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Energy, Power, Multi-Sector
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Coal, Oil, Power, Gas
Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia
Сводный обзор: 
The over-riding goal of the Royal Government of Cambodia is to firmly and steadily build a Cambodian society which enjoys peace, political stability, security and social order, and sustainable and equitable development, with strict adherence to the principles of liberal multi-party democracy, respect for human rights and dignity; and a society in which social fabric will be strengthened to ensure that the Cambodian people are well educated, culturally advanced, engaged in dignified livelihood and living in harmony both within family and society. To achieve this goal, the "Rectangular Strategy" has laid out four objectives as illustrated by the motto: Growth, Employment, Equity and Efficiency.
Energy access priorities: 
In order to reduce poverty and ensure harmony in the lives of people in the rural areas, the Royal Government will continue to attach priority to accelerate rural electrification, including the use of renewable energy.
Energy access action plan: 
[T]he Royal Government will encourage construction of electricity transmission lines covering all parts of the country to enable the supply of quality and low cost energy from all sources to meet the demand in cities, provinces, urban and rural areas;
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
The Royal Government encourages the use of efficient energy with minimal impact on the environment.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
In order to reduce poverty and ensure harmony in the lives of people in the rural areas, the Royal Government will continue to attach priority to accelerate rural electrification, including the use of renewable energy.
Energy environmental priorities: 
The Royal Government will make further efforts to mitigate adverse effects on environment and society in the implementation of energy projects while safeguarding economic efficiency of each project.
Energy pricing: 
In the fourth legislature, the Royal Government will attach priority to increase electricity supply capacity and reduce tariff to an appropriate level while strengthening institutional mechanism and management capability.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
In the fourth legislature, the Royal Government will attach priority to increase electricity supply capacity and reduce tariff to an appropriate level while strengthening institutional mechanism and management capability. To this end, the Royal Government will encourage the construction of low cost electricity generating plants by using local energy sources such as hydro power, natural gas, and coal. [...]---The diversification of energy resources and the creation of the reserve generating capacity in the system are keys to ensure energy security in Cambodia.---The Royal Government considers oil and gas resources as a unique potential to ensure energy security and as valuable resources for long term economic development of Cambodia [...].
Энергетическая смесь: 
The diversification of energy resources and the creation of the reserve generating capacity in the system are keys to ensure energy security in Cambodia.
Infrastructure development priorities: 
[T]he Royal Government will encourage construction of electricity transmission lines covering all parts of the country to enable the supply of quality and low cost energy from all sources to meet the demand in cities, provinces, urban and rural areas;
Regional integration priorities: 
[T]he Royal Government [...] will gradually integrate Cambodia's electricity energy system into the networks of the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) countries and ASEAN.
Energy trade priorities: 
the Royal Government will [...] pursue the import of electricity from neighboring countries.
Investment climate development: 
The Royal Government will accord high priority to encourage the private sector to invest in energy infrastructure, including generation, transmission and distribution.---To facilitate private sector development, the Royal Government will continue to accord priority to improve physical infrastructure through increased public investment in transportation networks, [...] to increase the electricity generating capacity and expand the distribution network in urban and rural areas to provide energy at a reasonable charge;
Clean energy technology priorities: 
[T]he Royal Government will explore possibilities of developing high-tech power plants including nuclear and non-traditional energy, [...]