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State Committee on Ecology and Climate of the Kyrgyz Republic
Сводный обзор: 
The Updated Nationally Determined Contribution 2021 represents progress compared to INDC, since in 2030 the emission reductions relative to the BAU scenario increase from 11.49% to 15.97% (+4.49%), and subject to international support from 29,00% to 43.62% (+14.62%). Mitigation measures by sector are presented in Annex 1, with the target values reflecting the estimated GHG emission reductions in 1000 t CO2 equivalent.
Energy environmental priorities: 
The mitigation capacity in this sector will be realized thanks to a decrease in the consumption of fossil fuels and an increase in the generation of energy based on renewable energy sources, as well as the modernization of energy supply systems. The promotion of a set of activities in energy efficiency will also contribute to the GHG emission reduction.