National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for Sri Lanka
2011 to 2016
(Final Draft)
November 16, 2010
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ADB Asian Development Bank
CB/IS Capacity Building/Institutional Strengthening
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
CBO Community Based Organizations
CC Climate Change
CCD Coast Conservation Department
CCS Climate Change Secretariat
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CEA Central Environmental Authority
CEB Ceylon Electricity Board
CZMP Coastal Zone Management Plan
DMC Disaster Management Center
DRR Disaster Risk Reduction
DWLC Department of Wildlife Conservation
DSD Divisional Secretariat Divisions
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EPA Environmentally Protected Area
ERD External Resources Department
GIS Geographic information Systems
GOSL Government of Sri Lanka
HLP National Action Plan for Haritha Lanka Programme
IAS Invasive Alien Species
IEC Information, Education and Communication
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change I
UCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
IWRM Integrated Water Resource Management
MC10YP Mahinda Chintana: A Vision for a New Sri Lanka, a Ten Year Horizon Development Framework 2006-2016
MCBF Mahinda Chintana: A Brighter Future
MoE Ministry of Environment
MoF Ministry of Finance
MoH Ministry of Health
MOH Medical Office for Health
NARA National Aquatic Research and Resources Agency
NBRO National Building Research Organization
NCCAS National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
NGO Non Governmental Organization
NPD National Planning Department
NSF National Science Foundation
NWRB National Water Resource Board
NWSDB National Water Supply and Drainage Board
PA Protected Area
PI Policy Intervention
PhI Physical Investment
PPWG Project Preparatory Working Group
PSC Project Steering Committee
RDA Road Development Authority
RPD Research and Project Development
SAM Special Area Management
SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment
SLTDA Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority
SNC Second National Communication (to UNFCCC)
SVP Sector Vulnerability Profile
SWG Sector Working Groups
TA Technical Assistance
UDA Urban Development Authority
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Message from the Hon. Minister of Environment, Sri Lanka
To be received
Message from the Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Sri Lanka
To be received
Executive Summary
Living and coping with uncertain impacts of climate change is no longer a choice; it is an imperative.
Sri Lanka is a negligible contributor to global warming. However, as a nation, we are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, which include:
- increases in the frequency and intensity of disasters such as droughts, floods and landslides;
- variability and unpredictability of rainfall patterns;
- increase in temperature; and
- sea level rise, among others.
Climate change vulnerabilities cut across many sectors in the economy, and threaten to compromise the significant achievements the country has recorded in the last 20 years. Investments currently being deployed as part of our ongoing development drive are also at risk.
This document outlines a comprehensive National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (NCCAS) which lays out a prioritized framework for action and investment for the 2011- 2016 period aimed at systematically moving Sri Lanka and its people towards a climate- change resilient future.
The NCCAS mirrors and supports Sri Lanka’s national development strategy as articulated in the Mahinda Chintana and is aimed at ensuring its success and sustainability.
Accordingly, key findings of sector-based analysis were synthesized into an integrated framework, and structured into the following 5 Strategic Thrusts:
- Mainstream Climate Change Adaptation into National Planning and Development
- Enable Climate Resilient and Healthy Human Settlements
- Minimize Climate Change Impacts on Food Security
- Improve Climate Resilience of Key Economic Drivers
- Safeguard Natural Resources and Biodiversity from Climate Change Impacts
Under each of the Strategic Thrusts, key Thematic Areas for action, along with priority Adaptation Measures, have been identified.
An estimated 47.7 billion rupees in incremental additional financing, beyond current and ongoing expenditure, will be required to implement the NCCAS over its 6 year duration.
The vast majority of these financial resources are expected to be channeled directly to the broad base of agencies and stakeholders (both within Government and beyond), to finance and implement climate change adaptation interventions of varied scale. The Ministry of Environment will play a facilitation and coordination role in the process.
Hundreds of stakeholders representing a cross section of government institutions, national NGOs, professionals, and academia covering a wide range of sectors were engaged in the process of developing this strategy.
A pipeline of projects related to each Strategic Thrust has also been developed as an integral part of the NCCAS development process, to expedite investment.
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: The Development Process 3
Guiding Principles in Strategy Formulation 3
The Climate Change Adaptation Planning Process 3
Sector Vulnerability Profile Development 4
From SVPs to Strategy: Establishing Strategic Priorities 4
Chapter 3: The Strategy 7
Strategic Thrust 1: Mainstream Climate Change Adaptation into
Natonal Palnning and Development 8
Strategic Thrust 2: Enable Climate Resilient and
Healthy Human Settlements 11
Strategic Thrust 3: Minimize Climate Change Impacts on
Food Security 14
Strategic Thrust 4: Improve Climate Resilience of
Key Economic Drivers 17
Strategic Thrust 5: Safeguard Natural Resources and
Biodiversity from Climate Change Impacts 20
The NCCAS at a Glance 24
Chapter 4: Financing Requirement and Implementation Targets 27
Appendix 1: List of Persons/Institutions Consulted 29
Appendix 2:Detailed Strategic Interventions Table 35
Appendix 3: List of Project Concept Notes Available 52
Appendix 4: Target Implementation Schedule for NCCAS 55
Appendix 5: Estimated Financing Requirements 57
Having emerged as an environmental concern, climate change is now regarded worldwide as an overarching development challenge. It can seriously affect the economic growth, food security, public health, cultural heritage, social stability and even the national security of countries.
Sri Lanka is a negligible contributor to global warming. However, as a nation, we are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, which include:
• increases in the frequency and intensity of disasters such as droughts, floods and landslides;
• variability and unpredictability of rainfall patterns;
• increase in temperature; and
• sea level rise, among others.
These vulnerabilities cut across many sectors in the economy, and threaten to compromise the significant achievements the country has recorded in the last 20 years in increasing incomes and reducing poverty, as well as our ongoing development drive.
Living and coping with uncertain impacts of climate change is no longer a choice; it is an imperative. Sri Lanka needs to address climate change adaptation to ensure that its economic development can continue without disruption or setbacks, and investments in poverty reduction, food and water security and public health will not be undone.
This document, which outlines a comprehensive National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (NCCAS), aims to achieve just that. The following pages lay out a prioritized framework for action and investment aimed at systematically moving Sri Lanka and its people towards a climate-change resilient future.
NCCAS 2011 - 2016
Guiding Principles in Strategy Formulation
The strategy development team has followed five principles to guide its activities and planning process. They were to:
• Pursue pragmatic solutions, in line with the national development agenda
The NCCAS is focused around supporting the successful implementation of the Mahinda Chintana development framework and ensuring its sustainability for the long term. The National Physical Planning Policy and Plan (NPPP), the National
Environment Policy and associated action plan, as well as the National Action Plan for Haritha Lanka Programme (HLP) have also been considered.
• Initiate process to mobilize significant investments
Consistent efforts have been made to elevate thinking above a mere advocacy agenda, and to focus on rational means to safeguard Sri Lanka’s national interests and mobilize resources to support and sustain development.
• Mobilize people/institutions to work towards integrated solutions
Focus has been placed on stimulating stakeholder interest and initiative to identify climate change risks and adaptation measures across key sectors. All efforts have been taken to capture synergies, and position Sri Lanka to take advantage of opportunities to mobilize resources to support climate change adaptation.
• Harness the wealth of expertise and knowledge already available in Sri Lanka
The strategy development process has been carried out with clear acknowledgement that a vast body of knowledge resides with a dispersed and diverse range of stakeholders and experts. All efforts have been made to consult as broad a base of stakeholders as feasible.
• Contribute towards developing the nation
Adapting to climate change is a contribution towards developing the nation. As such, the process has consistently adopted a pro-active stance in engaging stakeholders across all sectors and seeking ways to ensure that Sri Lanka’s development trajectory can be supported and made more climate change resilient.
The Climate Change Adaptation Planning Process
The NCCAS was developed through a three stage process, as follows:
- Preparing Sector Vulnerability Profiles (SVPs) for key sectors, which outline the current status of the sectors and the main potential climate change risks facing Sri Lanka.
- Adopting a participatory process for the above through working groups comprising a range of stakeholders, as well as individual consultations with key people, to refine content of the SVPs and to identify and prioritize areas for future investment.
- Synthesizing these sector based analyses into one cohesive national adaptation strategy, which includes a clear program for priority action and investment based on clearly defined strategic priorities.
Over 500 stakeholders representing a cross section of government institutions, national NGOs, professionals, and academia covering a wide range of sectors were engaged in the process. A list of key persons consulted is in Appendix 1.
Sector vulnerability Profile Development
SVPs have been developed for the following key groupings of sectors, where climate vulnerabilities are expected to be critical in the Sri Lankan context:
- Agriculture and Fisheries
- Water
- Health
- Urban Development, Human Settlements & Economic Infrastructure
- Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
These SVPs are concise background documents which support the NCCAS and were developed as a means to document the current status of each key sector and identify the key climate change related issues that need to be addressed.
The set of SVPs provides a summary snapshot of each sector grouping, highlighting their positioning in the national development trajectory, and summarizing information on the nature, scale, and geographic distribution of vulnerability to climate change impacts across key sectors. The documents also provide insight to the background that exists to position adaptation activities/interventions.
From SvPs to Strategy: Establishing Strategic Priorities
As the SVPs evolved and extensive consultations were carried out, several recurrent observations came to the fore, and formed the foundation for establishing strategic priorities for the NCCAS. These observations include:
- Climate change-related risks cannot be considered in isolation. They are often linked to, and will likely aggravate existing development disparities and problems.
- Problems are rarely isolated clearly within one sector—cross sectoral linkages are common
- A multidisciplinary approach is critical in order to effectively understand and address climate change concerns
- Integrated solutions and adaptation measures straddling multiple sectors are necessary to address risks to key national development initiatives
Sri Lanka’s development framework as articulated in the Mahinda Chintana Idiri Dekma, and the Mahinda Chintana 10 Year Horizon Development Framework (MC10YP), outlines the overarching development strategy Sri Lanka is pursuing. Several key pillars of the national development strategy are apparent upon evaluation of the approximately Rs. 4.3 trillion investment framework planned for the 2006-2016 period in the MC10YP.
- Investments in human settlements, which combine initiatives in housing, urban development, and drinking water, among others, total over Rs. 947 billion.
- Investments in food security—combining irrigation, agriculture, fisheries, and nutrition total over Rs. 360 billion.
- Investments in key economic drivers such as transport infrastructure, tourism, and plantations exceed Rs. 1,454 billion.
- While planned investment in environmental and natural resource conservation is a relatively modest Rs. 18.5 billion, conservation and effective management of these resources is recognized as a core principal in the development strategy.
Collectively these core pillars of the MC10YP represent over 65% of the total planned investments in the 10 year plan. In socio-economic terms, these key strategic areas which underpin the national development strategy, effectively reach the entire population of the country. Success and sustainability of the investments are of critical importance.
All of the above key thrusts of Sri Lanka’s development framework show vulnerabilities to climate change. Adaptive measures will be necessary to ensure their long term resilience and sustainability in the face of climate change.
In order to effectively bolster Sri Lanka’s national development effort and ensure its success and sustainability, the NCCAS aggregates findings across sectors, and addresses them in an integrated manner which reflects the national priorities articulated through the Mahinda Chintana.
NCCAS 2011 - 2016
The NCCAS mirrors and supports Sri Lanka’s national development strategy as articulated in the Mahinda Chintana and is aimed at ensuring its success and sustainability.
Accordingly, key findings of sector-based analysis were synthesized into an integrated framework, and structured into the following 5 Strategic Thrusts:
- Mainstream Climate Change Adaptation into National Planning and Development
Includes cross cutting policy measures, capacity building, safeguards, monitoring programs, coordination mechanisms, etc
- Enable Climate resilient and Healthy Human Settlements
Includes housing, urban development and planning, public health, drainage, drinking water, urban wetlands, waste management, pollution control, etc.
- Minimize Climate Change impacts on Food Security
Includes agriculture, fisheries, irrigation, nutrition, etc.
- improve Climate resilience of Key Economic Drivers
Includes tourism, transport, power, commercial agriculture, etc.
- Safeguard Natural resources and Biodiversity from Climate Change impacts
Includes water resources management, biodiversity conservation, etc.
Under each of the Strategic Thrusts, key Thematic Areas for action, along with priority Adaptation Measures, have been identified. These are outlined in the following pages.
Detailed information on each recommended Adaptation Measure is in Appendix 2. The overall NCCAS at-a-glance is at the end of this chapter.
A pipeline of projects related to each Strategic Thrust has also been developed as part of the NCCAS, to expedite investment. An index of climate change adaptation projects/
concepts seeking financing are in Appendix 3, and the compilation of the relevant concept notes, which were developed by a wide range of stakeholders, is available in a separate volume. Development of additional adaptation project concepts is an ongoing process.
Climate Change Adaptation into National Planning and Development
Following the dawn of peace, Sri Lanka has accelerated its multifaceted development drive, which is expected to transform the country in both physical and economic terms within the next decade. Major investments are being rolled out across many sectors, and ambitious targets are being pursued.
The effects of climate change, however, if unaddressed, will likely have impacts on our development drive and the sustainability of our achievements. Such climate change- induced impacts, which we are already beginning to see, cut across multiple sectors. They also often exacerbate problems that the country is already grappling with. For example:
- Increased frequency and intensity of natural hazards such as droughts, floods, and landslides are causing damage to infrastructure, crops, and livelihoods.
- Vector borne diseases are spreading at an alarming rate, while a changing climate creates conditions more conducive for mosquito breeding.
- Our natural resources, which are the underpinning of our society and major industries such as tourism, are under severe stresses due to growing human settlements and anthropogenic activities. These stresses are compounded by climate change impacts.
An integrated approach is needed to mainstream climate change adaptation into to national planning and development, and improve the climate resilience of Sri Lanka’s economy and its people. This includes cross-cutting interventions that impact across multiple strategic thrusts and sectors in the economy. Given the scale and significance of potential impacts, climate change adaptation must be considered from the early stages of development planning through the implementation of major projects and programmes. Sri Lanka’s society also needs to have more access to information on climate change related threats they may face, and what they can do at household or community levels to adapt and protect themselves.
NCCAS 2011 - 2016
Thematic Areas for Action:
- Strengthen national level climate-adaptation planning and implementation capacity
Climate change adaptation planning capacity is very limited, and scattered. The Climate Change Secretariat (CCS) has a mandate to coordinate climate change related activity across the country. However, CCS capacity to execute on this mandate is constrained on many fronts. Technical capacity to effectively deal with climate change is lacking across key sector agencies as well. There is no focal point or unit responsible for ensuring climate resilience criteria are considered in national level planning initiatives. There are no training institutions or programmes locally which are targeted at building the required technical skill base for effective long term management of climate change risks either. A pool of experts and future leaders in this space needs to be developed and nurtured.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
i Strengthen and restructure CCS
ii Develop sector specific training programmes on climate change adaptation iii Introduce climate change studies at university level
- Ensure future investments/economic plans are climate resilient
Climate change considerations are largely not included in planning processes across the economy. While knowledge of the concept of climate change seems widespread, awareness about what can and should be done to adapt is still very limited. Adequate guidelines and safeguards are lacking. The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) guidelines, for example, do not specifically include any climate change considerations. Often these are the only environmental
checks on major investments – various economic sectors depend on them for guidance on environmental sustainability considerations. Understanding of the economics of climate change in the Sri Lankan context is limited. There seems to be a great deal of ‘fatigue’ among stakeholders in talking about climate change. There is weariness on the limited scope for mitigation action. More focus needs to be placed on adaptation and action, and resource mobilization.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Incorporate climate change concerns into SEA processes
- Increase awareness of climate change issues across all levels of government.
