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Title in national language: 
Стратегический план развития Республики Казахстан до 2020 года
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Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Multi-Sector
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Coal, Oil, Power, Gas, Nuclear, Renewable, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
No official English translation available (Google Translate).
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Сводный обзор: 
In accordance with the Presidential Decree dated 1 February 2010 № 922, the present policy was adopted to define Kazakhstan’s strategic development objectives until 2020. The policy reaffirms the priorities of the Strategy ‘Kazakhstan-2030’ (ceased to be in force) and lays the ground for the Strategy ‘Kazakhstan-2050’ proclaiming the ambitious long-term goals of national development. The Plan establishes an all-encompassing regulatory framework, primarily targets to set up mechanisms and structures capable of confronting the multifaceted global crisis of 2008-2009. The focus is made on the following aspects of post-crisis economic development: creation of favorable business and finance environment, strengthening national finance systems, improving governance and institutional structures. Moreover, objectives of the policy focus on human capital development and modernization of physical infrastructure. The policy overviews global development trends, consequently focuses on strategic priorities at the national level and highlights existing national concerns. --- Steps towards accelerated diversification of the national economy are given particular consideration, moreover, target indicators are provided. For instance, the share of manufacturing industry in GDP will increase by not less than 12.5 per cent by 2015 and not less than 13 per cent by 2020, the share of non-primary export will grow from 10 per cent to 40 per cent by 2015 and to 45 per cent by 2020. Among other target indicators are productivity of labor in manufacturing, agriculture, etc. --- In a broader term, cross-sectoral measures proposed by the policy target improvements in overall economic performance: Kazakhstan GDP is projected to increase by one third from 2009 level. Along with improvements in economic growth and competitiveness, regulatory efforts aim to induce a paradigm shift towards a sustainable environmental system.
EE targets: 
The policy sets the target to reduce the energy intensity of GDP by not less than 10 per cent by 2015 and by not less than 25 per cent by 2020. --- Other objectives include energy conservation improvements in utility and housing sector: by 2015, heat supply loss shall decrease by 20 per cent, electricity supply loss – by 15 per cent. The projected value for heat supply loss is 17 per cent, for electricity supply loss – 15 per cent (by 2015).
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
In line with numerous policies pursued in Kazakhstan to untap the potential of renewable energy, the present plan addresses this thematic area as one of priorities. By 2020, renewable energy shall account for at least 3 per cent of final energy consumption.
Energy environmental priorities: 
As Kazakhstan continues efforts towards transition to a sustainable, modern and clean energy system, the policy highlights the national strategic objectives in this field. The plan seeks to develop sustainable solutions in response to global environmental challenges such as climate change and greenhouse gas pollution. --- Furthermore, in accordance with the Concept of Kazakhstan’s Transition towards Green Economy adopted pursuant to the Presidential Executive Order of 30 May 2013 №577, measures will be undertaken in an economically feasible manner to mitigate adverse negative impacts on the environment and will concentrate on increasing efficiency in utilization of water, land and biological resources, modernization and refurbishment of infrastructure. Identified areas of action thereby include: sustainable water management, agricultural sector, energy efficiency and energy conservation, power sector, waste management, pollution abatement, ecosystem management. --- Action is needed in the area of nuclear energy utilization for peaceful purposes.
Energy-water nexus: 
Art. ‘Management of Water Resources’ places an emphasis on interlinkages between energy and water. While addressing the acute issue of water scarcity, the policy aims to identify complex solutions across the energy-water nexus. To increase efficiency in industrial processes, energy conservation measures shall be put in place along with broader deployment of energy efficient technologies.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Industrialization of the country aimed at an integrated increase in productivity labor in the economy will be carried out in the following areas: 1) development of traditional industries: oil and gas sector, mining and metallurgical complex, nuclear and chemical industries with the subsequent transition of raw materials productions for higher redistributions; [...] 4) development of directions of the "economy of the future", which will play the dominant role in the world economy in the next 15-20 years: [...] alternative energy. [...]
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Art. ‘Oil Processing Industry, Oil and Gas Infrastructure Development’ stipulates that, given the economic context, oil and gas export is projected to further remain strong. Strategic objective thereby is to enhance integration through the development of oil and gas pipeline infrastructure. By 2016, upon completion of the gas pipeline project Beneu – Bozoy – Shymkent, gas supplies to the southern areas of the country will reach 6 bln. cubic meters per year. A multifaceted approach is being proposed to the development of oil and gas infrastructure capacities, among other measures is the establishment of the integrated petrochemical complex. In 2014, the national oil processing industry is expected to meet fully domestic demand for fuel products.
Деятельность органов власти
M&E of policy implementation: 
With an aim to track progress towards the established goals, the policy sets the regulatory framework for assessing the results of program implementation. The Strategic Development Plan 2020 lays the ground for developing by national regulatory bodies five-year plans in their respective areas.
Statistics collection and management: 
Initiatives to improve the collection, uniformity, and availability of statistical data will be undertaken with a view to support assessment and monitoring of progress on the way to achieving the stated objectives.