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Energy, Power
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All, Power, Renewable, Solar, Other
Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources
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Сводный обзор: 
This Action Plan for Energy Efficiency and Conservation reaffirms the government's commitment on efficient use of energy. The plan sets a framework for energy efficiency and conservation that furthers the government climate change, economic and social agendas. It sets a target of energy saving and identify some actions to meet the target. The Action Plan has been prepared to set a logical vision, mission, objectives, institutional and legal framework and actions to be undertaken in the backdrop of the current energy scenario (Primary and Secondary). It provides for an overview of the energy sector; the legal and institutional framework; and on capacity development. It then details energy efficiency in power generation, power transmission, power distribution, demand side initiatives for energy efficiency, energy efficiency and conservation programme areas; as well as other interventions. The Master Plan on Efficient Energy Management was established based on this Action Plan with a view to exploring the prospective areas of energy savings in different centers, which will be commencing subsequently, to meet the specific needs.
Clean cooking solutions: 
Improved Cook Stove Program is going on to replace the Inefficient cook stoves In urban and rural areas to save the primary energy resource- biomass
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Improving the primary and secondary energy saving level for sustainable energy security including low carbon emission [...].---Through proper and apposite sectoral programs, the EE &EC agenda will be promoted in the country In future.
EE targets: 
In line with its vision statement, the government has set the following targets to ensure sustainable energy security: - 10% of primary and secondary energy saving by 2015 - 15% by the 2021 and - 20%by 2030.
EE action plans: 
(3) Installation of energy saving CFL, T- 5 tube light Instead of Incandescent bulb and replacement of electronic ballast by magnetic ballast activities are going on.---Improved Cook Stove Program is going on to replace the Inefficient cook stoves In urban and rural areas to save the primary energy resource- biomass.---Power factor and voltage drop : There are current ly two voltage regulation projects underway which will rapidly improve the line losses. These wi ll add approximately 950MVar of capacitor banks and reduce line losses by 128GWh per year.---Automatic Generation Control, Smart grids and System Metering : PGCB should regularly evaluate the economic load dispatch merit order, current load dispatch system as well as identify the proposed measures to be adopted to enhance energy efficiency. This will include automatic generation control in SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system, smart grids, proper system metering etc .---Islanding the grid connectivity : for managing long distance grid lines for efficient management of the grid loss.---Upgradation of distribution lines and substations: Distribution utilities will identify the areas wit h lines and substations overloading and issues concerning load distribution and feeder lines and prepare a priority list for replacement and financing. Load balancing in the distribution areas should be followed---Power Factor Improvement : Power distribution utilities will assess the current distribution pow er factors as well as prepare action plan and take necessary measures to address this issue.- Modern Metering and service drop : Distribution utilities will adopt standard service drop practices and proper metering system. Each power connection should have proper metering (preferably Pre-paid meters for Low Tension consumers and remote metering for High Tension consumers) and billing system. Prevention of pilferage and in -house Capacity building : distribution utilities will identify possible pilferage prevention measures and proper training to enrich in• house capacity building of the personnel serving in the sector.---Replacement or repowering of some of the power plants that are still running at very low efficiency and their availability beyond their economic life time.[...]To take possible energy efficiency measures, each power plant must have a responsible technical person who will identify the possible energy loss, and take measures for prevention of the same in the power station and assist the energy audit system in the power sector. [...] Online Interface meters are to set up at the energy dispatch point from the power station to the grid to monitor the energy ration [...]---All the new coal based pow r plants are to be designed with supercritical boilers and gas based simple cycle base load power stations as combined cycle ones for higher energy output.---The peaking power plants will not be allowed to run in base load to avoid unscheduled heat loss.---Improving Kiln Efficiency in the brick manufacturing industry Is going on which will save half of the fuel cost, while reducing carbon emissions by half.---(6) Efficient Rice Husk Parboiling Program has been initiated for replacement of 50 {fifty) thousand inefficient boilers with efficient ones, which will save about half of the rice husk for other uses.---(3) Installation of energy saving CFL, T- 5 tube light Instead of Incandescent bulb and replacement of electronic ballast by magnetic ballast activities are going on.---To reduce the large peak demand for light ing in the night time, LED security lighting will be introduced in urban areas. Power utilities will conduct public awareness program to install solar/LED security lighting system in industrial, commercial and large housing areas preferably powered by solar system.