- Quantify economic costs of climate change on specific sectors
- Systematically research climate change-adaptation options and disseminate knowledge
While climate change-related initiatives and research are being carried out on an ad- hoc basis by various stakeholders, there is little coordination among them. A range of institutions are coordinating initiatives and research related to climate change (e.g. Department of Meteorology, Disaster Management Center, Universities, NBRO, CCS, NSF, etc.). Access to information and lessons from these various initiatives is limited. An improved and more effective platform for the planning, coordinating, sharing, and disseminating of climate change-related knowledge, which is also clearly linked to national planning activity, is urgently needed.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Establish coordinated research programme with widespread dissemination
- Model possible future climate scenarios
- Conduct regular national forums on climate impacts on various sectors
- Capture, evaluate and disseminate traditional knowledge on adaptive measures
- increase financing for climate change adaptation
Availability of financing for climate adaptation is limited, and a key factor for the fatigue and frustration expressed by many stakeholders participating in climate change initiatives. However, Sri Lanka has an opportunity to capture substantial resources specifically targeted towards climate change being made available internationally. The pursuit of such financing opportunities, however, will require a concerted effort, guided by the Ministry of Finance and supported by cross-sectoral expertise. Institutional mechanisms to effectively allocate, manage, and monitor such financing will also need to be established. Non-government stakeholders and smaller players should also be empowered to access financing and implement climate change adaptation interventions.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Strengthen NPD/ERD to pursuit financing for climate change adaptation
- Establish climate change adaptation small grant facility
- Establish multi-sectoral climate negotiation team for Sri Lanka
- Support climate-change adaptation regulations with incentives, where possible
- inform and mobilize stakeholders at multiple levels in support of climate adaptation
The education system, media, and other information ‘multipliers’ are at this point not effectively engaged in disseminating information on climate change. The target groups that need to be mobilized to support climate change adaptation in Sri Lanka are many—ranging from international agencies to local communities. Awareness about technical solutions to climate-induced problems are not available at the local levels, in the local languages and in accessible formats. More effective engagement of civil society organizations is needed, particularly to mobilize for community-level adaptation to climate impacts.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Effectively engage education system, media, and other information ‘multipliers’
- Make information about adaptation options available at community level
- Promote policy change for climate change adaptation through small group engagement
- Engage existing institutional and community-based mechanisms for coordination
- Combat negative anthropogenic activity (such as sand mining)
Climate resilient and Healthy Human Settlements
Sri Lanka is unmistakably on a path of rapid urbanization. Aggressive investments in urban development, housing, and healthcare are core tenets of the national development framework. With immense investments planned in line with the Mahinda Chintana and the NPPP, Sri Lanka is expected to become a predominantly urban country within the next decade, if not sooner.
The MC10YP and MCBF outline a range of investments in human settlements, urban development, drinking water supply, and health infrastructure totaling almost a trillion rupees by 2016. Targets include the development of new metro cities, construction of over 600,000 new housing units, and working towards making Sri Lanka the “Wonder of Asia.”
The effects of climate change, however, are expected to have substantial impacts on our human settlements and our development trajectory. Such impacts, which we are already beginning to see, typically cut across multiple sectors. They also often exacerbate problems that the country is already grappling with.
Climate-related impacts related to the country’s human settlements include:
- Increased frequency and intensity of floods and landslides causing extensive asset loss/damage and displacement of people, particularly the poor.
- Increased frequency and intensity of droughts exerting greater pressure on our freshwater resources, and making drinking water shortages more frequent and severe, particularly in the Dry and Intermediate Zones.
- Increases in ambient temperatures resulting in greater energy (electricity) demand for cooling purposes.
- Increases in vector densities due to climatic factors, resulting in the rapid spread of diseases such as dengue, particularly in urban areas.
- Gradual sea level rise and associated effects causing long-term damage to coastal settlements, infrastructure, and livelihoods.
An integrated approach is needed to enable the development of climate resilient and healthy human settlements to ensure Sri Lanka’s national interests are not jeopardized by current and potential climate change-induced risks. The range of cross-cutting issues will require interventions spanning across planning, housing, water supply and drainage, health, roads, and several other sectors.
Thematic Areas for Action:
- Mobilize stakeholders for climate change adaptation of settlements
Various mechanisms for community and household level adaptation to climate change-- such as improved construction methods already developed--are not widely in use.
This is partly due to poor mobilization of stakeholders on the ground. Sri Lanka has existing institutional mechanisms (such as District Coordinating Committees and local government) which are geared towards ensuring engagement of the local level. However, their engagement in mobilizing stakeholders towards climate change adaptation has not been initiated. The same applies to the extensive grassroots networks of the NGO sector. Systematic and targeted approach to mobilize stakeholders for multi-sectoral adaptation initiatives is needed. Effective regulations and/or incentives to promote adaptation in settlements are lacking.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Establish coordination body/mechanism for climate change adaptation of settlements
- Promote improved climate resilient construction methods
- Support climate change adaptation interventions with incentives
- improve planning to include climate change considerations
Human settlement planning in the Sri Lankan context largely ignores climate change related concerns such as the increased frequency/intensity of natural hazards, changes in rainfall patterns, temperature rise, and sea level rise. This is in part due to a lack of information on possible risks and impacts. While development plans are formulated for the major urban areas in the country, such planning initiatives do not cover areas currently beyond UDA’s purview. Inadequacy of land planning is leading to haphazard and sprawling development patterns, degradation of environmental conditions, and increases in the climate change vulnerability of human settlements.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Develop detailed local-level hazard maps for key settlements
- Stimulate greening of settlements and preservation of natural ecosystems
- Promote land use planning and monitoring for both urban and rural areas
- Research climate change impacts on human settlements and link to planning
- Ensure adequate quality and quantity of water for settlements
As human settlements rapidly expand, the pressure to ensure adequate quality and quantity of water to fulfill the demand for domestic (and industrial) use also increases. This pressure is exacerbated by the impacts of climate change. Sri Lanka currently has poor management of watersheds and water sources. Principles of IWRM are rarely implemented.
Contamination of water sources is a common problem. Awareness and technical knowledge to conserve water and control pollution is limited. While several agencies carry out water quality monitoring and surveillance, it is inadequate and not carried out in a systematic and coordinated manner. Data sharing among key stakeholders is lacking. The use of water saving methods and rainwater harvesting are also limited.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Promote water saving technologies including rainwater harvesting
- Improve monitoring/surveillance and sharing of data across sectors
- Promote integrated water resources and watershed management
- Research climate impacts on water availability and develop scalable adaptation models
- Combat climate change-related health concerns in settlements
Climate change-related health concerns in the Sri Lankan context are not fully understood, although clear links between changing climate and the rapid spread of mosquito, rodent, and water-borne diseases, as well as respiratory diseases, are widely acknowledged.
The spread of such climate change-linked communicable diseases is exacerbated due to haphazard development patterns and the associated degradation of environmental conditions. While the health sector collects extensive data to monitor and control health concerns, data collected by MOH area is incongruent with the divisional secretariat boundaries used by most other sectors, making cross-sectoral analysis and cooperation difficult.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Monitor and control vector borne diseases
- Facilitate data sharing and compatibility between Ministry of Health and other sectors
- Engage health sector experts in local level planning
- Research health impacts of climate change in Sri Lankan context
- increase awareness on vulnerabilities and adaptation of settlements
Awareness levels about the impacts of climate change on human settlements are limited among the public, technical service providers, as well as government agencies. Research in this area is limited, and dissemination of findings is lacking. Media engagement or targeted messaging aimed at increasing the resilience of human settlements to climate change is largely absent and inter-sectoral coordination is lacking as well.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Improve the gathering, processing and dissemination of information related to human settlements
- Enhance awareness and demand for climate resilient construction
- Improve coordination/dissemination through existing institutional mechanisms
- Engage media more proactively with messaging tailored for stakeholders
Ensuring food security is the core principle behind development of the agriculture, fisheries and irrigation sectors in Sri Lanka’s national development agenda. This thrust is further bolstered by the emphasis on nutrition in the health sector. Our national development drive seeks to substantially increase agricultural productivity, increase fisheries yields, and decrease malnourishment. The MC10YP stipulates investments of over Rs. 360 billion during the plan period in non-plantation agricultural productivity enhancements and irrigation alone.
However, climate change impacts may substantially hamper our development aims and performance in this Strategic Thrust. For example:
- Increasing demands on our freshwater resources due to expanding settlements, combined with impacts of droughts and saline intrusion in the coastal areas, will reduce water availability for both agriculture and household use.
- Variability and unpredictability of rainfall regimes impact the reliability of agricultural yields, particularly for crops with specific growing seasons, such as rice.
- Droughts and increased soil erosion will reduce storage capacity in irrigation tanks and canals, which are already low in maintenance.
An integrated approach is needed to minimize the climate change impacts on food security involving irrigation, agriculture, fisheries, nutrition (health) and environment sectors as part of the initiative to ensure Sri Lanka’s national interests are adapted to be resilient to potential climate change-induced risks.
Thematic Areas for Action:
- Ensure ability to meet food production and nutrition demand
Fluctuations in agricultural, livestock, and fisheries production volumes and pricing can be expected as a result of climate change impacts. The irregularity of rainfall patterns, for example, is a major problem particularly for paddy cultivation, requiring the rapid distribution of seed stock of specific varieties depending on the onset of monsoon rains. Yield loss due to drought, flood, and salinity are increasing due to climate change. The impact of climate change on pest populations is not clearly understood. Neither are the impacts of climate change on the livestock and fisheries sectors. Fluctuations in production will inevitably manifest in pricing variations that will make it even more difficult for vulnerable populations to meet their nutritional needs. Crop diversification may be required.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Increase awareness on alternative options to meet nutrition requirements
- Improve weather forecasting and information dissemination
- Ensure easy access to seed stock alternatives to counter rainfall variability
- Research climate impacts/adaptive measures for agriculture, livestock and fisheries sectors
- Conserve genetic resources for future crop and livestock improvement
- Ensure adequate water availability for agriculture
Ensuring adequate water availability for agriculture despite climate change is a key challenge in ensuring food security. Increased frequency and severity of droughts, combined with increased soil erosion and siltation due to high intensity rains, could limit ground and surface water capacity. Sea level rise is increasing the threat of saline intrusion, and the situation is exacerbated by sand mining in rivers. The irregularity of rainfall patterns is a major problem particularly for paddy cultivation. Sri Lanka’s ancient tank systems are not optimally utilized. Integrated management of water resources is generally not practiced and forest cover in catchments is diminishing. While water saving farming practices and crops have been identified, their use is limited.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Promote water-efficient farming methods and crops to improve water productivity
- Improve maintenance of existing tanks and reservoirs including their watersheds and catchments
- Adopt and promote the principles of IWRM
- Construct new reservoirs and trans-basin diversions to meet demand
- Mitigate food security-related socio-economic impacts
Over the medium to long term, climate change may impact the competitiveness of Sri Lanka as a producer of certain products in agriculture, while giving it competitive advantages in others. The impact of probable scenarios on entire value chains is not clearly understood. A clear understanding of the scale of socio-economic impacts is also lacking.
For example, communities dependent on the marine fisheries industry may be impacted by threats to their settlements and landing sites due to erosion and sea level rise. Other vulnerable groups throughout the country may be similarly at risk. Initiatives to minimize socio-economic impacts of climate change through diversification or risk transfer are limited.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Encourage risk transfer methods such as insurance
- Research climate impacts on long-term food security and agriculture value chains
- Identify and help vulnerable fishing communities to adapt or relocate
- increase awareness and mobilize communities for climate change adaptation
Communities dependent on agriculture are already feeling the impacts of climate change, but awareness about how to adapt at a community or household level is lacking. Some potential adaptation options for the agriculture sector have been studied, but have not been scaled up. Existing field level coordination mechanisms and the extensive grassroots networks of the NGO sector are not effectively engaged or mobilized to support climate change adaptation.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Increase awareness on climate impacts on food security and on the potential adaptive measures
- Pilot test and scale up community level agriculture/livestock/fisheries adaptation models
- Improve utilization of field level coordination mechanisms and civil society organizations
- Promote risk transfer initiatives
The MC10YP and MCBF stipulate aggressive investments in much needed economic infrastructure, including transport, power, housing, etc. It has also initiated major initiatives to substantially expand and capture the potential of industries such as tourism and shipping. The total investment stipulated between 2007 and 2016 (the plan period) is over Rs. 1.4 trillion (accounts for over a third of total investments in the MC10YP). A major transformation of the country in both physical and economic terms is widely anticipated as a result of these investments.
While these major investments are being rolled out, adequate consideration of potential climate change induced risks is critical to ensure that our investments and economic growth are sustainable over the long term. Some investments and sectors may be substantially vulnerable to climate change. For example:
- Sea level rise, storm surges and continued coastal erosion will have negative impacts on our coastal infrastructure. Some of our most critical transport infrastructure runs through coastal areas, and are already being impacted by erosion.
- Sri Lanka’s tourism industry is underpinned by its natural resources, including beaches and biodiversity, which could be negatively impacted by climate change impacts such as temperature rise, sea level rise, and increased natural hazards.
- Frequent floods and landslides are already causing extensive damage to our infrastructure in regions prone to natural hazards. The impacts will get worse with the increase in frequency and intensity of these hazards due to climate change.
An integrated approach is needed to improve the climate resilience of key economic drivers involving tourism, transport, commercial agriculture and several other sectors to minimize risks to Sri Lanka’s development trajectory.
Thematic Areas for Action:
- Minimize impacts of climate change on infrastructure
Most infrastructure constructed in Sri Lanka to date, including roads, drainage systems, railways, etc. have not factored in climate change considerations. While in some areas it may not matter, in others this is critical. For example, transport infrastructure in certain coastal areas could be under severe threat due to sea level rise. A systematic investment program to adapt infrastructure prone to climate change risks is not available. This will necessarily have to follow after a detailed study, but the investments involved could be substantial. Sectors such as tourism are also under threat, as our beaches and biodiversity which underpin our tourism product are both at risk due to climate change. At a broader level, guidelines and standards for development and engineering of infrastructure currently in use are outdated and do not include climate change risk considerations—thus posing a substantial threat to the sustainability of ongoing investments.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Identify climate change risks on transport infrastructure, and invest in adaptive measures
- Update standards/guidelines for infrastructure design and development
- Include climate change adaptations in tourism planning guidelines
- Minimize impacts of climate change on plantation sector
Climate impacts on the major plantation crops such as tea, rubber and coconut are being studied, but awareness on how climate change will impact the various crops is limited particularly among field level stakeholders. Clear plans are not available for scaleable adaptive measures and how and where to deploy them. Climate change may present opportunities as well as threats. Potential opportunities have not been explored. A systematic body of research aimed at ensuring the climate change resilience of Sri Lanka’s key plantation industries needs to be pursued.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Research climate impacts and adaptive measures in plantation sub-sectors
- Pilot test and scale-up sub-sector specific adaptation measures
- Evaluate and exploit potential productivity benefits due to climate change
- Assist key industries in coping with climate change impacts
A lack of information, coordination, guidance and safeguards inhibit the ability to ensure investments in industries are resilient to climate change. A more comprehensive assessment of climate change impacts on our key industries is needed. Such information needs to be easily accessible to investors, as well as planners and regulators. Community level awareness of potential climate impacts on industries, and how they may adapt is also limited. Energy saving methods and the use of renewable energy sources although recognized as desirable, could be promoted more aggressively as well.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Make sector-specific climate vulnerability information available to investors/ regulators
- Encourage climate change risk transfer options for key industries
- Research potential climate change impacts/adaptive measures for key industries
- Offer incentives for industrial energy saving practices and renewable energy usage
- raise awareness about climate vulnerability in key economic sectors
Climate change awareness in key economic sectors is currently low and vague. The capacity within sectors/industries to address climate change concerns is also extremely limited. A sustained and broad-based dialogue to improve awareness, and to mobilize stakeholders within vulnerable industries (such as tourism and plantations) for climate change adaptation is needed. This calls for raising the awareness and understanding of climate vulnerabilities, adaptation options and costs. A balanced and constructive approach is needed.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Increase climate change awareness at all levels
- Build capacity for climate change adaptation in key economic sectors
- Engage wider stakeholders in dialogue on climate adaptation
Land and water are among Sri Lanka’s most important natural resources, which together with the island’s exceptional biodiversity underpin food security, livelihoods, nutrition and health of the population as well as economic development. This is particularly evident in the fields of agriculture and livestock production, fisheries, forestry, tourism, traditional medicine, most manufacturing industries, and external trade. Sri Lanka’s high biodiversity includes a diverse array of ecosystems and species, and provides for a wide range of ecosystem services, such as providing fresh water, ameliorating the climate, containing soil erosion, regulating surface runoff and providing bio-resources. Not surprisingly, the importance of the country’s natural resources and biodiversity are recognized in key national planning documents and policies, and over-arching policies and plans that govern environmental management.
