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Energy, Power, Industry, Transport, Building, Multi-Sector, Other
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Power, Renewable, Other
Climate Change and Development Authority
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Сводный обзор: 
Papua New Guinea’s Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution 2020 provides information on PNG’s key commitments to both mitigate and address the impacts of climate change. It builds on and enhances ambition from PNG’s first NDC (submitted in 2015) through inclusion of additional sector targets for LULUCF and adaptation as well as increasing information on the nature of these targets in line with the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF).
EE labeling: 
This will be achieved by: • Reducing energy demand - through adoption and implementation of Minimum Energy Performance Standards and Labelling (MEPSL) Regulations as well as enhancing public awareness of energy use and means of reducing energy use.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
This will be achieved by: [...] Enhancing levels of renewables in the energy mix – through increasing from 30% (2015) to 78% the level of installed capacity for on grid electricity generation that is produced by renewables.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Within the Energy Industries PNG is committing to a headline target of carbon neutrality within the energy industries sub-sector by 2030.
Pollution control action plans: 
This will be achieved by: [...] Establishing a framework for fossil fuel emission offsetting – PNG remains committed to an energy transition but also recognizes that a full transition will take time given PNG’s complex geographies and dispersed population as well as growing economy. As such a framework for offsetting of emissions from fossil fuels will be introduced to support economic incentives for the transition while also helping to finance domestic nature based solutions in particular reduced emissions and enhanced removals from the forest sector. [...] Transport. In addition PNG will continue to review appropriate options and approaches to reducing emissions from the transport subsector.
Деятельность органов власти
Statistics collection and management: 
This will be achieved by: [...] Enhanced data collection – Specific GHG targets are not currently possible for energy industries within PNG due to limitations of data availability. To strengthen this process PNG will establish a framework for enhanced data collection on energy use and associated emissions to support improved policy and regulation to manage emissions.