EE standards for appliances:
Policies and measures in residential sector:
Intensive energy management by using Home Energy management system (HEMS), smart meters.
EE lighting and mechanical system standards:
Policies and measures in commercial and other sectors:
Energy-efficient devices
˗ 100% diffusion of high efficient light such as LED by FY2030 on stock base, and improves energy efficiency of equipment by the top runner program.
Policies and measures in residential sector:
Energy-efficient equipment
˗ 100% diffusion of high efficient light such as LED on stock base by FY2030, introduction of 5.3 mil house-use fuel cells by FY2030, improves energy efficiency of equipment by the top-runner program.
EE industry standards:
Policies and measures in industrial sector:
Introduction of highly energy-efficient equipment/devices, and use of Factory
Energy Management System (FEMS).
Intensive energy management by using Building Energy Management System
(BEMS) and energy saving diagnostics.
EE building standards:
Policies and measures in commercial and other sectors:
Improvement of energy efficiency performance of buildings
˗ Promotes compliance of energy saving standards for new buildings, energy
saving renovation of existing buildings, and promotes Zero Energy Buildings.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes:
Policies and measures in residential sector:
Promotion of nationwide campaigns.