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Gas, Renewable, Bioenergy
Department of Energy and Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
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Сводный обзор: 
Under the Market Development Initiative for Bondhu Chula Project improved cook-stoves will be distributed and after sales service will be provided to keep the Bondhu Chula (clean cook stoves) in good operating conditions. The objectives of the project are: reduce pressure on forest-resources, reduce indoor air pollution, minimize health risk and reduce emission of green house gases.
Bi-, multi-lateral mechanisms to expand access: 
Fund by: Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund (CCTF) and Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Energy access targets: 
1. Up to September 2013 approximately 3.5 lac Bondhu Chula have been installed; 2. In the same time, approximately five thousand entrepreneurs have been created.
Clean cooking solutions: 
1. Five lac Bondhu Chula will be distributed all over Bangladesh; 2. Five thousand entrepreneurs (one for each Union Parishad) in entire Bangladesh will be created; 3. Market of Bondhu Chula will be developed
Energy environmental priorities: 
Reduce pressure on forest-resources, reduce indoor air pollution, minimize health risk and reduce emission of green house gases.