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Тип документа: 
Overarching Policy
Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Multi-Sector
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Other
Gross National Happiness Commission, Royal Government of Bhutan
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Сводный обзор: 
The Economic Development Policy (EDP) sets the agenda and the general direction for the development of sectors that have the highest potential. Wherever necessary, policies, laws, rules and regulations shall be harmonised or amended in line with the provisions of the Economic Development Policy. The EDP provides a clear, stable and transparent policy framework and includes a comprehensive set of incentive packages to boost growth. It encompasses major economic reforms including the restructuring of the macroeconomic base which will include hydropower, service industry, organic farming and IT enabled knowledge society. The specific areas include finance, FDI, trade, industry, agriculture, transport, education, health, tourism, public sector and other legislative initiatives. The stated objectives are: 1. Achieve economic self-reliance by the year 2020; 2. Full employment (97.5%). Note: Among the Areas of Economic Opportunities [...] treated as priority areas there are: Energy a. Hydro electricity b. Solar and wind energy c. Other sources of renewable energy; Transportation and Related Services: Green and non fossil fuel based modes of transportation;
Energy access action plan: 
Essential public institutions and services shall receive highest priority for supply of electricity.
Energy access targets: 
The Royal Government shall strive to provide electricity to all households by the year 2013.
Consumer subsidies: 
Recognising hydropower as a national resource, it shall be provided at affordable rates to reduce non-renewable energy use. The generating companies shall provide 15% of the total power generation as free “royalty energy” from medium, large and mega power generating companies to the Royal Government. This allocation of free power shall be treated as subsidy for use by low voltage domestic consumers and other consumers as deemed fit by the Royal Government from time to time.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Energy efficiency and conservation measures shall be promoted for sustainable supply and end use.
EE building standards: 
The Royal Government shall encourage general improvements in the energy performance standards of buildings for lighting, heating, ventilation and insulation levels through the introduction of building codes.
EE financial incentives: 
The Royal Government shall also provide incentives for the promotion of green technology, micro-hydro projects, solar, wind, biomass and energy efficiency and conservation programmes.
Renewable Energy
RE targets: 
Strive to achieve a minimum power generation of 10,000 MW of hydropower by 2020.
RE action plans: 
The development of hydropower shall be accelerated by promoting construction of projects and inter-linking of transmission grids to ensure energy security and reliability.---While hydropower development shall be one of the main thrust of the government; an integrated approach shall be pursued to meet different energy needs in the most efficient manner. A National Renewable Energy Policy shall be adopted within the 10th Five Year Plan.
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
The Royal Government shall also provide incentives for the promotion of green technology, micro-hydro projects, solar, wind, biomass and energy efficiency and conservation programmes.---The incentives shall be provided as per the relevant provisions in the Bhutan Sustainable Hydropower Development Policy, Renewable Energy Policy and Captive Power Generation Policy.
RE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Establish the country as a hub for general education. Special focus may be placed on environmental studies, [...], renewable energy and so on.
Cooperation in RE: 
The country shall co-operate with interested parties in the reduction of greenhouse gases to mitigate climate change by actively participating in the development of environmentally benign renewable energy initiatives.
Energy environmental priorities: 
Diversify the economic base with minimal ecological footprint.---The economic development process shall take into account environment mainstreaming in a phased manner that allows for industries to grow as well as engage in cleaner production. --- Protection of biodiversity, genetic resources and promotion of indigenous knowledge shall be pursued. ---All industries must strictly abide by environmental laws and those industries that maintain higher environment standards than legislated, shall be provided additional incentives. ---All industries must strictly comply with the Waste Prevention and Management Act 2009. ---All industries must strictly abide by environmental laws and those industries that maintain higher environment standards than legislated, shall be provided additional incentives.---While restrictions on plant and equipment including vehicles that do not meet the environmental standards will continue to apply, additional restrictions and regulations shall be framed on the importation of goods that result in pollution and non biodegradable waste generation.---Non-renewable resources will be used in a sustainable manner to diversify the economy while at the same time ensuring due environmental considerations.
Decarbonization strategy: 
The Royal Government shall provide incentives for the promotion of green technology, micro-hydro projects, solar, wind, biomass and energy efficiency and conservation programmes.---In fulfilling its pledge to remain carbon neutral at all times, the Royal Government shall encourage development of hydropower and other renewable energy projects through the CDM and other future international mechanisms/frameworks on climate change to the extent possible.---Promotion of clean, safe and reliable mass transportation in all Dzongkhags, starting with the major cities first. Central to the transportation strategy will be expanding the road linkages to all the villages and building new highways and road tunnels to reduce distance.
Carbon markets: 
In fulfilling its pledge to remain carbon neutral at all times, the Royal Government shall encourage development of hydropower and other renewable energy projects through the CDM and other future international mechanisms/frameworks on climate change to the extent possible.
Land use change for energy production purposes: 
A comprehensive land use policy with clear zoning for industrial, tourism, environment conservation, prime agriculture land for agricultural and horticultural use shall be developed by 2011.
Cooperation in env.: 
The country shall co-operate with interested parties in the reduction of greenhouse gases to mitigate climate change by actively participating in the development of environmentally benign renewable energy initiatives.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Recognising hydropower as a national resource, it shall be provided at affordable rates to reduce non-renewable energy use. The generating companies shall provide 15% of the total power generation as free “royalty energy” from medium, large and mega power generating companies to the Royal Government. This allocation of free power shall be treated as subsidy for use by low voltage domestic consumers and other consumers as deemed fit by the Royal Government from time to time.---The incentives shall be provided as per the relevant provisions in the Bhutan Sustainable Hydropower Development Policy, Renewable Energy Policy and Captive Power Generation Policy.
