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Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector, Other
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Power, Renewable, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Other
Ministry of Environment, Republic of Maldives
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Сводный обзор: 
The Update of Nationally Determined Contribution of Maldives makes ambitious plans to reduce 26% of our emissions by 2030. Furthermore, we will strive to achieve net zero by 2030, if we receive adequate international support and assistance. To achieve the emission reduction targets, we have set forth ambitious plans to increase our share of renewable energy in the energy mix through various initiatives. Additionally, this NDC would also facilitate actions to realize government’s visions towards a ‘Blue Economy’ promoting sustainable economic growth while safeguarding the oceans, plans to phase out single use plastic and also initiatives to protect and preserve the Maldives' fragile environment.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Various actions need to be undertaken to achieve the NDC target. A brief description of the activities are provided below. [...]  Increase supply and demand side efficiency. Increase of efficiency of generators and upgrading the grids to minimize grid loss would be essential. Significant upgrading of the existing power production infrastructure needs to be done via routine scheduled maintenance, synchronization and optimization of power production and reducing grid loss to at least 5% is required. In addition, demand side management would include implementation of the standard labelling program and improvement of building standards for energy efficiency.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Various actions need to be undertaken to achieve the NDC target. A brief description of the activities are provided below.  Increase of electricity production by renewable energy (RE) with storage and grid stabilization. Efforts will be made to increase the installed the RE share to 15% of the energy mix, which includes the public and private sector.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Various actions need to be undertaken to achieve the NDC target. A brief description of the activities are provided below. [...]  Establishment of vehicle/vessels emissions standard and establishment of efficient transport management system and promotion of hybrid-vehicles.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
In our updated NDC we have made ambitious plans to reduce 26% of our emissions by 2030. Furthermore, we will strive to achieve net zero by 2030, if we receive adequate international support and assistance. --- 26% reduction of emissions in 2030 (under a BAU) in a conditional manner, in the context of sustainable development, supported and enabled by availability of financial resources, technology transfer and capacity building.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Energy supply priorities: 
Various actions need to be undertaken to achieve the NDC target. A brief description of the activities are provided below. [...]  Waste to energy. The planned installation of 8 MW in Thilafushi and 1.5 MW in Addu City will be completed. These systems will be optimized for grid connection and electricity production. [...]  Use of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) for electricity generation within greater Malé region. The diesel used for power production could be replaced with LNG for the greater Malé region with the proposed LNG plant in Thilafushi and the interconnectivity bridge.