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Energy, Transport
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Renewable, Bioenergy
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
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Сводный обзор: 
This is the first phase of the Ethanol-Blended Petrol (EBP) programme, where biofuels mandate was announced in some states.
Renewable Energy
Biofuels obligation/mandate: 
[...] the Central Government hereby directs that in the following States and Union Territories only 5 % ethanol blended petrol, as per Bureau of Indian Standards specification No. 2796 shall be sold from the first January 2003, namely: 1. Andhra Pradesh 2.Goa 3. Gujarat 4. Haryana 5.Karnataka 6. Maharashtra 7 Punjab 8. Tamil Nadu 9. Uttar Pradesh; Union Territories: 1. Damman and Diu 2. Dadra and Nagar Haveli 3. Chandigarh 4. Pondicherry Government.