National policy structure:
This Progress Report provides an introduction to the Tonga Energy Road Map (TERM) and a report on its activities and discusses performance outcomes, way forward and lessons learned. As a result of intensive dialogue with the Government of Tonga (GoT) and development partners, Tonga developed a ten year plan (2010-2020), the TERM, as the guiding document for GoT actions and development partner support for the energy sector. The objective of the TERM is to lay out a least-cost approach and implementation plan to reduce Tonga’s vulnerability to oil price shocks and achieve an increase in quality access to modern energy services in a financially and environmentally sustainable manner. Specific objectives involve renewable energy (RE), energy efficiency (EE), equitable access and affordability, institutional reform and petroleum security of supply.
TERM encompasses three phases:
Phase 0: Institutional Strengthening and the Legal Framework
Phase 1: Proof of Concept Renewable Energy projects Implementation
Phase 2: Private Sector Participation, Efficiency and Renewable Energy Investments, Institutionalising Renewable Energy Investments.