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Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Power, Gas, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MoNREC)
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Сводный обзор: 
The Myanmar Climate Change Strategy & Action Plan (MCCSAP) presents a roadmap to guide Myanmar’s strategic responses to address climate related risks and opportunities over the next 15 years and beyond. The Strategy and Action Plan aims to support key actors in their decision making at the national and local level to respond to the challenges and opportunities associated with climate change. The Strategy outlines a vision, goal and objectives to guide a transition to a climate resilient and low carbon development pathway that will deliver inclusive economic and social development. It identifies priority actions in key development sectors to build the adaptive capacity of communities and sectors and to promote low carbon development. The Strategy also outlines an implementation framework to coordinate and implement climate resilient and low carbon development initiatives. To increase the adaptive capacity of — and maximise opportunities from — low-carbon and climate resilient development, the strategy will guide investment in the six key social and economic development sectors that contribute to current and planned economic and social development in Myanmar. These six sectors are: agriculture, fisheries and livestock sector; natural resource management; energy, transport and industrial systems; towns and cities; disasters, risks and health impacts; and education, awareness and technological systems.
Energy access priorities: 
The country's capacity to harness its full energy potential and improve energy access will determine its ability to achieve its SDGs.
Energy access action plan: 
Myanmar should and could engage in a low-carbon energy pathway by maximising renewable energy production from hydro and solar sources for the electricity grid that are necessary for critical industry and by seeking alternative ways to increase access to electricity both off-grid or with a mix of renewables.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Both the private sector and the government have an interest in working for energy efficiency to reduce waste at the consumption end of energy at residential and industrial levels, increase availability, contain prices and reduce emissions.
EE action plans: 
Expected results: New buildings are designed and constructed to be energy and resource efficient and resilient to natural hazards and disasters, so that they emit less carbon and produce savings from reduced energy consumption, providing equity and affordability.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
Myanmar has plans to make hydropower the sole electricity source by 2030;
RE action plans: 
Myanmar should and could engage in a low-carbon energy pathway by maximising renewable energy production from hydro and solar sources for the electricity grid that are necessary for critical industry and by seeking alternative ways to increase access to electricity both off-grid or with a mix of renewables.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
By 2030, the country would like to achieve resilient and low-carbon energy, transport and industrial systems to sustainably support its socioeconomic development goals.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Climate-resilient and low-carbon energy, transport and industrial systems that support inclusive and sustainable development and economic growth.---Myanmar should and could engage in a low-carbon energy pathway by maximising renewable energy production from hydro and solar sources for the electricity grid that are necessary for critical industry and by seeking alternative ways to increase access to electricity both off-grid or with a mix of renewables. ---Both the private sector and the government have an interest in working for energy efficiency to reduce waste at the consumption end of energy at residential and industrial levels, increase availability, contain prices and reduce emissions. --- The industrial sector will need to increase its adherence to principles of environmental management with co-benefits in reduced carbon generation — for example, energy efficiency, reduction of waste generation, better waste treatment, and efficient water and natural resource use.---By 2030, the country would like to achieve resilient and low-carbon energy, transport and industrial systems to sustainably support its socioeconomic development goals. This would mean increasing the resilience of the nascent energy, transport and industrial systems, making them sustainable through efficient, low-carbon and green. The country would need to embrace a full range of activities across these sectors, from basic do-no-harm logic to the most progressive low-carbon choices available to a country with such potential for renewable energy.---Transport systems are adapted to heightened risks of disasters from new climatic conditions and sustainable through to efficiency and low-carbon technologies.----Expected results: New buildings are designed and constructed to be energy and resource efficient and resilient to natural hazards and disasters, so that they emit less carbon and produce savings from reduced energy consumption, providing equity and affordability.
Energy-water nexus: 
Myanmar also needs to consider the interrelation of water, food and energy security, as food and energy production both large impact on the country's water resources.---[...] Myanmar will need to increase the security of power plants, considering the shorter return periods for hazards, related to more intense storms and floods. A thorough resilience building for these intertwined sectors will be a crucial component Myanmar's climate responsiveness and its ability to sustain development
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Energy security for the country is based on generating a large share of its energy from renewable sources and high energy efficiency in domestic, industrial and other use.
Энергетическая смесь: 
Myanmar has plans to make hydropower the sole electricity source by 2030;
Industrialization support: 
Expected results:  Industrial systems are highly productive and competitive due to their climate resilient, sustainable, low-carbon and green characteristics.