as part of the implementation of the Paris Agreement of December 12, 2015
- Targets to limit greenhouse gas emissions
- Target areas for the implementation of the global goal of adaptation to climate change
- Voluntary support for developing countries to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement
- Information on the implemented climate policies
- Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding of Nationally Determined Contributions
- Adaptation communication as a component of the Nationally Determined Contribution
1. Targets to limit greenhouse gas emissions
The Russian Federation participates in the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (hereinafter - the Convention), the Kyoto Protocol of December 11, 1997 and the Paris Agreement of December 12, 2015.
As part of the implementation of the Paris Agreement, the Russian Federation announces a target for limiting greenhouse gas emissions, which provides for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 to 70 percent relative to the 1990 level, taking into account the maximum possible absorptive capacity of forests and other ecosystems and subject to sustainable and balanced social economic development of the Russian Federation.
This indicator demonstrates an increasing ambition compared to earlier commitments to limit greenhouse gas emissions.
Thus, in the first period of the Kyoto Protocol, the Russian Federation ensured that the established indicator for limiting greenhouse gas emissions did not exceed 100% of the 1990 level. Until 2020, the target for limiting greenhouse gas emissions was set on its own initiative by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No 752 dated September 30, 2013 "On the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions" and is no more than 75% of the 1990 level.
The preliminary Nationally Determined Contribution, announced in 2015 in support of the Lima Call for Climate Action, was to limit anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in the Russian Federation to 70-75 percent of 1990 emissions by 2030, taking into account the maximum possible absorption capacity forests. This indicator is intended to demonstrate the importance of protecting and improving the quality of sinks and sinks of greenhouse gases, as mentioned in Article 5 of the Paris Agreement.
The first Nationally Determined Contribution of the Russian Federation is consistent and provides for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by up to 70 percent by 2030 relative to the 1990 level, taking into account the maximum possible absorptive capacity of forests and other ecosystems and subject to sustainable and balanced socio-economic development of the Russian Federation
This indicator is determined based on the need to ensure the economic development of the Russian Federation on a sustainable basis, as well as to protect and improve the quality of sinks and storage facilities of greenhouse gases and is aimed at achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement.
2. Target areas for the implementation of the global goal of adaptation to climate change
Since the mid-1970s, the average annual surface air temperature in the Russian Federation has been growing by an average of 0.47°C over 10 years, which is 2.5 times higher than the growth rate of the average global air temperature (0.18°C during 10 years).
Over the territory of the Russian Federation, large-scale consequences of climate change, which have a significant and increasing impact on the socio-economic development of the country, living conditions and health of people, natural ecosystems, as well as on the state of economic facilities are observed and predicted.
In this regard, a national climate change adaptation system is being formed in the Russian Federation, based on the following principles:
1) differentiated approach, taking into account:
- natural-climatic, socio-economic and technological specifics of adaptation of various sectors (spheres) of the economy and regions of the country;
- the effectiveness of adaptation measures at different levels of decisionmaking;
- varying degrees of readiness of the subjects of climate policy implementation to develop and implement adaptation measures;
2) staging and consistency of the planning process, implying the presence of stages of development and implementation of adaptation plans with their harmonization, synergy of their elements, regular adjustment and supplementing them with new elements;
3) the integrity of planning, assuming:
- preventive (proactive) adaptation aimed at reducing the risk of climate change (for example, the construction of dams against floods, forest protection belts, expansion of drought-resistant crops, etc.);
- post-crisis adaptation, providing for minimizing the consequences of the negative impact of specific manifestations of climate change, including related emergencies (evacuation of the population, liquidation of consequences, vaccination, temporary resettlement, and others);
- adaptation to direct (real and expected) and indirect consequences of climate change for the population, infrastructure and economy;
- harmonization and integration of adaptation plans (consistency and complementarity of preventive and post-crisis adaptation measures), as well as adaptation plans at the federal and regional levels;
- the planning hierarchy, including the priority of the national plan, the fulfillment of the goals and objectives of which are subject to other federal and regional adaptation plans, concretizing and detailing the national plan in the corresponding dimensions (sections);
- monitoring the effectiveness of adaptation measures and adjusting them
(if necessary);
- adequate scientific and technological support for climate change forecasting and climate services.
The National Action Plan for the first stage of adaptation to climate change, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2019 No. 3183-r, for the period up to 2022 provides for the following:
- formation of the necessary methodological and statistical base;
- determination of priority measures to adapt economic sectors and spheres of government to climate change (transport, fuel and energy complex, construction, housing and communal services, agro-industrial complex, fishing, nature management, health care, industrial complex, technical regulation, foreign and domestic trade, ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, civil defense, protecting the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, activities in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation);
- determination of priority measures for adaptation of regions to climate change;
- preparation of a national action plan for the second stage of adaptation (for the period up to 2025).
