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Title in national language: 
Национальная стратегия Туркменистана по изменению климата
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Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Industry, Transport
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Gas, Renewable, Hydropower, Other
Government of Turkmenistan
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Сводный обзор: 
The National Strategy of Turkmenistan on Climate Change (NSTCC) is the main national document for the implementation of activities in the field of climate change. The NSTCC reflects the national vision of issues related to climate change and is the basis for the formation and implementation of the state policy of Turkmenistan in the field of climate change and its consequences.
Energy access action plan: 
In the electricity sector, the Strategy aims to promote the following measures: [...] • Application of advanced technologies for the production and distribution of electricity, modernization and timely repair of equipment. • Improving the system of accounting and control over the functioning of the electric power system.
EE action plans: 
In the electricity sector, the Strategy aims to promote the following measures: • Strengthening the legal framework for the implementation of energy-saving and energy-efficient policies and a system of economic and financial incentives, the creation of a national pricing and tariff system. --- The main directions for improving energy efficiency and energy saving in the oil and gas complex are: • Introduction of modern methods for controlling the amount of pollutant emissions; • Use of automatic systems to detect leaks; • Reduction of leaks and passes on the main oil and gas pipelines. • Reduction of leaks in gas distribution networks of low and medium pressure. • Timely repair and replacement of equipment for infield and main oil and gas pipelines. • Modernization of flare facilities, introduction of new equipment and technologies for the utilization of associated gases at oil fields, including for the own needs of enterprises. • Improvement of the accounting system for transportation and consumption of oil and gas. • Construction of mini-compressor stations at unproductive oil fields. • Strengthening monitoring of domestic natural gas consumption. • Creation of a system of rational use of energy resources and products through strategic pricing. --- The priority areas for reducing the impact of transport on the climate, as well as maintaining air quality in cities and large settlements, are the following measures to optimize the work of the transport sector: [...] • Switching to other, cleaner and more economical fuels, including compressed natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas. • Transfer of railway transport to electric traction. --- The priorities for the development of the housing and communal sector, taking into account the increase in energy efficiency, are: • Improving the efficiency of city heat supply systems. • Further renovation of the housing stock, taking into account climate change. • Improvement of the normative base of standards and rules for construction in order to ensure energy efficiency and thermal reliability of buildings. • Work to raise awareness and interest of the population, • Certification of household appliances for energy efficiency.
Renewable Energy
RE action plans: 
In order to increase the role of renewable energy sources in the country's energy balance and develop alternative energy, the following measures will be implemented: • Further support for research and development and testing of renewable and alternative energy technologies, as well as their adaptation to the climatic conditions of Turkmenistan. • In the short term, the introduction of small and medium installations of renewable and alternative energy in remote and sparsely populated areas. • In the medium and long term, the introduction of own production capacities and an increase in the share of renewable energy in the country's energy balance. • Creation of economic incentives for the use of alternative energy sources.
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
The national strategy of Turkmenistan on climate change represents the national vision of climate change issues and is the basis for the formation and implementation of the state policy of Turkmenistan on issues related to climate change and its consequences. --- The goal of the Strategy is to ensure the sustainable development of Turkmenistan, which will mitigate the impact on climate change, contribute to the economic and social growth of the country, and prepare the country's economy for the possible consequences of climate change, increasing the economic, food, water and environmental security of the state.