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Title in national language: 
Қазақстанның әлемнің ең дамыған 30 мемлекетінің қатарына кіруі жөніндегі тұжырымдама туралы
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Тип документа: 
Overarching Policy, Other
Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Power, Gas, Renewable, Other
Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan 
No official English version available
Сводный обзор: 
The Concept on the Entry of Kazakhstan into the Number of 30 Most Developed Countries in the World outlines the vision, strategic directions for the long-term development of Kazakhstan until 2050 and mechanisms for implementing the Concept.
EE targets: 
6. The efficiency of the economy and the rational use of the country's natural resources will increase. The energy intensity of GDP will be halved, from 0.4 to 0.2 tons of fuel equivalent per thousand US dollars of GDP. For this, comprehensive measures will be taken to improve energy efficiency.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
3. Vision of Kazakhstan in 2050: [...] The country's domestic electricity needs will be met by renewable energy sources. Clean energy and high environmental standards will ensure the country is resilient in the face of the growing threat of global climate change. --- In the medium term, a set of measures will be taken to create a basis for the development of high-tech sectors of the knowledge-based economy, in which Kazakhstan has significant potential. In particular, these are [...], alternative energy.
RE targets: 
3.5. Development of alternative energy. In the long term, in order to ensure energy security and reduce the environmental burden, Kazakhstan will develop the production of electricity from renewable and alternative sources. By 2050, their total share in the total electricity generated will be increased to 50%.---The combined share of wind, solar and bioenergy will increase to 3% of total electricity generated by 2020.
RE action plans: 
In the medium term, projects will be implemented to develop wind, solar energy, as well as bioelectricity produced by processing crops and waste. Due to the relative high cost of these technologies, priority will be given to those that are already close to the price parity with traditional generation - these are large-scale wind turbines. Other technologies will be introduced at a slower pace to gain experience in integrating them into the network, taking care of minimizing the economic burden on the consumer.--- A gradual conversion of coal-fired CHPPs to natural gas and the construction of new thermal power plants operating on this type of fuel will be carried out by creating appropriate infrastructure in large cities of the country.
Energy environmental priorities: 
5. Kazakhstan will adopt an environmentally friendly and sustainable economic growth model. Carbon dioxide emissions from electricity generation will be reduced from 1,000 g / kWh to 350 g / kWh. This will be achieved by modernizing generating capacities and increasing the share of renewable and alternative types of energy in the total electricity production to 50%, which will also contribute to strengthening the country's energy security.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the development of services for the design, construction and operation of nuclear reactors, fuel enrichment, management and maintenance of nuclear power plants, reprocessing and disposal of spent nuclear fuel.