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Title in national language: 
Государственная программа индустриально-инновационного развития Республики Казахстан на 2015-2019 годы
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Тип документа: 
Plan/Strategy, Programme
Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Multi-Sector
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Power, Renewable, Solar, Other
Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Сводный обзор: 
The present Program lays the foundation for the development of sustainable and robust industrial sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan within the time frame of 2015-2019. Designed by the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies in line with the principles of the Strategy ‘Kazakhstan 2050’, the Strategic Development Plan until 2020, and the Concept of Accelerated Industrial and Innovative Development for 2010-2014, the Program provides comprehensive responses to the most acute economic and industrial issues pertaining in particular to: 1) strengthening the competitiveness of national economy through industrial diversification; 2) accelerating the development of manufacturing industry; 3) improving industrial efficiency; 3) providing greater market access for non-primary goods; 4) developing entrepreneurship and promoting small and midsize businesses in manufacturing; 5) improving the productivity of labor; 6) investment in industrial infrastructure, technology and innovation. The Program summarizes on the current economic conditions, identifies existing vulnerabilities and assesses how effective regulatory measures can support the positive determinants of growth. With a view to expand the economy of Kazakhstan significantly, the policy proposes measures to have the industrial sector embrace more innovation and technology. --- Multifaceted measures undertaken to enhance the competitiveness of national economy and create favorable business environment are expected to strengthen Kazakhstan’s positions in international rankings: Doing Business, Global Competitiveness Index – an assessment of competitiveness landscape carried out by the World Economic Forum, FDI Confidence Index developed by A.T. Kearney, etc. --- As far as energy-specific challenges are concerned, the Program - among other issues - emphasizes that in the current economic environment, Kazakhstan faces heightened risk of global long-term fall in prices for primary energy sources and metallurgy commodities. --- Hurdles in the form of misaligned policies pursued by the state are addressed specifically.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Water and energy saving, rational consumption of raw materials and other resources, environmental protection and safety in the production of construction materials are essential in terms of competitiveness of the sector and prospects for its further development.
EE targets: 
[R]eduction of energy consumption in manufacturing by at least 15% compared to 2012.
EE action plans: 
Economic growth in the second five-year plan requires the following tasks for the development of construction materials production: 1) creation of conditions for launching new and modernization of existing enterprises for production of environmentally friendly, high-tech and energy-saving construction materials with regard to their export opportunities;
EE industry standards: 
Priority directions of development of construction materials industry in Kazakhstan is the production of new and improved high-tech modern materials, introduction of innovative energy-efficient and resource-saving technologies in the production of construction materials and its automation, water- and energy-saving, environmental protection and safety.
Energy pricing: 
Large economies of scale have given rise to natural monopolies. The Program addresses pricing as a key element of regulation with respect to natural monopolies. It’s pointed out that the lack of long-term tariff setting schemes is a negative factor influencing current market environment. With a view to improve market conditions, the Program proposes regulatory efforts that focus, inter alia, on tariff setting for energy transportation. Furthermore, a number of viable instruments is proposed to create a favorable business environment to reap subsequently the benefits of competition.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Economic growth in the second five-year plan requires the following tasks for the development of construction materials production: [...] establishment and development of transport and pipeline infrastructure;---Energy infrastructure support - subject to the provisions of the Concept of development of fuel and energy sector until 2030.[...] Objectives of the establishment and improvement of infrastructure support rapid industrialization of Kazakhstan are: - availability and quality in the field of transport, energy and industrial infrastructure; - providing electricity needs of the economy and achieving energy independence;
Деятельность органов власти
M&E of policy implementation: 
With a view to enable monitoring of progress towards green and more sustainable industrial sector, art. 5 proposes a comprehensive plan of required measures.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Priority directions of development of construction materials industry in Kazakhstan is the production of new and improved high-tech modern materials, introduction of innovative energy-efficient and resource-saving technologies in the production of construction materials and its automation, water- and energy-saving, environmental protection and safety.
R&D renewable energy: 
‘Innovative Sectors’. The policy emphasizes the growing role of renewable energy in Kazakhstan power mix. To unleash the potential of renewable energy, regulatory efforts focus on advancing renewable and low carbon technologies.
R&D energy efficiency: 
Cross-sectoral measures encourage the entrance of innovative, environmentally conscious technologies, processes, appliances and practices. Considerable emphasis is placed on research and development initiatives on energy efficiency and energy conservation (Art. ‘Innovative Sectors’).