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Renewable, Solar
Government of India Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
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Сводный обзор: 
The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission is a major initiative of the Government of India with active participation from States to promote ecologically sustainable growth while addressing India’s energy security challenge. The solar park is a concentrated zone of development of solar power generation projects and provides developers an area that is well characterized, with proper infrastructure and access to amenities and where the risk of the projects can be minimized. Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) has rolled out a scheme plans to set up 25 solar parks, each with a capacity of 500 MW and above; thereby targeting around 20000 MW of solar power installed capacity. These solar parks will be set up within in a span of 5 years commencing from 2014-15 and the solar projects may then come up as per demand and interest shown by developers.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
MNRE has rolled out a scheme plans to set up 25 solar parks, each with a capacity of 500 MW and above; thereby targeting around 20000 MW of solar power installed capacity. These solar parks will be set up within in a span of 5 years commencing from 2014-15 and the solar projects may then come up as per demand and interest shown by developers.
Public competitive bidding/tendering: 
The solar power developer(s) for project(s) within the solar park shall enter into Power Purchase Agreement(s) (PPAs) with Central Utilities/State Utilities/Discoms/Third Parties/Captive Users who are willing to buy power from the developer(s). The tariff for the sale of power through PPAs could be either Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC)/State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) regulated price or that determined through bidding process.
Public investment loans or grants: 
CFA @ Rs.25.00 lakh (Rs. twenty five lakh) per park would be released by MNRE to SECI for DPR preparation of the Solar Park, conducting surveys, etc.---Besides, CFA of up to Rs.20.00 lakh (Rs. twenty lakh) per MW or 30% of the project cost, including Grid-connectivity cost, whichever is lower, would be released to SECI on achieving the milestones given under para 7 of the Scheme. For release of requisite funds, the State Government will send a formal proposal to MNRE.
Land use change for energy production purposes: 
Land for setting up of the Solar Park will be identified by the State Government unless the implementing agency has its own land. In order to provide for such a large tract of contiguous land with appropriate insolation levels, , the State Government may prioritize the use of government waste/ non-agricultural land in order to speed up the acquisition process. The use of private land may minimised.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
The SPPD, entrusted with implementing the programme will get the land developed and provide necessary infrastructure like road connectivity, transmission infrastructure etc. An initial investment on getting Connectivity and LTA will also have to be made by the SPPD as per CERC Regulation.---MNRE has notified the administrative approval on 12th December, 2014 for implementation of a Scheme for Development of Solar Parks and Ultra Mega Solar Power Projects in the country commencing from 2014-15 and onwards (i.e. from the year 2014 – 15 to 2018 – 19)
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
MNRE has notified the administrative approval on 12th December, 2014 for implementation of a Scheme for Development of Solar Parks and Ultra Mega Solar Power Projects in the country commencing from 2014-15 and onwards (i.e. from the year 2014 – 15 to 2018 – 19).---CFA @ Rs.25.00 lakh (Rs. twenty five lakh) per park would be released by MNRE to SECI for DPR preparation of the Solar Park, conducting surveys, etc. ---Besides, CFA of up to Rs.20.00 lakh (Rs. twenty lakh) per MW or 30% of the project cost, including Grid-connectivity cost, whichever is lower, would be released to SECI on achieving the milestones given under para 7 of the Scheme. For release of requisite funds, the State Government will send a formal proposal to MNRE.
Investment climate development: 
The price of the land is to be kept as low as possible in order to attract the developers and, therefore, the site should be selected in such a manner so that inexpensive land can be made available.
Public Private Partnerships: 
The solar power developer(s) for project(s) within the solar park shall enter into Power Purchase Agreement(s) (PPAs) with Central Utilities/State Utilities/Discoms/Third Parties/Captive Users who are willing to buy power from the developer(s). The tariff for the sale of power through PPAs could be either Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC)/State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) regulated price or that determined through bidding process.
Деятельность органов власти
M&E of policy implementation: 
Consequent to the above notification, the Ministry received consent from the following States for setting up of Solar Parks and Ultra Mega Solar Power Projects, [...] Please see document for details.---The Implementing Agency of Solar Park as defined in the Scheme is re-designated as the Solar Power Park Developer (SPPD).