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Тип документа: 
Standard, Other
Экономический сектор: 
Power, Building
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Government of India, Ministry of Power
Bilingual document
Сводный обзор: 
This Government Notification specifies the energy consumption standards for star labelled room air conditioners of the vapour compression type for household use up to a rated cooling capacity of 9000 kcal/hour.
EE standards for appliances: 
The room air conditioners of the vapour compression type for household use up to a rated cooling capacity of 9000 kcal/hour being manufactured, commercially purchased or sold in India shall (i) meet the compliance requirements contained in clause 10.4 under the heading "Maximum Operating Conditions Test" of IS 1391(Part1):1992 for unitary air conditioners and clause,_ 9.4. under the heading "Maximum Operating Conditions Test" of IS 1391(Part 2):1992 for split air conditioners, with all amendments. (ii) either carry BIS certification mark or the manufacturer should be certified against IS/ISO 9000 or above. (2) The label to be affixed to room air conditioners shall display a maximum of five stars with an interval of one star. These air conditioners shall be rated from star one to star five based on their relative energy efficiencies.