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Тип документа: 
Экономический сектор: 
Power, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Other
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
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Сводный обзор: 
The National Environment Sector Plan (NESP) 2017-2021 is to provide the blueprint for the sustainable management and development of natural resources in Samoa, and the protection and conservation of the country's environment. NESP sets out four long term environmental outcomes ((1) natural resources and environment conservation; (2) resilient built environment; (3) mainstreaming climate change and disaster risk management; and (4) sector governance) which together frame the sector's strategic direction for this period in the context of current and emerging issues and challenges.
EE action plans: 
Activity 2.4.2 Promote Research and Development on alternative energy sources and energy efficiency. [...] Activity 2.4.4 Promote wider awareness and educational programs on EE and RE.
EE building standards: 
[...] the building and refrigeration sectors will enhance their efforts to comply with the National Building Code and the Energy Efficiency Bill by promoting the use of energy efficient products.
EE transport standards : 
The transport sector [...] through the NAMA will endeavor to gradually switch from normal fossilized transport to 100% renewable electricity transport mediums.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
SDS Strategic Outcomes for the Sector: 100% capacity for renewable energy electricity by 2025.--- The transport sector [...] through the NAMA will endeavor to gradually switch from normal fossilized transport to 100% renewable electricity transport mediums.
RE action plans: 
Activity 2.4.3 Promote Partnership on energy efficiency and renewable energy. Activity 2.4.4 Promote wider awareness and educational programs on EE and RE.
Pollution control action plans: 
Activity 2.4.1 Strengthen policy, legislative and institutional framework for low carbon developments.