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Экономический сектор: 
Energy, Power, Transport, Multi-Sector
Виды энергоресурсов: 
All, Power, Renewable, Bioenergy, Solar, Wind, Other
Ministry of Finance
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Сводный обзор: 
Samoa’s National Infrastructure Strategic Plan (NISP) presents the priorities of the Government and the strategic direction for major initiatives in economic infrastructure over the next 5-10 years. It comprises measures regarding the infrastructure sector – transport in terms land, sea and air; energy; port and airport development; and telecommunications. The NISP is closely linked to the Strategy for the Development of Samoa 2008–2012 (SDS), and its vision of "improved quality of life for all”.
Energy access action plan: 
Reinstate electricity supply after the tsunami and extend supply to resettlement areas - 2009-2012.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
The strategic direction for the energy sector is Investing in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Reducing reliance on imported petroleum and a move towards greater energy self-sufficiency, in particular, by increasing the use of renewable energy sources (including hydro-electric) and related measures. The strategic direction for the energy sector is Investing in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.
RE action plans: 
A range of investigations and pilot studies are already underway to assess the feasibility of renewable energy sources, including solar, wind power, coconut oil, landfill gas and biomass gasification. --- Other Renewable Energy Implementation, dependent on outcome of research and feasibility studies currently underway: Full-scale renewable energy projects based on the outcomes of ongoing research and feasibility studies (excluding hydro). Assumed 2MW wind power, full scale CNO plant and small scale biomass gasification plant - 2013-2020. --- Large scale biomass gasification project, using plantation feedstock (such as leucaena plant) and other feedstock options, such as coconut waste from oil production, etc. Dependent on results of feasibility studies - 2015-2020.---Large On-Grid Solar Generation (next five years).
RE capital subsidy, grant, or rebate: 
Establish Clean Energy Fund and seek additional funds (next five years): Grants of T$0.2-1.0M to business, households or the community for renewable energy projects.
Decarbonization strategy: 
Establish Clean Energy Fund and seek additional funds (next five years): Grants of T$0.2-1.0M to business, households or the community for renewable energy projects.
Green finance: 
Establish Clean Energy Fund and seek additional funds (next five years): Grants of T$0.2-1.0M to business, households or the community for renewable energy projects.
Energy-water nexus: 
Installation of a solar-powered reverse osmosis desalination plant to provide reliable drinking water for the Vailele area - 2011-2012.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Establish Clean Energy Fund and seek additional funds (next five years): Grants of T$0.2-1.0M to business, households or the community for renewable energy projects.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Reducing reliance on imported petroleum and a move towards greater energy self-sufficiency, in particular, by increasing the use of renewable energy sources (including hydro-electric) and related measures.---EPC annual investment program comprising various small projects that upgrade/ rehabilitate generation, distribution and control systems - ongoing. --- Large On-Grid Solar Generation: Installation of a solar facility producing 5-8million KWH p.a. Options include static photovoltaic and sun tracking technologies- start 2011 finish 2013. --- Reinstate electricity supply after the tsunami and extend supply to resettlement areas - 2009-2012. --- Installation of a solar-powered reverse osmosis desalination plant to provide reliable drinking water for the Vailele area - 2011-2012.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
The strategic direction for the energy sector is Investing in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. --- Continue electricity system investments through PSEP and EPC programs (next five years). --- Power Sector Expansion Project (PSEP) - ongoing 2011 - after 2015.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Establish Clean Energy Fund and seek additional funds (next five years): Grants of T$0.2-1.0M to business, households or the community for renewable energy projects.
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
Continue to implement the Samoa National Energy Policy (next five years).
Advanced fuel extraction technology: 
Large scale biomass gasification project, using plantation feedstock (such as leucaena plant) and other feedstock options, such as coconut waste from oil production, etc. Dependent on results of feasibility studies - 2015-2020.