The potential climate change vulnerabilities of natural resources and biodiversity include:
- Land degradation due to extreme weather events, natural hazards, and soil erosion that causes loss of soil fertility and agricultural productivity.
- Changes in water quality and quantity in inland freshwaters.
- Degradation of vegetation in watersheds due to climate change.
- Changes in terrestrial, inland wetland and coastal systems, their species and ecosystem services, due to changes in rainfall regimes and rising temperatures.
- Changes in growth rates, reproduction and geographic ranges of species and phenology of plants due to climatic changes.
- Changes in coastal and marine systems, species and ecosystem services due to sea level rise, global warming and ocean acidification, with particular impacts on coral reefs and associated species.
All climate change impacts on biodiversity may not be preventable. However, guidelines provided by the Secretariat to the Convention on Biological Diversity suggest that timely identification of threats, concerted conservation action to increase and maintain the resilience of species and ecosystems, availability of connected and safe protected areas and conducive refugia for affected species, and the use of an integrated ecosystem approach are practical and effective climate change adaptation strategies.
Thematic Areas for action:
- Ensure adequate quality and quantity of water for human wellbeing and ecosystem services
Sri Lanka, though not a water scarce country, needs to manage its resources effectively to ensure future water security and related ecosystem services in view of climate change.
Already, the availability of both ground and surface waters for human needs and ecosystem services is reduced due to declining water quality in all climatic zones, and declining water quantity in the dry and intermediate zones. There is an urgent need to strengthen and centralize the management of water resources in the country with a strong water policy to minimize current confusion on responsibilities in water management. Thereafter, an effective water quality monitoring system, national level IWRM plans to address multiple users and environmental flows, and mechanisms to identify, protection and manage watersheds that lie outside protected areas, have to be initiated.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Promote efficient water resource use and development using IWRM
- Promote research partnerships on good practices for varied water uses
- Strengthen/establish an institution to coordinate management of water resources
- Enhance climate change resilience of terrestrial ecosystems and their services
Habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation due to decreased canopy cover and forest conversion to other uses are major anthropogenic threats that undermine and erode terrestrial biodiversity. Resilience of forests and other key terrestrial habitats, as well as the species they contain, need to be enhanced in all climatic zones. The ecosystem approach provides an effective framework for integrated management with the participation of key stakeholders. Special attention should be given to areas with already threatened, endemic, or otherwise important species with high vulnerability to climate change.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Link/restore/conserve, forests and other habitat refugia to increase resilience of ecosystems and species
- Convert monoculture forest plantations into mixed species plantations
- Promote land use planning for biodiversity conservation and limit inappropriate vegetation conversion
- Establish and/or effectively manage Protected Areas and other important wildlife refuges in all climatic zones
- Enhance the resilience of coastal and marine ecosystems and associated vulnerable species
Many coastal ecosystems are degraded due to poor land use, coastal erosion, pollution and over-exploitation of resources. With increasing temperature and changing weather patterns coastal ecosystems will inevitably face changes in their physical, chemical and biological functions. Anthropogenic stresses that degrade these systems further need to be minimized. New Special Area Management (SAM) sites should be identified and plans developed. Already existing SAM plans should be effectively implemented encouraging the adoption of the integrated coastal zone management approach. Sustainable use of coastal resources should be promoted at community level.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Promote integrated coastal resource management, particularly at SAM sites
- Restore and rehabilitate degraded coastal ecosystems and depleted coastal species
- Enhance climate change resilience of natural inland wetlands and associated species.
Inland wetlands are rich in species and are the source of water for domestic, agriculture and inland fishery related needs. They are often degraded or lost due to multiple anthropogenic threats. The loss of wetlands in urban areas that are important as flood retention areas and habitats for urban biodiversity has resulted in major urban floods in recent years. Pollution of inland wetlands has led to substantial ecosystem and biodiversity degradation. Inland wetlands need to be protected to ensure uninterrupted ecosystem services that sustain us. Special attention needs to placed on coastal freshwater wetlands and biodiversity that face high risk of salt water intrusion due to over-extraction, inland sand mining, and sea level rise.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Protect marshes/flood retention areas in urban areas and limit land conversion.
- Prevent the discharge of industrial effluents and solid waste into inland wetlands
- Control and manage salt water intrusion into coastal freshwater wetlands
- Strengthen coordination and streamline management of wetlands across relevant agencies
- Address socioeconomic concerns resulting from climate change impacts on biodiversity
Biodiversity based livelihoods and communities are bound to be adversely affected by climate change. Sea level rise, for example, will impact fishery processes, livelihoods, and life styles of coastal communities. Unplanned forest clearing in the dry zone has resulted in drastic changes in food habits and migration routes of animals such as elephants, which in turn have increased human-animal conflicts. Adapting in such situations requires skill building to adjust to changes in bio-resources, shifting to alternate means of livelihood, or sometimes relocating to safer places.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Identify and address climate change impacts on biodiversity that affect local communities
- Help communities to adapt to changes in livelihoods or to relocate when necessar
- research, monitor and address impacts of climate change on biodiversity
Extensive research is needed to better understand climate change impacts on the natural resources and biodiversity of Sri Lanka. Research and monitoring activities addressing a wide range of ecosystems, their species and their interactions need to be studied, understood and potential adaptive interventions identified. Research and monitoring of Invasive Alien Species and other potential threats should be strengthened to help develop effective interventions in controlling them. The use of traditional knowledge in conservation should also be explored.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Research and monitoring programs to strengthen knowledge base on climate change and terrestrial biodiversity
- Research and monitoring programs to strengthen knowledge base on climate change and aquatic biodiversity
- Minimize entry, establishment and spread of invasive alien species (IAS)
- raise awareness and mobilize stakeholders for conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services
Rising awareness on the importance of natural resources and biodiversity is crucial in effectively protecting and conserving them. Educating all stakeholders on the current problems, how they are expected to worsen with climate change, and how they can help is essential in resolving long-standing problems in ecosystem conservation. While public awareness has risen on conserving species and ecosystems, there is still limited understanding of the newer concepts of ecosystem services. Enhancing this knowledge would help in promoting integrated, ecosystems-based approaches to climate adaptation.
Priority Adaptation Measures:
- Focus on minimizing current stresses on ecosystems
- Promote training and awareness on use of the ecosystem approach for conservation
- Build capacity for climate adaptation research among students and staff of conservation agencies
- Increase public awareness about the value of aquatic and marine ecosystems
- Engage in dialogue with wider stakeholders
The NCCAS at a Glance
A Strengthening national climate-adaptation planning and implementation capacity
i Strengthen and restructure CCS
ii Develop of sector specific training programmes on CC adaptation measures
iii Introduce climate change studies at university level
B Ensure future investments/economic plans are climate resilient
i Incorporate CC concerns into SEA processes
ii Increase knowledge and understanding of CC among planners and senior technical staff
iii Quantify economic costs of CC on specific sectors
C Systematically research climate change-adaptation options and disseminate knowledge
i Establish coordinated multidisciplinary research programme with widespread dissemination
ii Model possible future climate scenarios
iii Conduct regular national forums on climate impacts on various sectors
iv Capture, evaluate and disseminate traditional knowledge on adaptive measures
D Increase financing for CC adaptation
i Strengthen NPD/ERD to pursuit financing for climate change adaptation
ii Establish CC adaptation small grant facility
iii Establish a multi-sectoral climate negotiation team for Sri Lanka
iv Support CC adaptation regulations with incentives, wherever possible
E Inform and mobilize stakeholders at multiple levels in support of climate adaptation
i Effectively engage education system, media and other information ‘multipliers’ ii Make information about adaption options available at community level
iii Promote policy change for CC adaptation through small group engagement
iv Engage existing institutional and community-based mechanisms for coordination of adaptation activities
v Combat negative anthropogenic activity (such as sand mining)
A Mobilize stakeholders for CC adaptation of settlements
i Establish coordination body/mechanism for CC adaptation of settlements
ii Promote improved climate resilient construction methods
iii Support CC adaptation interventions with incentives
B Improve planning to include CC considerations
i Develop detailed local-level hazard maps for key settlements
ii Upgrade drainage in key settlements
ii Stimulate greening and increase of canopy cover in settlements and preserve natural ecosystems
iii Promote land use planning and monitoring for both urban and rural areas
iv Research CC impacts on human settlements and link to planning
C Ensure adequate quality and quantity of water for settlements
i Promote water saving technologies including rainwater harvesting
ii Improve monitoring/surveillance and sharing of data across sectors
iii Promote integrated water resources and watershed management
iv Research climate impacts on water availability and develop scalable adaptation models
D Combat climate change-related health concerns in settlements
i Monitor and control vector borne diseases
ii Facilitate data sharing and compatibility between Ministry of Health and other sectors
iii Engage health sector experts in local level planning
iv Research health impacts of CC in Sri Lankan context
E Increase awareness on vulnerabilities and adaptation of settlements
i Improve the gathering, processing and dissemination of information related to human settlements
ii Enhance awareness and demand for climate resilient construction
iii Improve coordination/dissemination through existing institutional mechanisms
iv Engage media more proactively with messaging tailored for stakeholders
A Ensure ability to meet food production and nutrition demand
i Promote alternative options to meet nutrition requirements
ii Improve weather forecasting and information dissemination
iii Ensure easy access to seedstock alternatives/advice to counter rainfall variability
iv Research climate impacts/adaptive measures for agriculture, livestock and fisheries sectors
v Conserve genetic resources for future crop and livestock improvement
B Ensure adequate water availability for agriculture
i Promote water-efficient farming methods and crops
ii Improve maintenance of existing tanks and reservoirs including their watersheds and catchments
iii Adopt and promote the principles of IWRM
iv Contruct new reservoirs and trans-basin diversions to meet demand
C Mitigate food security-related socioeconomic impacts
i Encourage development of risk transfer methods
ii Research climate impacts on long-term food security and agriculture value chains
iii Identify and help vulnerable fishing communities to adapt or relocate
D Increase awareness and mobilize communities for CC adaptation
i Increase awareness on climate impacts on food security and on the potential adaptive measures.
ii Pilot test and scale up community level agricuture/livestock/fisheries adaptation models
iii Improve utilization of field level coordination mechanisms and civil society organizations
iv Promote risk transfer initiatives
Strategic Thrust 4: improve Climate resilience of Key Economic Drivers
A Minimize impacts of CC on infrastructure
i Identify CC risks on transport infrastructure, and invest in adaptive measures ii Update standards/guidelines for infrastructure design and development
iii Include CC adaptations in tourism planning guideilnes
B Minimize impacts of CC on plantation sector
i Research climate impacts and adaptive measures in plantation sub-sectors
ii Pilot test and scale-up sub-sector specific adaptation measures
iii Evaluate and exploit potential productivity benefits due to CC
C Assist key industries in coping with CC impacts
i Make sector-specific climate vulnerability information available to investors/regulator
ii Encourage CC risk transfer options for key industries
iii Research potential CC impacts/adaptive measures for key industries
iv Offer incentives for industrial energy saving practices and renewable energy usage
D Raise awareness about climate vulnerability in key economic sectors
i Increase CC awareness at all levels
ii Build capacity for CC adaptation in key economic sectors
iii Engage wider stakeholders in dialogue on climate adaptation
Strategic Thrust 5: Safeguard Natural resources and Biodiversity from CC impacts
A Ensure adequate quality and quantity of water for human wellbeing and ecosystem services
i Promote efficient water resource use and development using IWRM
ii Promote research partnerships on good practices for varied water uses
iii Strengthen/establish an institution to coordinate management of water resources
B Enhance CC resilience of terrestrial ecosystems and their services
i Link/restore/conserve, forests and other habitat refugia to increase resilience of ecosystems and species ii Convert monoculture forest plantations into mixed species plantations
iii Promote land use planning for biodiversity conservation and limit inappropriate vegetation conversion iv Establish and/or effectively manage PAs and other important wildlife refuges in all climatic zones
C Enhance the resilience of coastal and marine ecosystems and associated vulnerable species
i Promote integrated coastal resource management, particularly at SAM sites
ii Restore and rehabilitate degraded coastal ecosystems and depleted coastal species
D Enhance CC resilience of natural inland wetlands and associated species
i Protect marshes/flood retention areas in urban areas and limit land conversion
ii Prevent discharge of industrial effluents and solid waste into inland wetlands
iii Control and manage salt water intrusion into coastal freshwater wetlands
iv Strengthen coordination and streamline management of wetlands across relevant agencies
E Address socioeconomic concerns resulting from CC impacts on biodiversity
i Identify and address CC impacts on biodiversity that affect local communities
ii Help communities to adapt to changes in livelihoods or to relocate when necessary
F Research, monitor and address impacts of CC on biodiversity
i Research and monitoring programs to strengthen knowledge base on CC and terrestrial biodiversty
ii Research and monitoring programs to strengthen knowledge base on CC and aquatic biodiversity
iii Minimize entry, establishment and spread of IAS
G Raise awareness & mobilize stakeholders for conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem svcs.
i Focus on minimizing current stresses on ecosystems
ii Promote training and awareness on use of the ecosystem approach for conservation
iii Build capacity for climate adaptation research among students and staff of conservation agencies
iv. Increase public awareness about the value of aquatic and marine ecosystems v Engage in dialogue with wider stakeholders
The NCCAS lays out a framework for action for the 2011-2016 period, with the aim of moving Sri Lanka towards a bright and climate change resilient future.
Adaptation to climate change requires concerted action from many corners of Sri Lankan society including politicians and leaders, government agencies, NGOs, researchers, academia, the private sector, as well as communities and households. The NCCAS is expected to lay a broad framework for coordinating and mobilizing this range of stakeholders around a prioritized framework of action.
An estimated 47.7 billion rupees in incremental additional financing, beyond current and ongoing expenditure, will be required to implement the NCCAS over its 6 year duration. This resource pool, which needs to be raised and mobilized, is expected to include investments from Government, international development partners, NGOs, as well as the private sector.
Estimated Financing requirements (rs.million)
Strategic Thrust | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | Total |
1: Mainstream CC Adaptation into National Planning & Development | 50 | 554 | 669 | 637 | 820 | 820 | 3,550 |
2: Enable Climate resilient & Healthy Human Settlements | 91 | 496 | 2,768 | 2,434 | 2,398 | 2,098 | 10,285 |
3: Minimize Climate Change impacts on Food Security | 8 | 183 | 2,123 | 1,690 | 1,755 | 7,215 | 12,974 |
4: improve Climate resilience of Key Economic Drivers | 160 | 375 | 3,785 | 3,610 | 3,875 | 3,375 | 15,160 |
5: Safeguard Nat. resources & Biodiversity from CC impacts | 20 | 219 | 279 | 1,652 | 1,770 | 1,790 | 5,730 |
Total | 329 | 1,837 | 9,604 | 10,023 | 10,618 | 15,298 | 47,699 |
The vast majority of these financial resources are expected to be channeled directly to the broad base of agencies and stakeholders (both within Government and beyond), to finance and implement climate change adaptation interventions of varied scale. Such interventions would range from discrete stand-alone projects aimed at climate change adaptation, to add-ons to ongoing projects to bolster their climate resilience. The Ministry of Environment will play a facilitation and coordination role in the process.
