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Виды энергоресурсов: 
Government of Nauru
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Сводный обзор: 
Nauru Utilities Corporation Regulations 2012 were made by the Cabinet under the Nauru Utilities Corporation Act 2011. The Regulations are divided in three parts: Part 1: Preliminary Matters; Part 2: Advisory Committee; Part 3: Recovery of Fees from Post-Paid Customers.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy institutional structures: 
4. Chairperson The Cabinet must appoint one of the members of the advisory committee to be the chairperson. 5. Procedures (1) Subject to this regulation, 3 members constitute a quorum of the advisory committee. (2) A meeting of the advisory committee will be chaired by the chairperson and, in his or her absence, the members present at a meeting of the advisory committee must choose one of their number to chair the meeting. (3) A decision carried by a majority of the votes cast by members of the advisory committee at a meeting is a decision of the advisory committee. (4) Each member present at a meeting of the advisory committee has one vote on any question arising for decision and the member chairing the meeting may exercise a casting vote if the votes are equal. (5) A proposed resolution of the advisory committee becomes a valid decision of the advisory committee despite the fact that it is not voted on at a meeting of the advisory committee if: (a) notice of the proposed resolution is given to all members of the advisory committee in accordance with procedures determined by the advisory committee; and (b) a majority of the members express concurrence in the proposed resolution by letter, fax, electronic mail or other written communication setting out the terms of the resolution. (6) The advisory committee must have accurate minutes kept of its meetings. (7) The advisory committee must meet at least 2 times each year and must not, without the approval of the Cabinet, meet more frequently than once each month. 6. Committees (1) The advisory committee may establish committees: (a) to advise the advisory committee on any matter; or (b) to carry out functions on behalf of the advisory committee.