Energy pricing: 
The tariff policy shall gradually remove subsidies from high voltage (HV) by 2011. Since the intention of the Royal Government is to promote micro, small and medium industries, subsidies for medium voltage (MV) industrial consumers shall continue till 2020. ---The tariff policy shall gradually remove subsidies from high voltage (HV) by 2011. Since the intention of the RGOB is to promote micro, small and medium industries, subsidies for medium voltage (MV) industrial consumers shall continue till 2020.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Areas of Economic Opportunities [...] treated as priority areas: Energy a. Hydro electricity b. Solar and wind energy c. Other sources of renewable energy.---Accelerate hydropower development by promoting construction of projects and inter-linking of transmission grids to ensure energy security and reliability. ---Protection of biodiversity, genetic resources and promotion of indigenous knowledge shall be pursued.---The development of hydropower shall be accelerated by promoting construction of projects and inter-linking of transmission grids to ensure energy security and reliability.---The Royal Government [...] will ensure national energy security through capacity allocation, development of storage hydroelectric projects, and through development of solar, wind and other renewable energy sources.---Non-renewable resources will be used in a sustainable manner to diversify the economy while at the same time ensuring due environmental considerations.---The development of the road sector especially tunnels shall be in sync with the hydropower development.
Energy trade priorities: 
Trading and distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), kerosene and other petroleum products shall be regulated as long as the products remain controlled items in India.
Предварительные решения: 
Efforts shall be made to harmonize customs documentation, procedures and formalities through bilateral and regional initiatives.---The development of integrated cross border trade facilities such as dry ports, preshipment custom clearance facility, computerized security checks and quarantine facilities shall be pursued.---Trading and distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), kerosene and other petroleum products shall be regulated as long as the products remain controlled items in India.---While restrictions on plant and equipment including vehicles that do not meet the environmental standards will continue to apply, additional restrictions and regulations shall be framed on the importation of goods that result in pollution and non biodegradable waste generation.---The rules of origin are normally applied to goods imported under preferential tariffs. For availing tariff concessions, rules of origin agreed under a specific agreement shall be applied.
Local content requirement: 
While FDI is encouraged to augment productive capacity, the Royal Government shall, through policy options, impose performance requirements on investors to upgrade domestic skills, value addition and technology.
Intellectual property rights: 
A coherent and comprehensive policy shall be formulated for the recognition and protection of intellectual property rights by 2011. The policy shall take into account all economic and social sectors.
Investment climate development: 
The Royal Government shall pursue corporatization of its entities where feasible and also outsource/privatise such functions which can be delivered more efficiently and economically by private entrepreneurs.---The Royal Government shall develop an appropriate policy framework to allow public private partnership in infrastructure projects such as [...] power projects, [...] etc. The framework shall provide adequate security for private sector investment and at the same time ensure that adequate checks and balances are maintained through transparency, competition and regulation. The PPP may be in the form of BOOT, BOLT, BOT or any other relevant method.[...]---The Royal Government shall actively promote Foreign Direct Investment. In that respect, the FDI Policy shall be revised by the first quarter of 2010.
Public Private Partnerships: 
The Royal Government shall develop an appropriate policy framework to allow public private partnership in infrastructure projects such as [...] power projects, [...] etc. The framework shall provide adequate security for private sector investment and at the same time ensure that adequate checks and balances are maintained through transparency, competition and regulation. The PPP may be in the form of BOOT, BOLT, BOT or any other relevant method.[...].---Mining: The Royal Government shall accord financial support towards completing the geological mapping of the country. PPP model for exploration shall be allowed.
Bidding and Tendering: 
The Royal Government shall develop an appropriate policy framework to allow public private partnership in infrastructure projects such as [...] power projects, [...] etc. The framework shall provide adequate security for private sector investment and at the same time ensure that adequate checks and balances are maintained through transparency, competition and regulation. The PPP may be in the form of BOOT, BOLT, BOT or any other relevant method.[...]
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Industries shall be permitted to develop hydropower plants as captive power sources for their industrial consumption under a separate Captive Power Generation Policy.---A System Operator shall be designated and established during the 10th Plan to coordinate and regulate power system operation and outages and manage/monitor export/import of power in an optimal manner for overall reliability and security of electricity supply system of the nation.
National policy structure: 
While hydropower development shall be one of the main thrust of the government; an integrated approach shall be pursued to meet different energy needs in the most efficient manner. A National Renewable Energy Policy shall be adopted within the 10th Five Year Plan. ---A Mineral Development Policy shall be in place by 2010 to allow a selective and cautious exploitation of minerals for industrial purpose and manage the non-renewable mineral resources [...].
Clean energy technology deployment: 
The Royal Government shall also provide incentives for the promotion of green technology, micro-hydro projects, solar, wind, biomass and energy efficiency and conservation programmes.---Investment in R & D shall be encouraged and incentivized. The institution of IPR registration system shall be strengthened to allow the inventors to commercially benefit from creating new knowledge.
Industrialization support: 
The tariff policy shall gradually remove subsidies from high voltage (HV) by 2011. Since the intention of the RGOB is to promote micro, small and medium industries, subsidies for medium voltage (MV) industrial consumers shall continue till 2020.---Energy intensive industries shall be promoted to build the foundation for industry. Such industries that add value to domestic mineral resources shall be given priority.