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Title in national language: 
VISI Indonesia 2045
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Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Multi-Sector, Other
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Power, Renewable, Other
Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency 
No English translation available. Google translate
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Сводный обзор: 
VISI Indonesia 2045 (Indonesia Vision 2045) sets out the Government's of Indonesia vision and to 2045 while focusing on measures to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
Energy security is enhanced by New and Renewable Energy (EBT). The role of NRE is increased to 30 percent by 2045 [including by power type] bioenergy = 39%, hydro = 21%, geothermal = 18%, solar = 9%, other = 13%.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Power generation electricity increased to over 430 GW, 100 percent electrification ratio since in 2020, and energy supply per capita to 7 thousand kWh in 2045.
Infrastructure development priorities: 
The development of electricity infrastructure applies the concept of islands so that the fulfillment of electricity per capita is more effective.