Further detail on the estimated financing required is in Appendix 4. A target schedule for implementation of the range of activities in the NCCAS is in Appendix 5.
A pipeline of climate change adaptation projects in line with the NCCAS has been developed to expedite the mobilization of investment. The proposed project concepts seeking financing are listed in Appendix 3 and the compilation of the relevant concept notes, which were developed by a wide range of stakeholders, is available in a separate volume at the Climate Change Secretariat in the Ministry of Environment. Development of additional adaptation project concepts is an ongoing process.
List of Key Persons/institutions Consulted
Government Organizations (GOs)
Abayawardana, S. Director/CEO, National Science Foundation (NSF)
Abeyratne, D L P R. Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Tourism
Abeysinghe, I S. Director, Tea Research Institute (TRI)
Abheyrathne, D M. Director/Planning, Ministry of Irrigation & Water Management
Alawathugoda, D. Research Officer, Forest Department
Amarasinghe, A. Head- ILD, National Science Foundation (NSF)
Amarawardena, G K D. Additional Secretary, Ministry of Disaster Management and Human Rights
Balanadan, S. Technical officer, Water Resources Board
Balasingham, S. Registrar-Community Medicine, Ministry of Health
Banda, J. Team Leader- Education, Training & Awareness (SNC)
Bandara, R M S. Head-Landslide Studies and Services Division, National Building Research Organization (NBRO)
Bandarathillake, H M. National Project Manager, SNC Project team
Batuwitage, L P. Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment
Chandradasa, U W L. Director-Tech & Mitigation, Disaster Management Centre, Ministry of Disaster Mgt. & Human Rights
Chandrapala, L. Director, National council for Disaster Management (MDM)
De Costa, H. EMO/ Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Environment
De Silva, S.B.A. Road Development Authority de Zoysa, I J. Director General, Department of Agricultur
Dharmakeerthi, S. Assistant Director/CCS, Ministry of Environment
Dissanayake, D M T K. Actg. Assistant Director, Central Environmental Authority (CEA)
Dissanayake, K M D P. Senior Engineer, Coast Conservation Department
Dr. Silva, D A C. CEO, Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management (SLITHM)
Dr. Wijeratne, PM. Deputy Director, Plant Genetic Resources Centre (PGRC)
Fernando, M P S. Conservator General of Forest, Forest Department
Fernando, P J D. Assistant Director, Ministry of Housing and Common Amenities
Fernando, S. EMO, Ministry of Health
Gamage, G. Director/Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Environment
Gamage, M. Director General, Dept. of For. Aid & Budget Mon., Min. of Fin. & Plan.
Gamage, M. Hydrogeologist, Water Resources Board
Gunasekera, H M. Director General – NPD, Ministry of Finance and Planning
Gunasinghe, K G S D. Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management (SLITHM)
Gunasinghe, W A D S. Director - Public Utility, Ministry of Finance and Planning
Gunawardane, G M J K. Director/ Promotion & Education, Ministry of Environment
Gunawardene, J. Environment Lawyer, Central Environmental Authority (CEA)
Hapuarachchi, L. EMO/Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Environment
Haputhantri, S. Head/MMRD, National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA)
Herath, A. Assistant Director/CCS ,Ministry of Environment
Herath, H D B. Coordinator-Disaster Management, Ministry of Health
Hettiarachchi, D K. Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA)
Hettiarachchi, G. Director General, Disaster Management Centre, Ministry of Disaster Mgt. & Human Rights
Hewapathirana, K. Fishery Biologist, Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Inoka, T. EMO/CCS, Ministry of Environment
Iqbal, M C M. Team Leader – Vulnerability and Adaptation (SNC)
Jagoda, D. Senior Architect, National Housing Development Authority (NHDA)
Jayasekera, S R. Deputy Director, Ministry of Disaster Management and Human Rights
Jayasinghe, G. Director/Envt. Mgt and Assessment, Central Environmental Authority (CEA)
Jayasooriya, B. Ministry of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources
Jayasundara, S. PA/Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Environment
Jayathillaka, M A R D. Former Secretary, Ministry of Environment
Jayathillake, A. Director/ Air Resources Management & International Relations, Ministry of Environment
Jayathunga, S. Director/Sustainable Development, Ministry of Environment
Jayatissa, R. Head-Dep. of Nutrition, Medical Research Institute (MRI)
Jayaweera, D S. Director General – Development Finance, Ministry of Finance and Planning
Kalaiselvam, S. Director General, Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA)
Kannangara, J A A N. SAS, Ministry of Housing and Common Amenities
Kariyawasam, S H. Director, Ministry of Disaster Management and Human Rights
Kariyawasam, S. Actg. SAS, Water Resources Board
Karunaratne, N. Ministry of Environment
Kasturiarachchi, K. EMO/CCS, Ministry of Environment
Kiriella, M B. Director International Relations & Research, Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA)
Kotinkaduwa, J D. Assistant Director, Ministry of Finance and Planning
Kulathunga, A A. Director/NRM, Ministry of Environment
Kumara, P. Asst. Gen. Manager, Water Resources Board
Kurukulasuriya, V. Director/Research, National Physical Planning Department (NPPD)
Lekamge, S. Director – Primary Education, National Institute of Education (NIE)
Maheepala , P G. Dep. DG, Ministry of Health
Mallawaarachchi, U N. Assistant Director Planning, Ministry of Transport
Manorathne, R W S M N. Assistant Director, Central Environmental Authority (CEA)
Musthapha, F, Hon. Deputy Minister, Ministry of Environment
Narampanawa, W M V. Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment
Niranjan, K. Engineer, Ceylon Electricity Board
Nissanka, S. P. Head, Clean Development Mechanism Centre, CDM Centre
Pathirana, U P L D. Director/ Administration, Ministry of Environment
Pathirana, N C. Director, Ministry of Health
Pathirana, S. EMO/CCS, Ministry of Environment
Perera, D. EMO/ Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Environment
Perera, H N R. Acting Project Director, Coast Conservation Department
Perera, H S. Lab Technician, Coconut Development Authority
Perera, K D S R. Director – NPD, Ministry of Finance and Planning
Perera, N. Director, Central Environmental Authority (CEA)
Perera, N. Team Leader- GHG Inventory (SNC)
Perera, S. Director/ERD, Ministry of Finance and Planning
Perera, W. Assistant Director General, National Institute of Education (NIE)
Premalal, K H S M. Deputy Director, Department of Meteorology
Priyalal, N C. Agriculture Development Assistant, Ministry of Agriculture
Priyantha, K M H G S. Vet Surgeon, Department of Animal Production and Health (DAPH)
Priyantha, N. Chief Engineer (Renewable Energy Projects), Ceylon Electricity Board
Priyanthie, S. EMO/P &P, Ministry of Environment
Prof. Wijesinha, R. Secretary, Ministry of Disaster Management and Human Rights
Punyawardane, B U R. Head – Climate Change Division, Department of Agriculture
Rajasuriya, A. Research Officer, National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA)
Rajkumar, S G J. Assistant General Manager, National Water supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB)
Ranasinghe, A. SO/NSF, National Science Foundation (NSF)
Ranasinghe, H. Team Leader- Mitigation (SNC)
Ranasinghe, I. Director General (Development), Ministry of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources
Ranawaka, R A S. Senior Engineer (Development), Coast Conservation Department
Ranawake, P C. Former Hon. Minister, Ministry of Environment
Ranaweerarachchi, C. Director/Sustainable Development, Ministry of Environment
Ranbanda, J M. Nutrition Assistant, Medical Research Institute (MRI)
Randeni, L. EMO/Promotion & Education, Ministry of Environment
Rathna, D. RA/CCS, Ministry of Environment
Rathnayake , R M J C. D/A, National Physical Planning Department (NPPD)
Rathnayake, S. EMO/ Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Environment
Ratnayake, P U. Director, Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA)
Ravindralingam, K. Senior Engineer, Road Development Authority
Samansiri, S. Ass. Director IT/GIS, Disaster Management Centre, Ministry of Disaster Mgt. & Human Rights
Samaranayake, J W K. Plant Genetic Resources Centre (PGRC)
Samaranayake, U M M. Director-Nutrition, Ministry of Health
Samarappuli, L. Head-Soil & Plant Nutrition, Rubber Research Institute (RRI)
Samarasinghe, G B. Director General, Department of Meteorology
Samarathunga, R H S. Secretary, Ministry of Environment
Sarathchandra, A W M. Director (Planning and Project Implementation), Ministry of Transport
Sathurusinghe, A. Conservator, Forest Department
Senanayake, G. Assistant Director/ERD, Ministry of Finance and Planning
Senevirathne, A. Disaster Management Centre, Ministry of Disaster Mgt. & Human Rights
Silva, A. Director/Policy & Planning, Ministry of Environment
Silva, G B E T. CA/Account Division, Ministry of Environment
Silva, P. Director General, Urban Development Authority
Siyambalapitiya, N. Deputy Director (Planning), Road Development Authority
Sooriyagoda, T. Additional Project Director, Ministry of Tourism
Sugathapala, K. Head- Human Settlements Division, National Building Research Organization (NBRO)
Sumathipala, W L. Senior Technical Advisor, Ministry of Environment
Tharindu , A T H. EMO/CCS, Ministry of Environment
Tissera, H. Consultant Epidemiologist, Epidemiology Unit, Ministry of Health
Udugahapattawa, U. Assistant Director/ ERD, Ministry of Finance and Planning
Uyanwatta, P.Ministry of Tourism
Vinodh, T L C. Engineer(R & D), Coast Conservation Department
Warnasuriya, A R. Meteorologist, Ministry of Disaster Management and Human Rights
Wasalabanda, N. Asst. Gen. Manager, Water Resources Board
Weerasori, I S. Deputy Director General, Urban Development Authority
Weerawardane, N D R. Research Officer, Forest Department
Weragoda, U W B A. Deputy General Manager, Coconut Cultivation Board
Werahera, S M. Assistant Director/Air Resources Management, Ministry of Environment
Wickramaarachchi, N D. Assistant Director/NRM, Ministry of Environment
Wickramasinghe, Department of Agriculture
Wickramewardane, K G R G R. Assistant Director, Ministry of Finance and Planning
Wijesinghe, P R. Community Physician, Epidemiology Unit, Ministry of Health
Wijesoriya, W M. Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment
Wijesundara, D SA. Director, Department of Botanic Gardens
Wijesundara, S M. Director (NRM), Ministry of Agriculture
Wijewardene, K D D. Chief Engineer (R & D), Coast Conservation Department universities
Fernando, S. Researcher, Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya
Gunaratne, L H P. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya
Gunatilleke, I A U N. Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya
Gunatilleke, S. Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya
Kodithuwakku, S. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya
Kotagama, S W. Professor-Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo
Marambe, B. Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya
Meegaskumbura, M. Lecturer, Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya
Padmalal, U K G K. Senior Lecturer, Open University of Sri Lanka
Perera, A. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya
Pushpakumara, D K N G. Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya
Silva, P. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya
Weerahewa, J. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya
research Organizations
Bahir, M M. Researcher, Taprobania Nature Conservation Society
Balasuriya, A. Junior Professional/PIM, Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA)
Dr. Ventatesan, R. SASP Coordinator, South Asia Cooperative Environment programme (SACEP)
Eriyagama, N. Water Resources Engineer, International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
Fernando, K. Senior Professional/PIM, Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA)
Manthritilleke, H. Head- Sustainable Development Initiative, International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
Matin, M. Manager, GIS/RS/Data Mgt. Unit, International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
Niranjan, F. Senior Research Officer, Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy
Perera, N. South Asia Cooperative Environment programme (SACEP)
Rathnadeera, W K. Senior Programme Officer, South Asia Cooperative Environment programme (SACEP)
Senaratne, A. Research Fellow, Institute of Policy Studies (IPS)
Smakhtin, V. Theme Leader, International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
Tissera, J S. Officiating Director General, South Asia Cooperative Environment programme (SACEP)
Weerakkody, R. Senior Research Officer, Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute (HARTI)
Wickramasinghe, K. Research Officer, Institute of Policy Studies (IPS)
Non Government Organizations (NGOs)
Ajantha, A. Practical Action
Ariyananda, T. Director, Lanka Rain Water Harvesting Forum
Athukorale, K. Convener, Women for Water Partnership
Chandraratne, G. Programme Officer, Sri Lanka Red Cross Society
Chularatne, H M U. Executive Director, SEVANATHA
Cooray, R. Program Co-ordinator (PIP- SL), Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC), DMC
Creech, S. Sri Lanka Nature Forum
De Alwis, D. Senior Program Officer, IUCN
-The World Conservation Union
De Mel, M. Environmental Scientist, Environmental Foundation Limited
Deraniyagala, R. President, Wildlife and Nature Protection Society
Deraniyagala, Y. Manager (R & T), Munasinghe Institute of Development (MIND)
Ekaratne, K. Senior Program Officer, IUCN
-The World Conservation Union
Gunawardane, N. CEO/Director, Television for Education-Asia Pacific (TVE AP)
Hapuarachchi, B. Project Manager- Disaster Risk Reduction, Practical Action
Hidallage, V. Country Director, Practical Action
Jeewanthi, D. Environment Officer, Centre for Environmental Justice
Kariyawasam, T. Director, Sri Lanka Nature Forum
Karunaratne, W. Legal Officer, Environmental Foundation Limited
Kekulandala, B. Co-ordinator – CCA, Practical Action
Liyanage, C. Environment Officer, Centre for Environmental Justice
Miranda, R. Head of Communications, Practical Action
Pallawala, R. Team Leader- Research & Quality Assurance, Practical Action
Perera, R. PM, Practical Action
Preethiviraj, N.Media Coordinator, Sarvodaya
Rathnaweeera, E. Practical Action
Salinda, R. Program Manager-CC, Green Movement of Sri Lanka
Seneviratne, A. Head-Media & Communication, Green Movement of Sri Lanka
Tennakoon, A. Regional Director, Sewalanka Foundation
Vidanage, S P. Programme Co-ordinator, IUCN -The World Conservation Union
Vilcassim, R. Environment Officer, Environmental Foundation Limited
Wickamarathne, A. Programme Officer, Television for Education-Asia Pacific (TVEAP)
Private Sector, Media and Professional Organizations
Balan, S. President, Sri Lanka Institute of Landscape Architecture (SLILA)
Basnayake, H. Former President, Sri Lanka Institute of Landscape Architecture (SLILA)
de Silva, N. CEO, Survey Research Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.
De Silva, M. A T. Freelance Consultant
Dias, A. Station Director, MTV Channels (Pvt.) Ltd.
Gunaratna, L. President, National Academy of Science
Gunaratne, L. Managing Director, LGA Consultant (Pvt) Ltd.
Handunnetti, D. Freelance journalist
Madawanarachchi, W. Director, CIC Agribusiness
Rodgrio, M. Freelance Journalist, The Sunday Times
Salgado, S. CEO, Ogilvy Action
Uduman, D. Principal Research Officer, Survey Research Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.