EE standards for appliances: 
By taking appropriate steps through Imposing restrictions the production, Importation and identification of energy inefficient equipment and appliances will be phased-out from the market gradually.[...]. BSTI Is now working on standardize 6 products for making them energy efficient through Its Standards & Labeling project.
EE labeling: 
(5) Energy Star Labeling Program has been start ed to motivate the users to use energy efficient appliances. BSTI has star marked six appliances (fan, air conditioner, refrigerator, CFL bulb, Ballast and electric motors) so far.
EE building standards: 
The New Building Code is under preparation which would address the EE issues and practices in buildings. [...].
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
The officers of SREDA would require extensive train ing to improve their performance and understanding of the critical need and role of EE & EC in national economy and energy management and strengthen their technical and professional capacities to provide a common platform of assistance to other organization, both public and private. [...].---Electricity Week program has already been, launched since 2010 with a view to promote energy saving campaigns at consumer and school levels. In this program, prizes were also awarded to the champions related to electricity saving at their level. [...] This program is nation ally observed on 7th December each year.---In-house Capacity building and HR Strengthening measures : PGCB will identify possible t raining programs to promote in·house measures in transmission network operati on and maintenance.
Renewable Energy
RE action plans: 
Installation of solar panels for solar power production in all the government, non-government and autonomous institutions are going on.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Improving Kiln Efficiency in the brick manufacturing industry Is going on which will save half of the fuel cost, while reducing carbon emissions by half.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Islanding the grid connectivity : for managing long distance grid lines for efficient management of the grid loss.
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Rehabilitation of the old and Inefficient power plants as per the Policy Guidelines for Enhancement of Private Participation in the Power Sector.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Rehabilitation of the old and Inefficient power plants as per the Policy Guidelines for Enhancement of Private Participation in the Power Sector
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
The officers of SREDA would require extensive train ing to improve their performance and understanding of the critical need and role of EE & EC in national economy and energy management and strengthen their technical and professional capacities to provide a common platform of assistance to other organization, both public and private. [...].---Upg radation of line and transformer capacity : PGCB should identify the lower loaded transformer and transmission line considering future demand •generation growth .
Energy institutional structures: 
SREDA will aid and advise the concerned government monitoring and accreditation bodies e.g. BSTI, PWD and other related organizations, wh ich will be delineated by their specific needs, through the followl ng specific roles: i. Prescribing min imum energy performance standards and informative labels for end use equipment and appllances.ii. Assistlng the government in the development and impleme ntation of Energy Conservation Building Codes. ii i. Enhancing energy efficiency of high energy using sectors defined as designated consumers [...].---SREOA will aid and advise the concerned governmen t monito ring and accreditation bodies e.g. BSTI, PWO and other related organizations, which will be delineated by their specific needs [...].
M&E of policy implementation: 
Energy Efficiency and Conservation is a cross-cutting issue and many government agencies are involved in its implementation. [...]The role of government organizations agencies in implementing specific program are mentioned in the action matrix. A national level committee will be formed to oversee the progress of implementation. In power sector the generation, transmission and distribution entities will detail up their respective actions and implement these actions through their concerned units. The progress of the actions will be monitored regularly by t he competent authority. A standard format will be developed for reporting to the national committee.[...].
Clean energy technology deployment: 
All the new coal based power plants are to be designed with supercritical boilers and gas based simple cycle base load power stations as combined cycle ones for higher energy output