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All, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar, Wind, Other
Government of Tuvalu, Ministry of Public Utilities & Infrastructures and PRIF Coordination Office
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Сводный обзор: 
The Tuvalu Infrastructure Strategy and Investment Plan (TISIP) 2016−2025 was endorsed by the Tuvalu Cabinet on 7 December 2016 as an update of the TISIP that was prepared in 2011. TISIP 2016−2025 falls under Te Kakeega III, Tuvalu’s National Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016−2020 (TKIII). It includes the infrastructure requirements that were identified in the Tropical Cyclone Pam Recovery and Vulnerability Reduction Plan, prepared by the Government of Tuvalu in 2015. TISIP 2016−2025 includes projects that are ongoing or for which funding has been committed, together with 12 projects as of March 2016, that have been identified from a “long list” based on a prioritisation methodology.
Renewable Energy
RE action plans: 
A [...] program is being developed [...] to extend renewable energy coverage, provide battery storage for a more flexible power grid, and carry out pilots in wind generation. This program also will benefit electricity consumers throughout the country, as well as improve the efficiency of the Tuvalu Electricity Corporation. Also, Tuvalu is part of a five year project, [...] to introduce hybrid power generation systems. In sum, it is estimated that the renewable energy penetration as a result of these projects will reach approximately 40%. There will be an emerging need for the replacement of batteries associated with solar photovoltaic systems. This is taken into account for the 2016−25 period. [Please, see document for details on projects].