Wanasinghe, D D. Chairman, All Island Poultry Association
Donor Organizations
Amerasinghe, M. Project Implementation Officer, Asian Development Bank
Bailey, M. Counselor Development Cooperation for South Asia, Australian Agency for International Development, Australian High Commission
De Silva, D. SASSD, World Bank
Depta, J. Director/Finance and Administration, GTZ
Dissanaike, T. Consultant, UNDP-Global Environment Facility (GEF), UNDP
Fortuna, S. Associate programme Officer, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Hansen, D S. Senior Project Manager, NORAD, Royal Norwegian Embassy
In, L H. Projects Coordinator, KOICA, Korean Embassy
Jayasinghe, D. Programme Assistant GEF/ SGP, UNDP-Global Environment Facility (GEF), UNDP
Juntops, M. Research Fellow, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Krawanchid, D. Research Assistant, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Mallawathantri, A. Assistant Resident Representative, UNDP-Environment, Energy & Disaster Management, UNDP
Min – Hyeon, S. Country Representative, KOICA, Korean Embassy
Peralta, G. Asian Development Bank
Pilapitiya, S. Lead Environmental Specialist, World Bank
Priya, S. Senior Technical Coordinator, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Ranawana, S. Asian Development Bank
Rodgers, C. Senior Water and Climate Change Specialist, Asian Development Bank
Samarasekara, V. Climate Change Specialist, Asian Development Bank
Samarasuriya, S. National Coordinator GEF/SGP, UNDP-Global Environment Facility (GEF), UNDP
Tsuyoshi, H. Representative, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Vijayanathan, L. Senior Advisor, NORAD, Royal Norwegian Embassy
Vokes, R. Country Director ,Asian Development Bank
Woo, C S. Country Representative, KOICA, Korean Embassy
Yakandawala, H. National Professional Officer, World Health Organization (WHO)
Detailed Strategic interventions Table
intervention Performance indicator Key Activity Partners Type
A Strengthening national climate-adaptation planning and implementation capacity
i Strengthen and restructure Climate Change Secretariat • Cabinet paper for MoE, MoF CB/IS, PI
The Climate Change Secretariat needs substantial revised CCS structure strengthening with an improved structure and approved
adequate staff strength to be able to lead the national • Qualified staff recruited climate change adaptation agenda, to effectively • New structure coordinate initiatives, and to build its credibility as operationalized
the primary focal point for authentic climate change related information and analysis.
ii Develop of sector specific training programmes on • Number of training Various CB/IS
CC adaptation measures programmes Climate change vulnerability and adaptation conducted measures vary widely across sectors, requiring • Number of technical specific training to ensure the success of adaptation personnel trained interventions. Training programs will have to be • Sectors covered” developed and implemented on an ongoing basis in
parallel with adaptation interventions. An effective modality and hub for delivery of such trainings also needs to be established.
iii Introduce climate change studies at university level • Post-graduate degree Universities CB/IEC
Climate change studies needs to be established at programme in climate certificate/diploma level as well as at post-graduate studies established at level to develop a human resource pool with the one or more of the depth of knowledge and competence to spearhead national universities and implement Sri Lanka’s climate change adaptation
agenda across all key sectors.
B Ensure future investments/economic plans are climate resilient
i Incorporate CC concerns into SEA processes • Climate Change Policy MoE/CEA PI
The Strategic Environment Assessment process to be includes requirement revised to include the consideration of climate for climate change change impacts in the early stages of planning for impact consideration major development initiatives. This will need to be • SEA guidelines includes backed by clauses in the Climate Change Policy to assessment of climate make it a requirement for approval. change resilience
ii Increase knowledge and understanding of climate • Awareness programmes Various CB/IS
change among planners and senior technical staff developed and A systematic programme to expand knowledge and executed understanding on climate change vulnerability in the • Climate change
Sri Lankan context, targetted at policy makers, resilience included planners and senior technical staff in key agencies, as part of sectoral is needed. This will help ensure that climate planning proposals resilience will also be considered as part of the
overall assessment of feasibility.
iii Quantify economic costs of climate change on • Assessment of economic MoE/CCS, RPD
specific sectors impact completed and Various A comprehensive assessment and quantification of disseminated
the economic costs to Sri Lanka due to expected climate change is needed to clarify investment priorities in adaptation. It is also necessary to inform and strengthen Sri Lanka’s negotiating position in international climate negotiations.
C Systematically research climate change-adaptation options and disseminate knowledge
i Establish coordinated multidisciplinary research • National climate change NSF, RPD
programme with widespread dissemination research programme Universities, A credible hub for national climate change research established, with MoE, others needs to be established. A systematic, focused, and pipeline of research
action oriented research programme on climate focused on each change impacts and adaptation measures relevant strategic thrust
to each strategic thrust of the CCAS needs to be • Research findings
pursued. Findings need to be fed directly into national planning processes and disseminated widely.
ii Model possible future climate scenarios • Climate scenarios and Dept. of Met., RPD Further research is needed to establish a clearer projections for Sri Lanka Universities, understanding of possible climate change scenarios published by credible others
that may affect Sri Lanka. This is needed to inform sources adaptation planning processes locally as well as to
inform Sri Lanka’s negotiating position in international climate negotiations.
iii Conduct regular national forums on climate impacts • Regular programme of CCS, NSF, RPD, IEC
on various sectors national climate universities, A series of regular national forums on climate change, change forums others focused on each strategic thrust, are needed to established for each
provide a credible platform for the range of strategic thrust academics, researchers and professionals involved in
climate change adaptation to disseminate knowledge and debate ideas. A credible national platform will avert the confusion caused by the proliferation of
ad hoc events with little focus.
iv Capture, evaluate and disseminate traditional • Scaleable adaptive CCS, NSF, RPD knowledge on adaptive measures measures based on NGOs, others Traditional measures used in Sri Lanka to adapt to traditional knowledge
changing environmental conditions across key identified and sectors need to be researched, and where documented
appropriate as an adaptation to climate change, • Programmes to promote
knowlede disseminated and their use scaled up. identified adaptation
measures initiated”
D increase financing for climate change adaptation
| Strengthen NPD/ERD to pursuit financing for climate change adaptation | adaptation projects | CCS, MoF, others | CB/IS | | Focused information on climate vulnerabilities in | developed and | | | | key sectors, supported by well-developed climate | submitted to NPD | | | | change adaptation project proposals to address risks, | | | | | are needed to enable the Ministry of Finance to | allocated for climate | | | | allocate and/or pursue potential financing options | change adaptation | | | | for major interventions. Such proposals will need to | projects | | | | be developed by sector agencies, with support from | | | | | the Ministry of Environment. | | | | | Establish climate change adaptation small grant | | MoE, MoF, | PI, CB/IS | | facility | established and | others | | | A small grant facility, which can be administered | operational guidelines | | | | by a professional body under MoE, is needed to | defined | | | | efficiently finance community and local level | | | | | adaptation interventions. It is envisaged that the | approved | | | | fund will be accessible by all stakeholders | | | | | including civil society groups; have clear | project outcomes | | | | guidelines for competitive allocation of resources; | achieved | | | | and adequate capacity for disbursement and | | | | | monitoring and evaluation. | | | |
| |
NCCAS 2011 - 2016
iii Establish a multi-sectoral climate negotiation team • Climate change MoE/CCS, CB/IS for Sri Lanka negotiating team Min. of Foreign Assemble a climate negotiation team that include identified Affairs
experts from a range of relevant sectors which are • Range of expertise impacted by climate change. Such a team to represented participate in or provide advisory services to
national delegations attending all key international negotiations.
iv Support climate-change adaptation regulations with • Adaptation projects Various Other
incentives, wherever possible supported by incentives Improved regulations and guidelines alone where appropriate
do not ensure action. Providing incentives for climate adaptation measures could stimulate greater adoption of measures being promoted. Incentive measures will need to be developed on a case-by-case basis to support interventions being rolled out by various agencies.
E inform and mobilize stakeholders at multiple levels in support of climate adaptation
i Effectively engage education system, media and • Please refer to • Please refer to IEC
other information ‘multipliers’ Information Education IEC Strategy To influence and inspire behaviour change, and Communications
information needs to be disseminated with the active (IEC) Strategy participation of information multipliers, e.g. education
ii Make information about adaption options available at community level | - • Please refer to IEC • Please refer to IEC
Strategy IEC Strategy | Climate adaptation would begin, and be sustained, | | | | mostly at thhe local levels by individuals, families, | | | | neighbourhoods and other communities who share | | | | climate impacts. The specific information of | | | | adaptation methods, technologies and practices | | | | therefore need to be made available at these levels | | | | in the local languages, and in non-technical and | | | | non-proprietary forms. | | | | iii Promote policy change for climate change | | | IEC | adaptation through small group engagement | Strategy IEC Strategy |
| |
system, informal networks of civil society groups, and all sections of the media. These ‘multipliers’ are well positioned and equipped to engage large numbers across social and income levels. However, they need authentic information and guidance on complex, technical matters.
The recent shift to disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Sri Lanka resulted from sustained efforts in engaging in small group level advocacy with the relevant ministries, departments and other state agencies.
A similar nurturing of champions and supporters will be needed for CC adaptation.
iv Engage existing institutional and community-based • Please refer to IEC • Please refer to IEC
mechanisms for coordination of adaptation activities Strategy IEC Strategy Over the years, various formal and informal
mechanisms and networks have been developed by the state agencies and some civil society groups engaged in development, conservation or relief work, e.g. in agricultural extension, rural credit, disaster mitigation, water supply and sanitation, etc. It makes sense for the Climate Adaptation Strategy to tap into relevant mechanisms.
v Combat negative anthropogenic activity (such as • Please refer to IEC • Please refer to IEC sand mining) Strategy IEC Strategy Climate change adaptation requires both pro-active
and preventive interventions. The latter involves curbing various activities that take place at the ground level that weaken or damage the environment’s resilience. These are often result of ignorance, poverty, greed and weak law enforcement. Targeted awareness raising can help contain these, while also strengthening law enforcement and monitoring.
intervention Performance indicator Key Activity Partners Type
A Mobilize stakeholders for climate change adaptation of settlements
i Establish coordination body/mechanism for • Lead agency and UDA, PI, CB/IS
climate change adaptation of settlements coordination NWSDB, A lead agency and coordination mechanism is mechanism NWRB, needed to capture synergies in adaptation identified local
interventions in humam settlements given the wide • Meetings regularly government range of agencies involved. Activation and use of an conducted and include agencies, existing mechanism such as the interministerial climate change DMC, MoH, coordinating committee in the UDA Act is adaptation on the others. recommended. agenda
ii Promote improved climate resilient construction methods | |
Training programmes NBRO, DMC, CB/IS
developed local gov’t Development and execution of targetted and trade- • Training programmes agencies, specific technical training will be needed on a conducted for key universities continuous basis to ensure climate resilience sectors and tech./ considerations are mainstreamed into housing and • Number of people voc. training settlement development. Guideliens for climate trained institutes, resilient construction methods have been • Information integrated others. developed by various stakeholders in Sri Lanka, into technical curricula
however, they are not widely disseminated or in universities/ practiced. vocational institutes
iii Support climate change adaptation interventions • Incentives for adoption Various Other
with incentives of various technologies/
The possibility of offering financial, tax or other practices offered incentives for the adoption of climate resilient • Increase in adoption of technologies/practices (such as use of rainwater, given adaptive measure water recycling, increasing canopy cover) needs to
be explored and pilot tested. Incentives are likely to be a stronger driver of behaviour change than r egulations alone.
B improve planning to include climate change considerations
| i Develop detailed local-level hazard maps for key settlements | with detailed hazard | DMC, UDA, local gov. | RPD |
| Mapping of potential climate-related hazards in | maps completed. | agencies, | |
| detail at a local level is needed for effective local | | NGOs, | |
| level planning to ensure climate resilience of the | maps in planning/ | universities | |
| major human settlements in the country. Methods | regulation | | |
| for mapping have been successfully pilot tested by | | | |
| UDA/Practical Action and several stakeholders | | | |
| already and could be replicated for all major | | | |
| settlements. | | | |
NCCAS 2011 - 2016
ii Upgrade drainage in key settlements • Assessments of drainage UDA, DMC PhI
Currently drainage systems nationwide are not systems in key local planned and constructed for the high intensity settlements completed government rainfall patterns that are emerging as a result of • Drainage systems agencies, climate change. A systematic assessment of upgraded others drainage systems in key settlements is needed,
followed by investments to upgrade existing drainage systems and build new ones if required.
iii Stimulate greening and increase of canopy cover in settlements and preserve natural ecosystems | |
Visible increase in UDA, PI, PhI
canopy cover local gov., Increasing canopy cover at a household and • Revised planning Forest Dept., community level will have immediate benefits to regulations/guidelines NGOs,
local communities in reducing local temperatures schools, others and conservation of water resources, while also
having far reaching benefits in conserving biodiversity. This can be achieved through a combination of improved regulations, awareness, and incentives.
iv Promote land use planning and monitoring for both • Revised regulations UDA, PI
urban and rural areas calling for land use local gov. Land use planning is currently only mandated in planning outside agencies, designated urban areas under the control of UDA. UDA areas. NGOs.
Regulatory changes and capacity strengthening at • No. of land use plans multuple levels are required to enable land use developed and adopted planning in non-UDA areas and to control the at local level unplanned sprawl of settlements which are
exacerbating climate change-related vulnerabilities.
v Research climate change impacts on human • Comprehensive research NSF, NBRO, RPD
settlements and link to planning programme designed Universities, A concerted body of applied research to better and funded NGOs, others understand climate vulnerabilities specific to • Research findings/
Sri Lanka’s settlements and to develop pragmatic recommendations and scaleable adaptation measures needs to be adopted and launched. Such research needs to have a well implemented. defined feedback loop into planning processes and
agencies. Strengthening this link is vital, as is the commissioning of specific new research that helps monitor human settlements related trends and conditions.
C Ensure adequate quality and quantity of water for settlements
- Promote water saving technologies including • Level of utilization of Local Gov. PI, IEC
rainwater harvesting water saving Agencies, Several water saving technologies/options have technologies by region NGOs, been developed and tested in the Sri Lankan context, NWRB but their use is limited. A stepped up campaign,
combined with incentives and regulations, is needed to increase adoption of these technologies, particularly in the Dry Zone.
- Improve monitoring/surveillance and sharing of • Water quality MoH, NWRB, RPD
data across sectors monitoring program UDA, Monitoring of data such as water quality/quantity, established local gov., disease incidence, building approvals, etc. are • Mechanism/platform NGOs. others. done by various agencies in Sri Lanka. However, for data sharing
such monitoring programs need to be substantially established strengthened and streamlined for cross-sectoral • Regular release/ comparability. A mechanism for regular sharing of updating of data data needs to be developed and initiated and a • Data publicly capable coordinating entity identified and assigned. accessible
- Promote integrated water resources and watershed • Pilot-scale IWRM NWRB, PI, IEC management initiatives funded and Irrigation Dept., Integrated water resource management practices are implemented UDA,
needed to ensure Sri Lanka’s settlements can cope • Greater awareness local gov. with climate change vulnerabilities in the water and adoption of NGOs, others sector. Pilot-scale initiatives should be encouraged to IWRM principles
demonstrate benefits. Engagement with stakeholders to ensure policy and regulatory measures are put in place also need to be pursued.
- Research climate impacts on water availability and • Comprehensive NSF, NWRB, RPD
develop scalable adaptation models research programme universities, The body of research on climate change impacts on designed and funded NGOs, others water availability for Sri Lanka’s growing settlements • Research findings/
is needed--with a clear view towards developing a recommendations range of scaleable adaptation measures.projects that adopted and
can be deployed at household and community level, implemented. as well as at a larger scale.
