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Тип документа: 
Rule/Regulation, Other
Экономический сектор: 
Multi-Sector, Other
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All, Coal, Other
Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
The Environmental Conservation Rules (2014) complement the Environmental Conservation Law (2012) in implementing the principles of environmental conservation (Chapter III), environmental quality standards (Chapter VII), management of urban environment (Chapter VIII), waste management (Chapter IX), conservation of natural resources and cultural heritage (Chapter X), environmental impact assessment (Chapter XI), etc.
Pollution control action plans: 
16. The Ministry: (a) Shall adopt the necessary programs, with the approval of the Committee, for the conservation and enhancement of environment, protection, control and reduction of pollution in the environment, and reconservation; [...]
Green finance: 
29. The Committee, for conservation of environment: [...] (c) Shall expend the environmental management fund only for environmental conservation matters except that the Committee decides to use in other case; [...] --- 31. The Ministry shall establish the environmental management fund with the following receipts to implement environmental conservation activities effectively : (a) Receipts from the Union Consolidated fund; (b) Receipts from the Ministry by carrying out its duties relating to environmental conservation; (c) Loan, donation, grant and other lawful receipts from the Committee and the Ministry from local and overseas; [...]
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Chapter (X) Conservation of Natural Resources and Cultural Heritages 47. The department: (a) Shall scrutinize the situation of performance relating to conservation, management, beneficial use and sustainable use of natural resources [...]