3. Voluntary support for developing countries to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement
The Paris Agreement provides developing countries with continuous and enhanced international support to implement the provisions of Articles 4, 7, 9, 10 and 11. In this context, the Russian Federation, in its declaration of acceptance of the Paris Agreement, noted that, as a Party to the Convention, it is not listed in Annex II.
Nevertheless, the Russian Federation, realizing the importance of preserving the climate and ensuring sustainable development, plans to continue to assist developing countries in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, including mitigating anthropogenic impact on climate and adapting to the consequences of its change.
The Russian Federation carries out joint projects, including scientific and technical cooperation in the field of climate, environmental protection, resource and energy conservation, with various developing countries, including the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Such joint projects are most actively developed within the framework of cooperation with the CIS countries, BRICS and ASEAN.
The Russian Federation intends to continue its voluntary participation in the provision of international assistance to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters, including natural and climatic ones, as well as in financing the activities of the Trust Fund “Russian Federation - United Nations Development Program” (within the framework of the thematic area “Climate window ”), the Green Climate Fund and other institutions for sustainable development.
The Russian Federation contributes to the global reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by increasing the peaceful use of nuclear energy in developing countries, which helps to reduce fossil fuel consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In the period until 2030, the implementation of technological projects will continue in 12 countries of the world, including Egypt, Jordan, Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Armenia, Iran, India and China. In addition, international scientific and technical cooperation is developing on improving the energy efficiency of buildings and structures, resource conservation and the use of renewable energy sources in construction in developing countries.
In addition to the designated areas, the Russian Federation will continue, within the framework of relevant international agreements, to strengthen capacity in developing countries through the training of qualified specialists in climatology, meteorology, hydrology and oceanography.
Factual information on the support provided to developing countries in the context, including the objectives of the Paris Agreement, is reflected in the Biennial Reports of the Russian Federation submitted in accordance with decision 1/CP.16 to the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, and in the National Communications submitted in accordance with Articles 4 and 12 of the Convention and Article 7 of the Kyoto Protocol to the Convention.
4. Information on the implemented climate policies
The system of views on the goal, principles, content and ways of implementing the unified state policy of the Russian Federation on issues related to climate change and its consequences is reflected in the Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the President of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2009 No. 861-rp.
The Russian Federation is concentrating its efforts on reducing anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and increasing their absorption, including the implementation of the following measures: increasing energy efficiency in all sectors of the economy, developing the use of non-fuel and renewable energy sources, protecting and improving the quality of natural sinks and storage of greenhouse gases, financial and tax stimulating the reduction of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions
Measures to improve energy efficiency are provided for by the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" and a comprehensive action plan to improve the energy efficiency of the Russian economy, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 19, 2018 No. 703-r.
In accordance to the Concept for the formation of a monitoring, reporting and verification system for greenhouse gas emissions in the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 716-r dated April 22, 2015, the current assessment system will in the future be supplemented with a monitoring, reporting and checking the volumes of greenhouse gas emissions at the level of organizations, as well as the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which are recommended to organize an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and removals on their territory.
In 2014-2017, a methodological base was formed, which is necessary for the implementation of the Concept (including methodological recommendations and guidelines for the development of indicators for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by economic sectors, quantifying the volume of greenhouse gas emissions by organizations carrying out economic and other activities, conducting a voluntary inventory of the volume emissions of greenhouse gases in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, calculation of the volume of indirect energy emissions of greenhouse gases and determination of the volume of absorption of greenhouse gases).
The national standardization system includes 3 standards related to the management of greenhouse gas emissions at the level of organizations (complies with ISO 14064, 2007 version). In 2021, the updating of these standards will be completed and new standards will be developed that are identical to ISO 14067:2018 (requirements and guidelines for quantifying the carbon footprint of products) and ISO 14080:2018 (structure and principles of methodology on climate impact).
(in accordance with decision 9/CMA.1 of the Conference of the Parties, serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement)
the global nature of the interests of the Russian Federation in relation to climate change
and their consequences; priority of national interests in the development and implementation of climate policy; clarity and transparency of climate policy;
recognition of the need for action both within the country and within the framework of a full-fledged international partnership of the Russian Federation in international research programs and projects related to climate change; comprehensive accounting of possible losses and benefits associated with climate change; precaution in planning and implementing measures to ensure the protection of people, the
- timely identification and assessment of threats to sustainable development and security of the Russian Federation related to climate change,
of climate change. Such joint projects are most actively developed within the framework of cooperation with the CIS countries, BRICS and ASEAN.
The Russian Federation intends to continue its voluntary participation in the provision of international assistance to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters, including natural and climatic ones, as well as in financing the activities of the Trust Fund “Russian Federation - United Nations Development Program” (within the framework of the thematic area “Climate window ”), the Green Climate Fund and other institutions for sustainable development. In addition to the designated areas, the Russian Federation will continue, within the framework of relevant international agreements, to strengthen capacity in developing countries through the training of qualified specialists in climatology, meteorology, hydrology and oceanography.