D Combat climate change-related health concerns in settlements
i Monitor and control vector borne diseases • Vector monitoring MOH, PhI, RPD
An effective, nationwide, and systematic programme programme established local gov. to monitor and control disease vectors (particularly and operational agencies mosquito vectors) which are on the rise with nationwide.
climate change is an urgent need. This will enable • Ability to predict and better prediction and control of potential outbreaks. respond to outbreaks Further in-depth research on climate-impacts on increased
vectors is also needed. • Disease incidence rate
ii Facilitate data sharing and compatibility between • MOH boundaries MOH, CB/IS
Ministry of Health and other sectors mapped and Local Gov. An initiative to clearly map MOH boundaries georeferenced Agencies geographically and to define means to enable cross
sectoral comparison of the extensive data between MOH divisions and DSDs is crucial. This would be an intervention that will yield very rapid results and have far reaching benefits for climate change adaptation as well as planning in the health sector.
iii Engage health sector experts in local level planning • Participation of health UDA, CB/IS More active upstream engagement of health officials in settlement Local Gov. professionals is needed in settlement planning and planning/management Agencies, management, to prevent and control the spread of meetings at local and MOH.
both communicable and non-communicable national level. diseases associated with climate change and poor
environmental management.
iv Research health impacts of climate change in • Comprehensive research NSF, MOH, RPD
Sri Lankan context programme designed Universities A wider body of research into the extent and and funded
nature of climate change impacts on Sri Lanka’s • Research findings/
health sector needs to be pursued. recommendations disseminated.
E increase awareness on vulnerabilities and adaptation of settlements
| i Improve the gathering, processing and dissemination of information related to human settlements | IEC Strategy | to IEC | IEC |
| Information on the rapidly urbanizing human | | Strategy | |
| settlements is scattered across different sectors and | | | |
| agencies, e.g. demographic, geo-spatial, utilities, | | | |
| public health, etc. The integrated approach to | | | |
| climate change adaptation requires pooling and | | | |
| linking such information, which then becomes the | | | |
| basis of timely, targeted adaptation measures and | | | |
| planning. | | | |
NCCAS 2011 - 2016
ii Enhance awareness and demand for climate resilient construction | Strategy | IEC Strategy | IEC |
An aggressive and nationwide program to raise | | | |
awareness of the construction methods, targetted | | | |
at technical personnel who are the sources of | | | |
contruction advice, is needed. These personnel | | | |
include vocational groups such as masons, | | | |
carpenters, designers, etc. as well professionals | | | |
and students of architecture, engineering, and | | | |
planning. | | | |
iii Improve coordination/dissemination through | | | IEC |
existing institutional mechanisms | Strategy | IEC Strategy | |
Improving the currently scattered information | | | |
gathering and researching processes on human | | | |
settlements needs to be accompanied by similar | | | |
measures to enhance the access to resulting | | | |
information in the public domain. War-time | | | |
restrictions on geo-spatial data and other | | | |
information need to be reviewed and removed | | | |
to enable informed decision making at all levels. | | | |
iv Engage media more proactively with messaging | | | IEC |
tailored for stakeholders | Strategy IEC Strategy |
Urban sprawl has seen a parallel explosion in niche media outlets, especilly in radio and TV sectors, that target urban audiences. In this multiplicity of outlets, media outreach need not any longer be pursued entirely at all-island level. The urban media can be tapped to deliver specific information to different stakeholders.
intervention Performance indicator Key Activity Partners Type
A Ensure ability to meet food production and nutrition demand
i Promote alternative options to meet nutrition • Prioritization of Nutrition Dept, IEC requirements nutrional issues Metereology Nutritional disorders remain a predominant issue in expected to Dept, Dept of
Sri Lanka and is likely to increase further with exacerbate with Agric climate change induced threats to food security. In climate change.
order to adapt and and make our communities more • Awareness programs resilient and healthy, we need to promote to different population alternative options to meet the nutritional demands, categories
especially of women and children. Household level implemented
food security and nutrition needs to to be given • Empowered women priority, in adapting to these threats. To do so, in poor farming women should be empowered to drive it especially communities in
in the poor farming communities of the country. sustaining household
level food security and nutrition
ii Improve weather forecasting and information • New/improved Min of Disaster RPD, IEC
dissemination forecasting Mangt, Min Many crop failures currently occur due to the lack technology adopted of Agric
of accurate and timely information on the changeing • Technical capacity rainfall patterns - either due to lack of good increased in forecasting forecasting ability or due to the lack of an • Information information dissemeniation mechnism to the farmers. dissemination Improvement fo both forecasting and information mechanism developed dissemination on weather would minimise crop
failures helping farmers to adapt to changing conditions.
iii Ensure easy access to seedstock alternatives/advice to counter rainfall variability | |
Community level Min of Agric, RPD,PhI
seedstock program Civil Society, Easy access to seedstock is necessary to help farming • technical capaity CBOs communities to adapt to changing rainfall pattern, building building
droughts and floods. To facilitate the provess, program for community level seed stock pragrams are necessary community on above” with a mechanism for rapid distribution. It is also
necessary that the seed stock has seed varieties suitable for varied conditions.
iv Research climate impacts/adaptive measures for agriculture, livestock and fisheries sectors | |
Priority areas for Dept of RPD
adaptaion identified Agriculture, The impacts of climate change on agriculture is yet • Areas for further Vet Res Inst, not fully understood, especially in fisheries and research Dept of Animal livestock sectors. This knowledge is vital for us to • Adaptation Prod and
adapt to climate change. It will facilitate the mechanisms Health, NARA, identification of adaptive measures suitable to identified” Min of Fish. scale up. Negative aspcts on species as well as & Aquat. Res. potential opportunities that climate change may
provide should be explored. Impacts on pests, diseases, and IAS need to be better understood and managed.
Traditional practices and community level adaptation interventions should also be explored.
v Conserve genetic resources for future crop and livestock improvement | to address needs of | Dept of Agriculture, | RPD |
Effective in-situ and ex-situ conservation of relevant | climate change | Vet Res Inst, | |
germplasm is necessary for future crop and livestock | | Dept of | |
improvement. This will also help them to adapt to | protected for | Animal Prod | |
the impacts of climate change. | germplasm | and Health | |
| conservation. | | |
B Ensure adequate water availability for agriculture
i Promote water-efficient farming methods and crops • Water efficient farming Min. of Agric, IEC
With incresing incidence of drought due to climate techniques promotion CBOs, change and the increasing demand on water, a top program Civil Society priority is to ensure food security with the available • Mechanism incentives
water resources. For this, water efficient farming to promote water practices such as zero tillage, micro irrigation and efficent crop varieties SRI should be promoted. It is also necesassry to
promote water efficient crop varieties for future sustainability.
ii Improve maintenance of existing tanks and reservoirs • Tanks, reservoirs and Irrigation PhI
including catchments and watersheds
In order to meet the increasing water demands irrigation systems Department, under changing climatic conditions, the assessment for Power people maintenance of existing reservoir and irrigation maintenance levels,
systems is necessary to ensure maximum storage • Reovation and capacity. Regular monitoring and maintence through maintence activities dredging, as well as prevention of siltation with implemeted in rpiority effective erosion control of tanks and the irrigation systems
systems are potential adaptations. It is also important to control anthropogenic activities such as sand mining.
iii Adopt and promote the principles of IWRM • IWRM Plan for Sri Lanka Irrigation PI, IEC
With the predicted impacts of climate change it is
essaential that the available water resources are | | Department, |
managed wisely. For this, IWRM was be beneficial | Priority River Basins | Min. of Agric., |
in dealing with multiple users and in controlling | | Industrries, |
where the water flows. This should be done with | | Civil Society |
better cross-sectoral coordination and consultation. | |
Water requiremnets for wetlands should also be |
considered as they are the base for all available |
water resources. |
NCCAS 2011 - 2016
iv Contruct new reservoirs and trans-basin diversions to meet demand | trans basin diversions | Dept of PhI Irrigatioon, |
To meet increased water demand for food | and implement | Min. of Agric., |
production, new reservoirs may need to be built. | | power people |
With both floods and droughts expected to increase | new reservoirs. | |
in the country, possible adaptation interventions | | |
could be to divert water from flood prone areas to | requirement | |
drought prone areas through trans-basin transfers. | assessment” | |
C Mitigate food security-related socioeconomic impacts
i Encourage development of risk transfer methods • Insurance schemes Min of Agric.,
With increasing incidences of disasters associated Min. of Fish. &
with climate change, the farming and fishing Aquat. Res.,
communities become highly vulnerable. To Min of Livestock,
encourage them to continue with their livelihoods Insurance
which are essential for national food secuity, risk Companies,
transfer options such as insurance should be CBOs created and promoted.
ii Research climate impacts on long-term food • Different components Agri-business RPD
security and agriculture value chains in the value chain Center, Research on impacts of climate change on long term system clearly University of food security should be studied along with the how identified Peradeniya, agricultural value chains are affected. This should • Adaptation strategies Min of Agric. study the impacts on all activities and processes developed to address
that lead to a product or service that reaches the the various
final consumer. Dimensions on impacts on the components in the products pathway to reach the final consumer value chain. structure, economic relationships between players
in the chain, anticipated changes in the strucure, the key threats to the entire value chain, should be well understood in order to determine adaptation interventions necessary.
iii Identify and help vulnerable fishing communities to adapt or relocate | |
Awareness programs Min. of Fish. PhI
conducted & Aquat. Res., Marine and lagoon fishing communities are • Alternative livelihood CBOs, especially vulnerable to climate change due to options identified Civil Society, rising sea level rise as their livelihoods as well as • Highly vulnerable
their homes become threatened. Alternate livelihood communities identified options should be considered, and re-location and re-located programmes promoted in highly vulnerable areas.
D increase awareness and mobilize communities for climate change adaptation
i Increase awareness on climate impacts on food • Please refer to IEC • Please refer to IEC
security and on the potential adaptive measures. Strategy IEC Strategy Better information provision to farmers has helped
achieve higher agricultural yields in recent decades.
A similar campaign is needed to inform farmers and fishermen on climate related impacts on their livelihoods and what adaptive measures are available to cope. Communicating this specific information in accessible, practical ways is critical to building resilience among food producers and others in the value chain.
ii Pilot test and scale up community level • Please refer to IEC • Please refer to IEC
agricuture/livestock/fisheries adaptation models Strategy IEC Strategy A key lesson from the Green Revolution was the
value of demonstrating new methods and pratices. This can now be replicated with climate adaptation measures by starting with pilot projects which are then promoted and eventually scaled up.
iii Improve utilization of field level coordination | | | IEC |
mechanisms and civil society organizations | Strategy | IEC Strategy | |
Crop farming, livestock and fisheries sectors all
have well-established extension and support systems in the state sector, sometimes complemented by civil society networks. Both need to be tapped strategically to improve information provision, coordination and monitoring of climate adaptation measures.
iv Promote risk transfer initiatives • Please refer to IEC • Please refer to IEC Crop and livestock farmers need enhanced Strategy IEC Strategy insurance support to buffer themselves from
climate change impacts. Farmers and insurance industry in Sri Lanka have had limited engagement, so active promotion of new, customised insurance schemes would be needed. This requires working with both insurance operators and farmer organizations or networks.
intervention Performance indicator Key Activity Partners Type
A Minimize impacts of climate change on infrastructure
i Identify climate change risks on transport • Investments in RDA, RPD, PhI
infrastructure, and invest in adaptive measures climate-proofing road CCD
A detailed risk assessment and survey of roads/ infrastructure deployed Local Gov. highways within regions identified as vulnerable, Agencies together with the development of engineering
solutions and a pipeline of investments to adapt critical infrastructure is needed.
ii Update standards/guidelines for infrastructure design • Revised guidelines RDA, RPD, PI
and development and manuals Met. Dept, Revision of and issuance of new planning and developed and Universities, design guidelines which factor-in climate change adopted DMC considerations, such as updated rainfall intensity • Revised manuals
curves, bridge and road construction manuals, etc. become industry needs to be undertaken on an urgent basis. standard.
Climate resilience criteria should be included in guidelines for all national infrastructure development programmes, such as Gama Neguma.
iii Include climate change adaptations in tourism • Tourism planning SLTDA, PI
planning guideilnes guidelines revised to NBRO, Tourism sector stakeholders need to be made more include climate UDA, aware of climate risks and potential adaptive change considerations CCD, measures they can take at the operator level. The Local Gov.
inclusion of climate change adaptive criteria/ Agencies measures in tourism planning guideliens will
ensure greater resilience of investments being rolled out. Such guidelines will need to be developed, adapting from similar work done for human settlements.
B Minimize impacts of climate change on plantation sector
i Research climate impacts and adaptive measures in plantation sub-sectors | research programme | NSF, Research Institutes, | RPD |
A wider body of applied research into the extent and nature of climate change impacts on Sri | designed and funded | NGOs, Universities | |
NCCAS 2011 - 2016
Lanka’s plantation subsectors, their productivity, recommendations and their competitiveness needs to be defined and adopted and pursued. implemented.
ii Pilot test and scale-up sub-sector specific adaptation • Pilot tests of adaptation NSF, Research RPD
measures measures in each Institutes,
Climate change adaptive measures in the plantation sub-sector NGOs, sector need to be developed where vulnerabilities • tested adaption Universities are significant, pilot tested, and findings made measures deployed
iii Evaluate and exploit potential productivity benefits due to climate change | |
available to industry groups. widely in sub-sector.
- Research programme NSF, Research RPD
designed and funded Institutes,
Further research into the potential positive impacts • Opportunities NGOs,
of climate change on each key plantation sub- identified and Universities sector’s productivity and value chains need to be initiatives to exploit
explored and any opportunities exploited. launched
C Assist key industries in coping with climate change impacts
i | Make sector-specific climate vulnerability information available to investors/regulators | vulnerability | DMC, BOI, UDA, others | IEC |
| Aside from general climate risk information, | information materials | | |
| sector-specific analysis, maps, and other data | developed | | |
| related to climate vulnerability--as well as advice | | | |
| on sector-specific measures to buld resilience-- | disseminated | | |
| need to be disseminated to investors/operators/ | | | |
| regulators in relevant sectors. | | | |
ii | Encourage climate change risk transfer options for | | DMC, | IEC |
| key industries | for disaster risk and | Insurance | |
| Risk transfer options such as insurance need to | similar insurance | firms, Industry | |
| promoted more actively as a means to build | | Groups | |
| resilience and adaptive capacity of industries | | | |
| and entrepreneurs in the face of potential | | | |
| climate-induced risks. | | | |
iii | Research potential climate change impacts/adaptive | | NSF, | RPD |
| measures for key industries | designed and funded | Universities, | |
| The current limited body of research on climate | | Insutry Groups | |
| change impacts on Sri Lanka’s key industries needs | on findings initiated | | |
| to be expanded to identify and address risks, and | by industry groups. | | |
| exploit potential opportunities as well. | | | |
iv | Offer incentives for industrial energy saving | | CEB, Industry | PI |
| practices and renewable energy usage | offered | groups, | |
| Incentive mechanisms need to be developed and | | renewable | |
| implemented to stimulate greater energy savings | energy use | energy tech. | |
D | and renewable energy use in industry. raise awareness about climate vulnerability in key economic sectors | vendors | |
i Increase climate change awareness at all levels Climate awareness in key economic sectors is | - Please refer to IEC • Please refer to IEC
Strategy IEC Strategy |
currently low. This calls for urgent raising of | | |
knowledge and understanding of climate | | |
vulnerabilities, which will help achieve clarity on | | |
adaptation options and costs. A balanced approach | | |
is needed that factors climate risks into economic | | |
sectors as methodically as possible, just as disaster | | |
risks have been incorporated in recent years. | | |
ii Build capacity for climate change adaptation in key | | |
economic sectors | Strategy IEC Strategy |
To accomplish (i) above, there needs to be greater technical capacity within each key economic sector. Building such capacity is a key priority in climate change adaptation.
