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Royal Government of Cambodia
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Сводный обзор: 
The NSDP 2014-2018 sets the framework for the country’s sustainable growth. It supports actions to elevate Cambodia to an Upper-Middle-Income Country in 2030.
Bi-, multi-lateral mechanisms to expand access: 
Further supporting the rural electrification fund aimed at achieving equitable electricity access for the population, through government budget, social fund from Electricity Du Cambodge (EDC) and seek support fund from other development partners.
Energy access action plan: 
[...] continued development of all levels of the transmission network aimed at strengthening energy security and ensuring efficient, safe, high quality, reliable and affordable electricity supply and distribution to respond to development needs.---Increasing electricity supply capacity and reducing tariff to an appropriate level[...].---Ensuring reliability of electricity supply to attract investment in the user sectors to foster economic development.
Energy access targets: 
Stepping up the implementation of the electrification strategy to realize the goal “by 2020, all villages in the Kingdom of Cambodia will have access to electricity supplied by the national grid and other sources”.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Encouraging efficient use of energy with minimal impact on the environment.---[E]nhance the efficiency of energy through the use of energy-saving stoves, to reduce the use of fuel, firewood, charcoal, etc.
EE action plans: 
Pursuing rationalization measures for electricity consumption by reducing power tariffs during off-peak hours to serve production and irrigation systems aimed at improving agricultural productivity and accelerating the development of industry and handicraft sectors.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Further foster development of all types of renewable energy such as biomass, biogas, bio-fuel etc.,
RE action plans: 
Improving hydrological control through: Installing five hydrological stations along the Mekong, Tonle Sap and Basac rivers and repairing one hydrological station. Installing one hydrological station. Installing 31 water levels measuring boards and repairing three at check points along major rivers. Installing two water-discharge measuring instruments along major rivers.
Energy environmental priorities: 
RGC will make further efforts to mitigate the adverse effects on environment and society while implementing energy projects
Gas flaring: 
Preparing plans for appropriate use of gas, which is otherwise flared, for productive purposes
Energy taxation: 
Maximizing revenue-inflows through multi-layered revenues such as royalties, production sharing and income tax, to increase the financial capacity of the government
Energy pricing: 
[...]Reducing tariff to an appropriate level, while the strengthening institutional mechanisms and management capability.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
In the Fifth Legislature, RGC will further strengthen the capacity and security of electricity supply and expand the supply coverage to enhance economic competitiveness, support long-term economic growth, strengthen the capacity to ensure energy security, and improve the living conditions of the people.---[...] continued development of all levels of the transmission network aimed at strengthening energy security and ensuring efficient, safe, high quality, reliable and affordable electricity supply and distribution to respond to development needs.---Stepping up the exploration and commercialization of the oil and gas sector which has enormous potential for ensuring energy security and will provide valuable resources for Cambodia’s economic development in the long term.---Promote the exploration of energy sources such as hydropower, natural gas, and coal for the electricity generation.---Ensure stability in electricity supply to facilitate investment and socio-economic development.
Infrastructure development priorities: 
RGC will encourage the private sector to invest in energy infrastructure: generation, transmission and distribution
Regional integration priorities: 
Continuing active involvement in energy cooperation under the regional framework
Bi- and multi-lateral energy agreements: 
Promote regional energy trade through bi-and multi-lateral cooperation.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Developing green investment projects particularly in energy generation to support other development activities in the military community. Potential green investment projects, including biomass and solar power systems, will create a foundation necessary for agricultural plantation and businesses of the community.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Further supporting the rural electrification fund aimed at achieving equitable electricity access for the population, through government budget, social fund from Electricity Du Cambodge (EDC) and seek support fund from other development partners.---RGC will encourage the private sector to invest in energy infrastructure: generation, transmission and distribution
Investment climate development: 
Further encouraging the private sector to invest in electricity generation, and transmission and distribution infrastructure by focusing on technical and economic efficiency and minimization of environmental and social impacts.---RGC will encourage the private sector to invest in energy infrastructure: generation, transmission and distribution.---Ensuring reliability of electricity supply to attract investment in the user sectors to foster economic development.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Further strengthening institutional capacity, human resources as well as planning and management of the energy sector.
National policy structure: 
RGC will also develop a legal and regulatory framework for the sector to ensure efficient management and use of resources.---Developing laws, regulations and regulatory framework for the petroleum sector to ensure an efficient management of oil and gas.
Energy institutional structures: 
Attention will also be paid to capacity building and institutional reform in the Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC), Electricity Du Cambodge (EDC) and other relevant agencies to improve supply and the management’s efficiency.
M&E of policy implementation: 
Managing and monitoring the implementation of petroleum agreements efficiently.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Developing green investment projects particularly in energy generation to support other development activities in the military community. Potential green investment projects, including biomass and solar power systems, will create a foundation necessary for agricultural plantation and businesses of the community.---Conduct research to develop technologies and approaches towards sustainable land management and determine plant nutrient requirements for [...] bio-energy crops (cassava).---Further expanding the capacity of low-cost and hi-tech electricity production, especially from new and clean energy sources [...].