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Title in national language: 
Стратегический план Министерства окружающей среды и водных ресурсов Республики Казахстан на 2011 - 2015 годы
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Экономический сектор: 
Power, Multi-Sector
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Power, Renewable, Solar, Wind, Other
Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Сводный обзор: 
The policy was developed pursuant to Art. 62 of the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 4 December 2008 and was subsequently endorsed in accordance with the Decree of the Government № 98 of 8 February 2011. The Strategic Plan reaffirms the objectives of the Concept of Transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Low Carbon Economy. The present policy lays out the national environmental strategy encompassing the elaboration of long-term goals and associated cross-sectoral policy actions. While highlighting the existing gaps, the policy seeks to achieve significant improvements in environmental protection, with that, generate substantial economic gains. The policy addresses the key pillars of environmental sustainability: biodiversity conservation and protection, mitigation of adverse climate impacts, sustainable use of energy and water resources. --- Through policy implementation, the Republic of Kazakhstan is expected to improve its positions in global competitiveness rankings; this particularly applies to institutional parameters.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
The present Plan – while addressing the issue of high energy intensity of the national economy – seeks to strengthen frameworks for the development of alternative and renewable energy. Kazakhstan endorses a science-based approach to the development of these types of energy. Furthermore, the policy articulates the objective of proliferating investment and financial mechanisms required to scale up solar and wind energy projects.
RE targets: 
As provided by art. 2 ‘Transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Low Carbon Development and Green Economy’, by 2050, renewable sources of energy shall account for 50 per cent of total energy consumption. --- The policy highlights main drivers and challenges to renewable energy deployment.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Despite significant progress made on the way to accelerated industrial and innovative development, substantial economic gains were associated with huge environmental costs. To tackle existing environmental concerns, the policy proposes a comprehensive set of measures aimed at mitigating adverse industrial pollution impacts (heat and energy sectors, oil and gas industries, mining and metallurgy). The policy seeks to attain considerable progress in implementation of the green growth strategy, thus, achieve sizable greenhouse gas emission reductions. --- It is stipulated that the state regulatory bodies are responsible for the preparation of environmental monitoring assessments and production of the indicator-based state-of-the-environment reports.
Pollution level targets, PM10, PM2.5, SOx, NOx: 
The Strategic Plan set the target indicator for air pollution: reduce the emission of air polluting substances from stationary sources to 2.3 mln. t by 2015 (lost effect in accordance with the Governmental Decree № 443 dated 30.04.2013). --- The total permissible amount of pollutant substances shall not exceed 5 mln. t. (yearly until 2020) – the provision lost effect pursuant to the Governmental Decree № 807 dated 07.08.2013.
Carbon markets: 
In coherence with the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Plan for Quota Distribution for the Emission of Greenhouse Gases adopted in 2013, the policy strengthens frameworks for carbon emission trading. The plan reaffirms the objective stated by the above-mentioned policies - to create markets of tradable credits / quotas - and involves the following industries: power sector, production of coal, oil and gas, manufacturing.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
Kazakhstan endorses a science-based approach to the development of these types of energy. Furthermore, the policy articulates the objective of proliferating investment and financial mechanisms required to scale up solar and wind energy projects.