iii Engage wider stakeholders in dialogue on climate • Please refer to IEC • Please refer to IEC
adaptation Strategy IEC Strategy The massive upscaling of economic development
in the coming decade involves multilateral donors,
private foreign investors, local and foreign engineering consultancy firms and insurance companies. Engaging all these stakeholders in addressing climate vulnerabilities and adaptation measures is necessary.
intervention Performance indicator | Key Partners | Activity Type |
A Ensure adequate quality and quantity of water for human wellbeing and ecosystem services |
i Promote efficient water resource use and development using IWRM | IWRM Plan | Irrigation Department, | PI/IEC |
It is necessary to identify and coordinate multiple water users and establish effective IWRM initiatives to ensure future water security and uninterrupted ecosystem services that uses a landscape level ecosystem approach ; covers efficient ground, surface and rainwater use; trans-basin water transfers; water quality monitoring (including monitoring saltwater intrusion and prevention); conserves wetlands and watersheds; and manages exotic species that affect ground water availability. | for major Rivers - • At least one project using the ecosystem approach for water | resource management
| NWRB, NGOs, others | |
ii Promote research partnerships on good practices for | | CEA, | RPD, |
varied water uses | multi stakeholder | Forest Dept, | CB/IS |
It is necessary to form and implement research partnerships among multiple stakeholders having various skills and technological facilities that will result in good practices for effective multiple use of ground and surface waters and an uninterrupted flow of ecosystem services in wetlands and watersheds. | research partnerships in place | NSF, universities, others. | |
iii Strengthen/establish an institution to coordinate management of water resources | regulation of water | NWRB, Irrigation | CB/IS, PI |
It is essential to establish a long-term multi- stakeholder water quality monitoring system for ground and surface waters (island-wide and in coastal waters) through partnerships that enable sharing of technical expertise and facilities. Monitoring should achieve high water quality for human consumption, and enable ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation, by monotoring (a) pollutants/toxins and salinity; (b) water flows (especially in dry weather), and (c) climate change impacts on watersheds. Currently the large number of institutions involved in varied water related activities in the country has created a lack of responsibility and coordination in water management. It is necessary to establish/designate and strengthen a central agency to coordinate management of water resources and watersheds by multiple stakeholders, adhearing to relevant national policy and laws. | resources - • Streamlined regulations and policies for water resources
| Dept., others | |
NCCAS 2011 - 2016
B Enhance climate change resilience of terrestrial ecosystems and their services
i Link/restore/conserve, forests and other habitat • CCD, A strategic plan Forest Dept., PI/PhI
refugia to increase resilience of ecosystems and of interconnected DWLC, species PAs, buffer zones CCD,
It is necessary to enhance the resilience of forests and linkages required others and other key terresrial habitats and the species they to maintain migration
contain by establishing and effectively managing PAs routes and other viable wildlife refugia in all climatic zones.
The ecosystem approach provides an effective framework for integrated management of PAs, other habitat refuges, and their buffer zones with the participation of all key stakeholders. Special attention should be given to areas with already threatened and or endemic, charismatic, relict and/or possible keystone species with high potential to be affected by climate change and the fragmented wet zone forest patches. The latter could be linked via forest plantations, home gardens and crop plantations through participatory approaches based on public sector/local community and private sector partnerships.
ii Convert monoculture forest plantations into • Area of monoculture Forest Dept., PhI
mixed species plantations plantations converted Dept. of There can be adverse impacts of climate change on Agriculture productivity and resilience of monoculture forest
plantations. This can be adressed by converting them into mixed species forest plantations that are also better able to support wildlifed, have less pest issues and cause less land degradation and soil water loss.This should be supported by research on plantation species and site species matching.
iii Promote land use planning for biodiversity • Country wide MoE, UDA, PI conservation and limit inappripate vegetation biodiversty based local gov’t conversion land valuation agencies,
There is a need to minimise inappropriate assessment that takes others vegetation conversion and land alienation into account
(especially in hill slopes and paddy lands) and biodiverity valuestakin to adopt proper landscape level planning to • High Priority areas of promote conservation of terrestrial biodiversity environmental value based on the land use policy. This can be achieved identified
by use of the ecosystem approach that allows for wide stakeholder participation, zoning land use, and integrated management of forests, associated inland wetlands and/or coastal and agricultural ecosystems, and restoration of forests and canopy cover outside forests with appropriate tree species.
iv Establish and/or effectively manage Protected Areas and other important wildlife refuges in all climatic zones | |
Protected area Forest Dept., PI
management plans DWLC,
in place others
It is necessary to enhance the resilience of forests • Monitoring programmes
and grasslands and the species they contain by ongoing establishing and effectively managing PAs and
other viable wildlife refugia in all climatic zones. The ecosystem approach provides an effective framework for integrated management of PAs and other refuges and their buffer zones. Special attention should be given to management of degraded forest fragments in the highly populated wet zone which require enrichment and linkages across forest plantations, home gardens and crop plantations through participatory approaches
based on public sector/local community and private sector partnerships.
C Enhance the resilience of coastal and marine ecosystems and associated vulnerable species
i Promote integrated coastal resource management, particularly at SAM sites | management at | CCD, NARA, | PI, CB/IS |
All development activities carried out along the | | | |
coast should be coordinated and approved by the | | | |
Coast Conservation Department to ensure that they | | | |
adhere to the National Land Use Plan, requirements | | | |
in the Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) and | | | |
EIA procedures. It is also necesary to prepare and | | | |
implement new Special Area Management (SAM) | | | |
Plans and implement existing plans. Integrated | | | |
coastal zone management should be encouraged at | | | |
SAM sites in cultation with all stakeholders. The | | | |
implementation of CZMP and EIA procedures | | | |
should be strenghened to reduce inappropriate | | | |
coastal zone development and habitat degredation | | | |
through capacity building of technical and planning | | | |
personnel in CCD and other relevant agencies, and | | | |
strengtheinng institutional coordination across | | | |
agencies active in the coastal zone. | | | |
ii Restore and rehabilitate degraded coastal | | CCD, NARA, | RPD, PhI |
ecosystems and depleted coastal species | coastal ecosystems | others | |
Many coastal ecosystems are degraded due to poor
land use, conversion to other uses, coastal erosion, and pollution. Likewise commecially important species are over harvested. Programmes should be developed with stakeholder participation for sustainable use of coastal resources, including introduction of breeding programmes and pilot testing of sustainable harvest levels for commercially important organisms.
D Enhance climate change resilience of natural inland wetlands and associated species
i Protect marshes/flood retention areas in urban areas and limit land conversion. | penalties in place | UDA, local | PI, IEC |
The protection of marshes and flood retention areas | for urban wetlands | gov’t units, | |
is particularly important in urban areas as urban | | NGOs, | |
flooding is already a serious concern due to | developed as | others | |
reclamation of wetlands, and is expected to increase | controlled | | |
with climate change. Protection of urban wetlands | recreational areas | | |
will also enhance and conserve urban biodiversity, | | | |
thereby enhancing wetland ecosystems and species’ | | | |
resilience to climate change, and enable provision | | | |
of vital environmental services for human wellbeing. | | | |
Marshes and flood retention areas should be | | | |
protected by restricting development projects in | | | |
them by declaring them PAs and/or EPAs, or by | | | |
promoting alternate development (e.g. as | | | |
recreational sites or urban agriculture) that will | | | |
enable ununterrupted ecosystem services. | | | |
ii Prevent the discharge of industrial effluents and | | CEA, | PI, IEC |
solid waste into inland wetlands | purification | NGOs, | |
It is required to prevent the discharge of industrial | programmes | local gov’t | |
effluents, solid waste and other pollutants into | devloped for release | agencies, | |
inland wetlands by promoting compliance of | of effluent | others | |
regulations guiding industrial pollution and wetland | | | |
conservation, by providing incentives for CSR and | programmes | | |
stregnthening the wetland monitoring system to be | | | |
effective and regular. | developed for waste | | |
| disposal | | |
NCCAS 2011 - 2016
iii Control and manage salt water intrusion into coastal freshwater wetlands | the coast determined | CCD, Irrigation | RPD, PhI | |
It is necesary to prevent degradation of coastal freshwater wetlands (both natural modified) and biodiversity due to salt water intrusion by continual minitoring of coastal surface and ground water, and by regulating environmental flows, controlling ground water over-extraction, and river sand mining that excarcerbates the problem. | for all river basins | Dept., others | | |
iv Strengthen coordination and streamline management of wetlands across relevant agencies | mechanisms | CEA/Min. of Environment | CB/IS, PI | |
Streamline management of wetlands across relevant agencies, and strengthen coordination mechanisms to enable compliance with the national wetland policy, the National Environmental Act and other policies, plans and laws. | established and operational | | | |
E Address socioeconomic concerns resulting from climate change impacts on biodiversity | |
i Identify and address climate change impacts on biodiversity that could affect local communities | | MoE, local | RPD | |
It is necessary to identify the impacts of climate change on livelihoods, cultural aspects, and lifestyles of local communities that are heavily dependent on biodiversity. Possible increase of human-wildlife conflict due to changes in geographic ranges or migration routes of wildlife as a result of climate change also need to be understood. Assessments need to be followed with initiatives to conserve such biodiversity and address issues identifies. | for key settlements carried out | gov’t agencies, NSF, others | | |
ii Help communities to adapt to changes in livelihoods or to relocate when necessary | communities | Various | RPD, PhI | |
It is necessary to engage vulnerable communities to strategize options to address climate change where livelihood options are at risk. They should also be engagaed in plans for relocation (if required) in order to adapt to climate change and to shift to other livelihoods if necessary. | identified livelihood options | | | |
F research, monitor and address impacts of climate change on biodiversity | |
| i Research and monitoring programs to strengthen knowledge base on climate change and terrestrial biodiversty | - Species and ecosystems affected by climate change
| National Science Foundation, | RPD |
| Research on and monitoring of the impacts of climate change on terrestrial biodiversity is needed to understand where adaptation interventions are most needed. Vitally important are establishing phenological studies on forest tree species, monitoring critical habitats and fauna most liable to be affected examining climate change impacts on different types of forest flora. Indicator species such as amphibians, freswhater crabs etc should be given special attention. Capacity should be built for monitoring climate change impacts through training programmes on species identification, biodiversity monitoring, behavioural ecology, principles of conservation biology, phenological sampling and maintenance of accurate data sets on rainfall and ambient temperature. | identified - Prioritised list of adaptation interventions needed tailored to ecosystem/ species type
| Min. of Environment, others | |
ii Research and monitoring programs to strengthen • Adaptation interventions CCD, RPD
knowledge base on climate change and aquatic identified and prioritised NARA, biodiversity for marine, brackish and Others
Research and monitoring are required continually to frewater ecosystems identify threats to freshwater and coastal • Breeding programmes biodiversity that would be exacerbated by climate for identified species change and to understand where adaptation and scaled up where interventions are needed. Monitoring changes in necessary and feasible coastal water quality parameters – i.e. acidity, • Areas for further temperature, salinity, is essential. Monitoring of research identified salinity intrusion into surface water is particualry
important to enable fishermen to adapt accordingly by selecting appropriate species for aquaculture, and to adapt to changed distribution of species in fishing grounds. Likewise research and dissemination of results are necessary to enable fishermen to change fishing methods and areas, seasons, fishing depths and catch species accordingly. Monitoring freshwater bodies and threatened aquatic species should be encouraged to minimise negative impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Periodic monitoring of ecosystem health in all climatic zones is also vital for early identification of climate change impacts on freshwater species and ecosystems.
iii Minimize entry, establishment and spread of IAS • IAS monitoring and Forest Dept., PhI, RPD
There is a need to step up preventive measures to control programmes DWLC, preclude entry of new IAS; monitor natural and established for key Agriculture modified ecosystems to detect establishment of new areas/ecosystems and Dept., others IAS and the further spread of existing IAS; promote agricultural systems
and inculcate skills for monitoring of natural and modified ecosystems to detect climate change impacts in forests (e.g. forest die-back can promote spread of invasive species), coastal areas (e.g. coral bleaching and death has lead to halimedia invasions, etc), and wetlands that may promote spread of IAS, with the support of universities and researchers with appropriate skills and experience. Capacity building is also needed to promote research to expand understanding of behaviour and physiology of selected IAS, and to enhance skills for adaptive management of IAS within institutions responsible for in-situ and ex-situ conservation of national biodiversity.
G raise awareness and mobilize stakeholders for conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services
i Focus on minimizing current stresses on ecosystems • Please refer to IEC • Please refer to IEC
It is vital to communicate to all stakeholders the Strategy IEC Strategy urgent need to resolve long-standing problems in
ecosystem conservation before climate change impacts aggravate matters. The key message is: reducing existing stresses on ecosystems will increase natural resilience to climate impacts.
ii Promote training and awareness on use of the • Please refer to IEC • Please refer to IEC
ecosystem approach for conservation Strategy IEC Strategy While public awareness has risen on conserving
species and ecosystems, there is still limited understanding of the newer concepts of ecosystem services. Enhancing this knowledge would help in promoting the integrated, ecosystems-based approach to climate adaptation.
NCCAS 2011 - 2016
iii Build capacity for climate adaptation research among students and staff of conservation agencies | - • Please refer to IEC • Please refer to IEC
Strategy IEC Strategy |
Conservation agencies working in forest, wildlife, | | |
aquatic and coastal sectors engage in regular | | |
monitoring and studies for their operational needs. | | |
They now need to add a new layer of study to | | |
assess climate impacts on their sectors and to | | |
determine the appropriate adaptation measures. | | |
Their research capacity needs to be strengthened. | | |
iv. Increase public awareness about the value of | | |
aquatic and marine ecosystems | Strategy | IEC Strategy |
Sri Lanka’s climate conditions are influenced by
changes in inland wetlands and the ocean surrounding it. Climate adaptation strategies need to factor this in, and especially consider the value of wetlands, and higher vulnerability of coastal ecosystems to impacts.
v Engage in dialogue with wider stakeholders • Please refer to IEC • Please refer to IEC Climate change adaptation can provide a Strategy IEC Strategy common platform, and new impetus, for
pursuing conservation management of biodiversity and ecosystems. An essential first step is to engage all stakeholders, in state, academic, civil society and corporate sectors, on the threats and response options available.
List of Project Concept Notes Available
The following is the index of adaptation project concept notes developed by stakeholders as part of the NCCAS development process. The compilation of concept notes is available in a seperate
volume with the Climate Change Secretariat at the Ministry of Environment, and includes the contact information of the persons/institutions responsible.
