development, such as bio-fuels, as well as to promote open trade, facilitation and cooperation in the renewable energy sector and related industries as well as investment in the requisite infrastructure for renewable energy development.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Promote environmentally and socially sustainable mineral development.---ASEAN shall work towards achieving sustainable development as well as promoting clean and green environment by protecting the natural resource base for economic and social development including the sustainable management and conservation of [...] mineral, energy, biodiversity, [...] for the ASEAN region.
Cooperation in energy pricing: 
Provide training in fuel quality testing, fuel transport safety, power trading and negotiations on transboundary power tariffs.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Accelerate implementation of the APG and TAGP.---Promote environmentally and socially sustainable mineral development.---[S]trengthen cooperation and capacity in geological and mineral sector for sustainable mineral development in the ASEAN region.
Regional integration priorities: 
Remove or relax impediments to cross-border investment in/financing of regional infrastructure projects.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
[I]mplement projects to build CLMV capacity to participate in ASEAN energy schemes, primarily the ASEAN Power Grid.---Provide training by 2011 in high-voltage inter-connection and in power-systems planning.---[I]mplement projects to build CLMV capacity to participate in ASEAN energy schemes, primarily the ASEAN Power Grid.---Mining cooperation. Enhance trade and investment and strengthen cooperation and capacity in geological and mineral sector for sustainable mineral development in the ASEAN region.
Energy trade priorities: 
Enhance trade and investment and strengthen cooperation and capacity in geological and mineral sector for sustainable mineral development in the ASEAN region.
Bi- and multi-lateral energy agreements: 
Finalise the ASEAN Petroleum Security Agreement to enhance oil and gas security in the region.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Promote greater participation of private sectors and international organisations in financing regional infrastructure development such as the APG, TAGP, SKRL and ASEAN Highway Network.
Investment climate development: 
Remove or relax impediments to cross-border investment in/financing of regional infrastructure projects.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Promote greater involvement of private sectors in APG and TAGP.---Encourage the participation of the private sector in mineral development.---Promote greater participation of private sectors and international organisations in financing regional infrastructure development such as the APG, TAGP, SKRL and ASEAN Highway Network.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Intensify institutional and human capacity building in ASEAN geological and mineral sector.