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Title in national language: 
Қазақстан Республикасының "жасыл экономикаға" көшуі жөніндегі тұжырымдаманы іске асыру жөніндегі 2021 – 2030 жылдарға арналған іс-шаралар жоспарын бекіту туралы
Проект документа: 
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Год составления проекта документа: 
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Виды актов по количеству участников: 
Тип документа: 
Decree, Plan/Strategy
Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Multi-Sector
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Coal, Power, Gas, Renewable, Other
Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan 
No official English version available
Сводный обзор: 
The Action Plan for the Implementation of the Concept for the Transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to a "Green Economy" for 2021 - 2030 (Government Decree No 479 of 2020) include a number of priority sectors, including energy efficiency and electric power, among others.
EE action plans: 
3.1. Energy saving and energy efficiency measures in the field of housing and communal services and the heating system: 22. Ensuring monitoring of energy consumption by large enterprises - annually. 23. Modernization of heating networks, production facilities - annually. 24. Modernization of street lighting using energy-saving technologies - annually. 3.2 Energy saving and energy efficiency measures in the construction and industrial sectors: 25. Construction and overhaul of the housing stock with elements of thermal modernization in accordance with the latest thermal protection standards - annually. 26. Ensuring an annual hearing of the subjects of the state energy register on the implementation of action plans based on the results of an energy audit - annually. 27. Development and approval of the Roadmap for energy conservation and energy efficiency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022 - 2026, - 2021. 28. Ensuring the annual determination of the rating of energy audit companies based on the results of the received economic effects from the recommended measures during the reporting year - annually. 3.3 Implementation of energy saving and energy efficiency measures in the transport sector: 29. Development of alternative modes of transport and related infrastructure for electric and gas-fueled vehicles - annually. 30. Improvement of the traffic control system ("smart traffic control system") - annually. 4. Reducing the level of carbon dioxide emissions in the electric power industry: 31. Gasification of Nur-Sultan city, Akmola, Karaganda regions - 2021-2030. 32. Installation of new and modernization of existing boilers at power plants - annually. 33. Conversion of CHPPs from coal to gas in all major cities of gasified regions, if available in terms of volume and price - annually. 34. Construction of new thermal power plants in accordance with the world's best technologies for fuel efficiency and environmental parameters - annually.