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Energy, Power
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Other
Government of Tuvalu
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
This Act aims to promote energy efficiency and conservation in Tuvalu. It also supports the implementation of obligations that Tuvalu has under the Climate Change Conventions and related conventions. Appliance regulated includes; Refrigerator, air-conditioners and lights.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
The purpose of this Act is to promote, in Tuvalu, energy efficiency, energy conservation and to give effects to certain obligations that Tuvalu has under the Climate Change Conventions and related conventions.
EE standards for appliances: 
The Minister must determine standards for minimum energy performance and/or energy labelling for the electrical appliances or products subject to this Act and provide such determinations under Schedule 1A and 1B of the Regulations.---A person who intends to import, offer to supply or supply a product subject to this Act and specified under Schedule 1A and 1B of the Regulations must not do so unless: (a) the brand and model of the product is registered under Part VI; and (b) the product complies with the standards required for that particular product class as specified under Schedule 1A and 1B of the Regulations.
EE labeling: 
The Minister must determine standards for minimum energy performance and/or energy labelling for the electrical appliances or products subject to this Act and provide such determinations under Schedule 1A and 1B of the Regulations.---The importer may not supply or offer to supply a product prescribed in Schedule 1B of the Regulations unless: (a) the brand and model is registered under this Act; and (b) the product has an energy label that complies with the energy performance standards and method of testing provide under Schedule 1A for that product; (c) the energy label is displayed at the front of that product; and (d) the energy performance characteristics on the label correspond to those registered for that model.
Предварительные решения: 
The importer may not supply or offer to supply a product prescribed in Schedule 1B of the Regulations unless: (a) the brand and model is registered under this Act; and (b) the product has an energy label that complies with the energy performance standards and method of testing provide under Schedule 1A for that product; (c) the energy label is displayed at the front of that product; and (d) the energy performance characteristics on the label correspond to those registered for that model. ---A person who intends to import, offer to supply or supply a product subject to this Act and specified under Schedule 1A and 1B of the Regulations must not do so unless: (a) the brand and model of the product is registered under Part VI; and (b) the product complies with the standards required for that particular product class as specified under Schedule 1A and 1B of the Regulations.
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
The Director of Energy is the Regulator of products or electrical appliances subject to this Act.