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The Governor of Uttar Pradesh
Сводный обзор: 
On March 30, 2012 Uttar Pradesh State Government notified the Uttar Pradesh Energy Conservation Fund Rules 2011. This rule described the constitution of the fund, manner of administration and application of the fund, constitution of the monitoring committee, function of the committee, operation of fund, conditions applicable to the fund, audit accounts. In 2016, the Rules were updated.
EE financial incentives: 
3 There shall be constituted a Fund to be known as the Uttar Pradesh State Conservation Fund to which shall be credited the same mentioned under section 16; Administration of the Fund 4- The Fund shall be administrated by the State Designated Agency notified under sub-section (4) of section 16. 5- The Fund shall be utilised for,- (a) the purpose of promotion and efficient use of energy and its conservation in the State of Uttar Pradesh; (b) incurring expenditure through State Designated Agency for various awareness programs, disseminating information to individual consumers, industries, commercial organizations, students, farmers etc. regarding energy conservation and efficient use of energy; (c) meeting the expenditure incurred b y the State Designated Agency for training of personnel and specialists for efficient use of energy and its conservation; (d) promotion of Research and Development in the field of Energy Conservation; (e) developing the testing and certification procedure, creation of testing facilities for certification or verification and testing of energy consumption of equipments and appliances; (f) developing and execute Demonstration Projects related to energy conservation and energy efficiency for encouragement and to contribute in the projects of Bureau of Energy Efficiency and Central Government; (g) promoting the use of energy efficient processes for the equipment’s devices and systems; (h) meeting the matching grant to the centrally sponsored schemes and schemes of Bureau of Energy Efficiency implemented in the State of Uttar Pradesh; (i) meeting the expenses incurred by the State Designated Agency for implementing the provisions of the Act; (j) meeting the expenses incurred by the State Designated Agency on staff for dedicated Energy Conservation cell;