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Government of Fiji
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Сводный обзор: 
The objective of the Electricity Act include promoting the development of the electricity industry by the appointment of an independent regulator, and licensing the generation, transmission and supply of electricity.
Energy access priorities: 
[...] the Minister and the Regulator each have a duty to exercise the functions [...] to— (a) protect the interests of consumers of electricity which must (other than in situations of self-supply) be supplied by the Company in respect of the— (i) prices charged and the other terms of supply; (ii) continuity of supply; and (iii) quality of the electricity supply services provided;[...] In performing the Minister’s or the Regulator’s duty under subsection (3)(a)(i), the Minister or the Regulator must take into account the interests of consumers of electricity with limited or restricted incomes.[...] the protection of the interests of consumers of electricity in rural areas. [...]the interests of persons with disabilities and persons of pensionable age.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
[...] the Minister and the Regulator each have a duty to exercise the functions [...] to—promote efficiency and economy on the part of persons authorised by licences to generate, supply or transmit electricity and the efficient use of electricity supplied to consumers;
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
The Minister and the Regulator each have a duty to exercise the functions as signed or transferred to the Minister or the Regulator by this Part in the manner which the Minister or the Regulator considers is best calculated to—[...] (c) promote the lowest cost solutions for generation and to require possible generation from renewable sources; [...]
Energy pricing: 
Subject to the following provisions of this section, the prices to be charged by a public electricity supplier for the supply of electricity under section 15(1) must be in accordance with such tariffs (which, subject to any condition included in its licence, may relate to the supply of electricity in different areas, cases and circumstances) as may be fixed from time to time by the Regulator. A tariff to be applied by a public electricity supplier under subsection (1) must be—(a) so framed as to show the methods by which and the principles on which the charges are to be made and the prices to be charged; an (b) published in such manner as in the opinion of the public electricity supplier will secure adequate publicity for it. A tariff to be applied by a public electricity supplier under subsection (1) may include— (a) a standing charge in addition to the charge for the actual electricity supplied; (b) a charge in respect of the availability of a supply of electricity; and (c) rent or other charges in respect of any electricity meter or electrical plant provided by the public electricity supplier, and the charge in paragraph (b) may vary according to the extent to which the supply is taken up.---The Regulator may, for the purpose of preventing the charging of excessive rates for electricity, by order prescribe the maximum charges to be made by a licensee for the supply of electricity to consumers, and such order will take effect notwithstanding the existence of any licence or agreement relating to the charges to be made by such licensee for the supply of electricity to consumers.
Independent power producers: 
create opportunities for independent power producers to provide electricity if economical and, from a system integrity perspective, more beneficial to Fiji and the consumers of electricity;
Local content requirement: 
No licensee or management will employ or permit to be employed on any service involving management of or attendance on or proximity to live apparatus not effectively insulated, any person under the age of 18 years.
Project permitting: 
provide for an independent regulator for the electricity industry with powers to make regulations and grant licences and do such things as are necessary or desirable to ensure the efficient running of the electricity industry;
Electricity wholesale markets: 
improve competition and efficiency in the system operations and wholesale markets within the electricity industry, and thereby enhance customer services;
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Give effect to the Company having exclusivity in the provision of transmission and supply of electricity services in Fiji; “Company” means a company registered under the Companies Act 2015, which is the successor entity of the FEA; give effect to the Company having exclusivity as the licensed retail seller of electricity in Fiji under the procedures prescribed in this Act;---permit the Minister to enter into such agreements as may be required to achieve the initial divestment transaction and in each subsequent case achieve the objectives set out in this Act; ---remove from the FEA, or any subsequent successor, the direct responsibility to regulate the electricity industry and devolve all of the FEA’s regulatory functions and responsibilities to the Regulator.---It is the duty of the public electricity supplier to develop and maintain an efficient, coordinated and economical system of electricity supply.
Energy institutional structures: 
remove from the FEA, or any subsequent successor, the direct responsibility to regulate the electricity industry and devolve all of the FEA’s regulatory functions and responsibilities to the Regulator.
Clean energy technology priorities: 
[...] the Minister and the Regulator each have a duty to exercise the functions [...] to [...]promote research into, and the development and use of, new techniques by or on behalf of, persons authorised by a licence to generate, transmit or supply electricity;