STrATEGiC THruST 1 - Mainstream Climate Change Concerns into National Planning and Development Processes
STrATEGiC THruST 2 - improve Climate resilience and Health of Human Settlements
NCCAS 2011 - 2016
STrATEGiC THruST 3 - Minimize Climate Change impacts on Food Security
FS-1 Effect of food price increase due to climate change on food security and nutritional status of the population (Medical Research Institute)
FS-2 Adoptions of the alternative paddy cultivation technique that incorporate traditions of zero tillage, and use of straws mulch for low water requirement and pest management method (Independent Researcher)
FS-3 Promoting flood / drought / salinity tolerant rice varieties and adaptive cultivation practices to minimize the impact of Climate Change on food security in Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka Nature Forum)
FS-4 Assessing key climate change impacts on minor irrigation systems and developing a participatory approach for effective construction and management (Practical Action)
FS-5 Traditional organic small scale paddy farming in marginal paddy lands - Scaling up experiences from Southern and Eastern Sri Lanka (Practical Action)
FS-6 climate change impacts on women and food security -a comparative study of three agro ecological zones (NetWwater -Network of Women Water Professionals)
FS-7 Climate Change Risk Management Strategies of Dry Zone Farmers in Sri Lanka
(Institute of Policy Studies)
FS-8 Establishment of Farmer Climate Change Resource Center for Food Security in Southern Sri Lanka (Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Ruhuna)
FS-9 An overview of Climate Change Implications on Food Security in Sri Lanka
(Agribusiness Centre, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya) FS-10 Agricultural Research as an Adaptation Mechanism to Climate Change (Agribusiness Centre, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya)
FS-11 Demand for climatic information by Farmers for Facilitating the decision Making Related to Cultivation/harvesting (Agribusiness Centre, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya)
FS-12 Implications of Climate Change on the Agriculture Sector in Sri Lanka: An Economy wide Analysis (Agribusiness Centre, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya)
STrATEGiC THruST 4 - improve Climate resilience of Key Economic Drivers
STrATEGiC THruST 5 -Safeguard Natural resources and Biodiversity from Climate Change impacts
NR-1 Evaluation of Atmospheric Concentration of CO2 in relation to stomatal density
(National Herbarium, Department of National Botanic Gardens)
NR-2 Strategic assessment: Preparedness of our major rivers catchments for CC adaptation (International Water Management Institute)
NR-3 A nation-wide study on small tanks’ ability to withstand CC (regulating projected floods and droughts for the next fifty years) (International Water Management Institute)
NR-4 Impact assessment of range change in tauna birds as indicator species, resulting from predicted CC (The Field of Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka)
NR-5 Assessment of ecosystem based adaptation options for climate change in coastal areas of Sri Lanka (The World Conservation Union)
NR-6 Using participatory approaches to build the adaptive capacity of small-scale fisher communities to the impacts of climate change (Practical Action)
NR-7 Safeguarding watershed forests and its ecosystem services from the impacts of climate change by increasing its resilience (Environmental Foundation Limited)
NR-8 Increasing awareness, access to information and understanding of climate change and its local impacts amongst local communities (Practical Action)
NR-9 Identification and designation of North/East landscapes for conservation, sustainable development and ensuring resilience to climatic change impacts (EML Consultants Pvt Ltd)
NR-10 Monitoring of impacts from climate change to sensitive coastal ecosystems around Sri Lanka and associated fisheries and capacity building of the Dept. of Fisheries & Aquaculture to undertake future research needs in coastal and marine ecology, biodiversity & fisheries (University of Ruhuna)
NR-11 Agro forestry as a means of adaptation to climate change shocks (Agribusiness Centre, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya)
NCCAS 2011 - 2016
Estimated Financing requirements
(Rs. Million)
Areas of Intervention | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | Total |
Strategic Thrust 1: Mainstream CC Adaptation into National Planning and Development | 50 | 554 | 669 | 637 | 820 | 820 | 3,550 |
A Strengthening national climate-adaptation | | | | | | | |
planning and implementation capacity | 5 | 10 | 30 | 20 | 15 | 15 | 95 |
B Ensure future investments/economic plans are | | | | | | | |
climate resilient | 10 | 25 | 10 | - | - | - | 45 |
C Systematically research climate change- | | | | | | | |
adaptation options and disseminate knowledge | 15 | 297 | 377 | 362 | 360 | 360 | 1,771 |
D Increase financing for CC adaptation | 17 | 210 | 205 | 200 | 400 | 400 | 1,432 |
E Inform and mobilize stakeholders at multiple | | | | | | | |
levels in support of climate adaptation | 3 | 12 | 47 | 55 | 45 | 45 | 207 |
Strategic Thrust 2: Enable Climate resilient and Healthy Human Settlements | 91 | 496 | 2,768 | 2,434 | 2,398 | 2,098 | 10,285 |
A Mobilize stakeholders for CC adaptation of | | | | | | | |
settlements | 1 | 50 | 20 | 20 | - | - | 91 |
B Improve planning to include CC considerations | 15 | 150 | 2,192 | 2,150 | 2,150 | 2,000 | 8,657 |
C Ensure adequate quality and quantity of water | | | | | | | |
for settlements | 11 | 140 | 505 | 215 | 215 | 65 | 1,151 |
D Combat climate change-related health concerns | | | | | | | |
in settlements | 60 | 105 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 245 |
E Increase awareness on vulnerabilities and | | | | | | | |
adaptation of settlements | 4 | 51 | 31 | 29 | 13 | 13 | 141 |
Strategic Thrust 3: Minimize Climate Change impacts on Food Security | 8 | 183 | 2,123 | 1,690 | 1,755 | 7,215 | 12,974 |
A Ensure ability to meet food production and | - 2 - 6 | | | | | | |
nutrition demand | 85 | 345 | 335 | 300 | - | 1,065 |
B Ensure adequate water availability for agriculture | 23 | 1,703 | 1,200 | 1,200 | 6,000 | 10,128 |
C Mitigate food security-related socioeconomic | | | | | | |
impacts | 10 | 10 | 25 | 25 | 1,000 | 1,070 |
D Increase awareness and mobilize communities | | | | | | |
for CC adaptation | 65 | 65 | 130 | 230 | 215 | 711 |
Strategic Thrust 4: improve Climate resilience of Key Economic Drivers | 160 | 375 | 3,765 | 3,610 | 3,875 | 3,375 | 15,160 |
A Minimize impacts of CC on infrastructure | 125 | 130 | 3,025 | 3,000 | 3,000 | 3,000 | 12,280 |
B Minimize impacts of CC on plantation sector | - | 25 | 25 | 25 | 300 | 300 | 675 |
C Assist key industries in coping with CC impacts | - | 10 | 530 | 510 | 500 | - | 1,550 |
D Raise awareness about climate vulnerability in | | | | | | | |
key economic sectors | 35 | 210 | 185 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 655 |
Areas of Intervention | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | Total |
Strategic Thrust 5: Safeguard Natural resources and Biodiversity from CC impacts | 20 | 219 | 279 | 1,632 | 1,760 | 1,780 | 5,690 |
A Ensure adequate quality and quantity of water | | | | | | | |
for human wellbeing and ecosystem services | - | 4 | 4 | 2 | 15 | 10 | 35 |
B Enhance CC resilience of terrestrial ecosystems | | | | | | | |
and their services | - | 50 | 100 | 1,520 | 1,520 | 1,520 | 4,710 |
C Enhance the resilience of coastal and marine | | | | | | | |
ecosystems and associated vulnerable species | - | 10 | 35 | 35 | 100 | 100 | 280 |
D Enhance CC resilience of natural inland | | | | | | | |
wetlands and associated species | 15 | 55 | 50 | - | 50 | 50 | 220 |
E Address socioeconomic concerns resulting | | | | | | | |
from CC impacts on biodiversity | - | - | - | 25 | 25 | 100 | 150 |
F Research, monitor and address impacts of | | | | | | | |
CC on biodiversity | - | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | - | 200 |
G Raise awareness & mobilize stakeholders for | | | | | | | |
conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem svcs. | 5 | 50 | 40 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 135 |
Total | 329 | 1,827 | 9,604 | 10,023 | 10,618 | 15,298 | 47,699 |
Target implementation Schedule for NCCAS
intervention | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
A Strengthening national climate-adaptation planning and implementation capacity | | | | | | |
i Strengthen and restructure Climate Change Secretariat | | | | | | |
ii Develop of sector specific training prog’s on CC adaptation measures | | | | | | |
ii Introduce climate change studies at university level | | | | | | |
| | | |
B Ensure future investments/economic plans are climate resilient | | | | | | |
i Incorporate CC concerns into SEA processes | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
ii Increase knowledge of CC among planners and senior tech. staff | | | | | | |
| | | | |
iii Quantify economic costs of climate change on specific sectors | | | | | | |
| | |
C Systematically research climate change-adaptation options and disseminate knowledge | | | | | | |
i Establish coordinated multidisc. research prog. with widespread dissemination | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
ii Model possible future climate scenarios | | | | | | |
iii Conduct regular national forums on climate impacts on various sectors | | | | | | |
iv Capture, evaluate and disseminate traditional knowledge on adaptive measures | | | | | | |
| | | | |
D increase financing for climate change adaptation | | | | | | |
i Strengthen NPD/ERD to pursuit financing for climate change adaptation | | | | | | |
| |
ii Establish climate change adaptation small grant facility | | | | | | |
iii Establish a multi-sectoral climate negotiation team for Sri Lanka | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
iv Support climate-change adaptation regulations with incentives where possible | | | | | | |
E inform and mobilize stakeholders at multiple levels in support of climate adaptation | | | | | | |
i Effectively engage education system, media and other information ‘multipliers’ | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
ii Make information about adaption options available at community level | | | | | | |
iii Promote Policy change for CC adaptation | | | | | | |
iv Engage exist.inst. and com.-based mech. for coord. of adaptation activities | | | | | | |
v Combat negative anthropogenic activity (such as sand mining) | | | | | | |
| | | |
A Mobilize stakeholders for climate change adaptation of settlements | | | | | | |
i Establish coordination body/mechanism for CC adaptation of settlements | | | | | | |
ii Promote improved climate resilient construction methods | | | | | | |
iii Support climate change adaptation interventions with incentives | | | | | | |
| | | | |
B improve planning to include climate change considerations | | | | | | |
i Develop detailed local-level hazard maps for key settlements | | | | | | |
| | |
ii Upgrade drainage in key settlements | | | | | | |
| | | | |
iii Stimulate increase of canopy cover in HS and preserve nat. ecosystems | | | | | | |
| | | | |
iv Promote land use planning and monitoring for both urban and rural areas | | | | | | |
v Research CC impacts on human settlements and link to planning | | | | | | |
| | | | |
C Ensure adequate quality and quantity of water for settlements | | | | | | |
i Promote water saving technologies including rainwater harvesting | | | | | | |
| | | | |
ii Improve monitoring/surveillance and sharing of data across sectors | | | | | | |
iii Promote integrated water resources and watershed management | | | | | | |
iv Research CC impacts on water availability and dev. adaptation models | | | | | | |
D Combat climate change-related health concerns in settlements | | | | | | |
i Monitor and control vector borne diseases | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
ii Facilitate data sharing/compatibility between MoH and other sectors | | | | | | |
iii Engage health sector experts in local level planning | | | | | | |
| | | | |
iv Research health impacts of climate change in Sri Lankan context | | | | | | |
E increase awareness on vulnerabilities and adaptation of settlements | | | | | | |
i Improve the gathering, processing and dissemination of info. related to HS | | | | | | |
| | | | |
ii Enhance awareness and demand for climate resilient construction | | | | | | |
| | | | |
iii Improve coordination/dissemination through existing institutional mechanisms | | | | | | |
iv Engage media more proactively with messaging tailored for stakeholders | | | | | | |
| | | | | |
A Ensure ability to meet food production and nutrition demand | | | | | | |
i Promote alternative options to meet nutrition requirements | | | | | | |
| | |
ii Improve weather forecasting and information dissemination | | | | | | |
iii Ensure easy access to seedstock alternatives/advice to counter rainfall variability | | | | | | |
iv Research CC impacts/adaptive measures for agri., livestock and fisheries sectors | | | | | | |
intervention | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 |
v Conserve genetic resources for future crop and livestock improvement | | | | | | |
B Ensure adequate water availability for agriculture |
i Promote water-efficient farming methods and crops | | | | | | |
ii Improve maintenance of existing tanks and reservoirs | | | | | | |
iii Adopt and promote the principles of IWRM | | | | | | |
iv Contruct new reservoirs and trans-basin diversions to meet demand | | | | | | |
C Mitigate food security-related socioeconomic impacts |
i Encourage development of risk transfer methods | | | | | | |
ii Research climate impacts on long-term food security and agri. value chains | | | | | | |
iii Identify and help vulnerable fishing communities to adapt or relocate | | | | | | |
D increase awareness and mobilize communities for climate change adaptation |
i Increase awareness on CC impacts on food sec. & on adaptive measures | | | | | | |
ii Pilot test and scale up com. level agri./livestock/fisheries adaptation models | | | | | | |
iii Improve utilization of field level coord. mechanisms and civil society org’s | | | | | | |
iv Promote risk transfer initiatives | | | | | | |
A Minimize impacts of climate change on infrastructure |
i Identify CC risks on transport infrastructure, and invest in adaptive measures | | | | | | |
ii Update standards/guidelines for infrastructure design and development | | | | | | |
iii Include climate change adaptations in tourism planning guideilnes | | | | | | |
B Minimize impacts of climate change on plantation sector |
i Research climate impacts and adaptive measures in plantation sub-sectors | | | | | | |
ii Pilot test and scale-up sub-sector specific adaptation measures | | | | | | |
iii Evaluate and exploit potential productivity benefits due to climate change | | | | | | |
C Assist key industries in coping with climate change impacts |
i Make sector-specific CC vul. Info. available to investors/regulators | | | | | | |
ii Encourage climate change risk transfer options for key industries | | | | | | |
iii Research potential CC impacts/adaptive measures for key industries | | | | | | |
iv Offer incentives for ind. energy saving practices and ren. energy usage | | | | | | |
D raise awareness about climate vulnerability in key economic sectors |
i Increase climate change awareness at all levels | | | | | | |
ii Build capacity for climate change adaptation in key economic sectors | | | | | | |
| | | |
iii Engage wider stakeholders in dialogue on climate adaptation | | | | | | |
A Ensure adequate quality and quantity of water for human wellbeing and ecosystem services |
i Promote efficient water resource use and development using IWRM | | | | | | |
ii Promote research partnerships on good practices for varied water uses | | | | | | |
iii Strengthen/establish an institution to coord. mgmt. of water resources | | | | | | |
B Enhance climate change resilience of terrestrial ecosystems and their services |
i Link/restore/conserve, forests & other habitat refugia | | | | | | |
ii Convert monoculture forest plantations into mixed species plantations | | | | | | |
iii Promote land use planning for BD cons. and limit vegetation conversion | | | | | | |
iv Est. and/or effectively manage Pas and other important wildlife refuges | | | | | | |
C Enhance the resilience of coastal and marine ecosystems and associated vulnerable species |
i Promote integrated coastal resource management, particularly at SAM sites | | | | | | |
ii Restore and rehab. degraded coastal ecosys. and depleted coastal species | | | | | | |
D Enhance climate change resilience of natural inland wetlands and associated species |
i Protect urban marshes/flood retention areas & limit land conversion. | | | | | | |
ii Prevent the discharge of industrial effluents & solid waste into inland wetlands | | | | | | |
iii Control and manage salt water intrusion into coastal freshwater wetlands | | | | | | |
iv Strengthen coordination and streamline mgmt. of wetlands | | | | | | |
E Address socioeconomic concerns resulting from climate change impacts on biodiversity |
i Identify and address CC impacts on BD that affect local communities | | | | | | |
ii Help com’s to adapt to changes in livelihoods or to relocate when necessary | | | | | | |
F research, monitor and address impacts of climate change on biodiversity |
i Res. & mon. prog’s to strengthen knowledge base on CC and terrestrial BD | | | | | | |
ii Res. & mon. prog’s. to strengthen knowledge base on CC and aquatic BD | | | | | | |
iii Minimize entry, establishment and spread of IAS | | | | | | |
G raise awareness & mobilize stakeholders for conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem svcs. |
i Focus on minimizing current stresses on ecosystems | | | | | | |
ii Promote training/awareness on ecosystem approach for conservation | | | | | | |
iii Build cap. for CC research among students & staff of cons. Agencies | | | | | | |
iv. Increase pub. awareness about the value of aquatic and marine ecosystems | | | | | | |
v Engage in dialogue with wider stakeholders | | | | | | |
Resource intensive period Ongoing activities with recurrent budgets
“Living and coping with uncertain impacts of climate change is no longer a choice; it is an imperative.”
Prepared with assistance from ADB TA 7326 (SRI)
Strengthening Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation
Implemented by: Climate Change Secretariat
Ministry of Environment Sri Lanka