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Energy, Power, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Coal, Power, Gas, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Unofficial source
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Сводный обзор: 
The Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP) was issued in 2009 and is an updated and revised version of the 2008 BCCSAP to tackle climate change in view of the COP 2009. This Plan incorporates the Vision 2021 and includes the ambition for a substantial eradication of poverty by 2021. The Plan will remain a living document and will be updated and changed if required in the future. The energy-relevant section regards mitigation and low-carbon development which are more and more important as the country develops and the energy demand increases.
Clean cooking solutions: 
Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: Programme: renewable energy development: Maximizing the use of renewable energy resources to lower the GHG emission and ensuring energy security: [...] a4. Study of the techno-economic, social and institutional constraints to adoption of improved biomass stoves and other technologies.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Government of Bangladesh [...] encourages increased energy and cost efficiency in the development and utilization of conventional energy.---Improved energy efficiency in production and consumption of energy.
EE action plans: 
Review energy and technology policies incentives and revise these, where necessary, to promote efficient production, consumption, distribution and use of energy.---Programmes: Rapid expansion of energy saving devices eg. Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL); Energy and water efficiency in built environment.
EE building standards: 
Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: Put in place effective technological and adaptation options in built environment to improve energy and water efficiency: [...] a2. installation of solar thermal power or small wind mill at the rooftop of nearby all buildings and infrastructures; a3. Revision of building code for inclusion of energy saving devices in all infrastructures and provision for planning of construction works in energy efficient methods.
EE transport standards : 
Programme: Improvement in energy consumption pattern in transport sector and options for mitigation. Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: To improve energy use efficiency in transport sector and benefit from CDM process: [...] a2. Reducing the use of fossil fuel by improving the efficiency of energy usage; [...] a4. Substitution of biofuel, fossil fuels as appropriate
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Emphasis is [...] given to the development of renewable energy, particularly solar homes and biogas plants so that the emission is so small as possible without jeopardizing the access to energy.
RE action plans: 
Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: Put in place effective technological and adaptation options in built environment to improve energy and water efficiency: [...] a2. installation of solar thermal power or small wind mill at the rooftop of nearby all buildings and infrastructures. [...].---Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: Programme: renewable energy development: Maximizing the use of renewable energy resources to lower the GHG emission and ensuring energy security: a1. investments to scale up solar power programmes; a2. Research and investment to harness wind energy, particularly in coastal areas; a3. Feasibility studies for tidal and wave energy; a4. Study of the techno-economic, social and institutional constraints to adoption of improved biomass stoves and other technologies.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Pillar: mitigation and low carbon development to evolve low carbon development options and implement these as the country's economy grows over the coming decades and the demand for energy increases.---Emphasis is [...] given to the development of renewable energy, particularly solar homes and biogas plants so that the emission is so small as possible without jeopardizing the access to energy.---Develop a strategic energy plan and investment portfolio to ensure national energy security and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Theme: Mitigation of low carbon development. Programme: Improved energy efficiency and consumption of energy: a1. Study the future energy needs of the country and find out the least cost energy supply path that satisfies future energy demand based on the desired growth path of the economy; a2. Raise energy efficiency in power production, transmission and distribution through appropriate investments; a3. Raise energy efficiency in agricultural and industrial processes through appropriate policies and investments; a4. Raise energy efficiency in domestic and commercial/service sectors through appropriate policies and investments; a5. Raise energy efficiency in transport sector through appropriate policies and investments.---Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: Programme: Gas exploration and reservoir management; invest in gas exploration; invest in reservoir management.---Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: Programme: Development of coal mines and coal fired power stations: a1. Review coal mining methods and undertake a feasibility study to assess the technical, economic, social and environmental feasibility of coal mining power generation; a2. if the feasibility study is positive, invest in coal-mining and coal-fired power generation plants using clean coal technology.---Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: Programme: renewable energy development: Maximizing the use of renewable energy resources to lower the GHG emission and ensuring energy security: a1. investments to scale up solar power programmes; a2. Research and investment to harness wind energy, particularly in coastal areas; a3. Feasibility studies for tidal and wave energy; a4. Study of the techno-economic, social and institutional constraints to adoption of improved biomass stoves and other technologies.---Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: Management of Urban Waste: a2. Using CDM mechanisms to set up small power plants by capturing the produced methane from waste dumps. ---Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: Rapid expansion in use of CFL in all premises: a1. a rapid assessment of potential of CFL in Bangladesh; a2. Development of a project proposal for obtaining CDM benefits; a3. Facilitate expansion of CFL with support of Carbon Credit Fund.---Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: Put in place effective technological and adaptation options in built environment to improve energy and water efficiency: [...] a2. installation of solar thermal power or small wind mill at the rooftop of nearby all buildings and infrastructures; a3. Revision of building code for inclusion of energy saving devices in all infrastructures and provision for planning of construction works in energy efficient methods.---Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: To improve energy use efficiency in transport sector and benefit from CDM process: [...] a2. Reducing the use of fossil fuel by improving the efficiency of energy usage; [...] a4. Substitution of biofuel, fossil fuels as appropriate.
Carbon markets: 
Currently the country has two Clean Development Mechanisms (CdM) projects concerned with solar energy and waste management. It looks forwards to increasing the number of similar programmes and experimenting with new instruments to generate carbon credits and facilitate carbon market financing in the future.---Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: Management of Urban Waste: a2. Using CDM mechanisms to set up small power plants by capturing the produced methane from waste dumps.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Programmes: Gas exploration and reservoir management. Development of coal mines and coal fired power stations.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Develop a strategic energy plan and investment portfolio to ensure national energy security and lower greenhouse gas emissions.---Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: Programme: Gas exploration and reservoir management; invest in gas exploration; invest in reservoir management.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Review energy and technology policies incentives and revise these, where necessary, to promote efficient production, consumption, distribution and use of energy.
Clean energy technology transfer: 
Seek the transfer of state-of the art technologies from developed countries to ensure that we follow a low-carbon growth path (e.g. "clean coal" and other technologies).
Low-emission and cleaner coal technology: 
Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: Programme: Development of coal mines and coal fired power stations: a1. Review coal mining methods and undertake a feasibility study to assess the technical, economic, social and environmental feasibility of coal mining power generation; a2. if the feasibility study is positive, invest in coal-mining and coal-fired power generation plants using clean coal technology.
R&D renewable energy: 
Theme Mitigation and Low Carbon development: Programme: renewable energy development: Maximizing the use of renewable energy resources to lower the GHG emission and ensuring energy security: a1. investments to scale up solar power programmes; a2. Research and investment to harness wind energy, particularly in coastal areas; a3. Feasibility studies for tidal and wave energy.