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Energy, Power
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Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind
The King and Legislative Assembly of Tonga
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
This Act regulates the use of renewable energy in Tonga. In particular, it promotes the development of the renewable energy industry; establishes the Renewable Energy Authority its functions and powers; regulates renewable energy agreements. The primary purpose of this Act is to provide a legal framework to promote the utilization of renewable energy in Tonga, through the creation of a conducive and an enabling market environment. The Act creates a renewable energy authority to deal with matters concerning renewable energy. In accordance with Government policy, this Act makes a distinction between electricity that comes under the Renewable Energy Authority and electricity that is subjected to the authority of the Electricity Commission (formerly TEPB), under the Electricity Act 2007. The Renewable Energy Authority will be responsible for all renewable energy including electricity in direct current form. When electricity is converted to alternate current, it falls outside the jurisdiction of the Renewable Energy Authority (it then becomes subjected to the Electricity Commission).
Energy access priorities: 
to promote access by people resident in the remote areas of the Kingdom to renewable energy services to the extent that it is reasonably and commercially practicable to provide such services.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
to promote the development of the renewable energy industry in the Kingdom [...].
RE action plans: 
to establish an authority to deal with matters relating to renewable energy.---to promote the implementation of commercially sustainable renewable energy based electrification services by encouraging economically efficient investment in the use of and infrastructure to provide electrification services.
RE feed-in tariffs: 
regulating the feed-in tariffs for renewable energy generated electricity;
Energy sector investment priorities: 
to promote the implementation of commercially sustainable renewable energy based electrification services by encouraging economically efficient investment in the use of and infrastructure to provide electrification services.
Investment climate development: 
supporting the engagement of the private sector in renewable energy projects in the Kingdom.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy institutional structures: 
To establish an authority to deal with matters relating to renewable energy.---The Renewable Energy Authority is hereby established.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
[E]ncouraging the use of commercially sustainable renewable energy technology for both grid connected and stand alone power supply systems; regulating the technical and safety standards for renewable energy technologies;
R&D renewable energy: 
[...] researching and developing opportunities of renewable energy in the Kingdom;