Meta Data
Title in national language: 
Страгетегия экологической безопасности Российской Федерации на период до 2025 года
Revision of previous policy?: 
Draft Year: 
Effective Start Year: 
Effective End Year: 
Document Type: 
Decree, Plan/Strategy
Economic Sector: 
Multi-Sector, Other
Energy Types: 
All, Other
Issued by: 
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
No official English version available
Overall Summary: 
The draft Strategy on Environmental Security was recently developed by Russia’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to reaffirm national commitments on climate change. In a broader sense, the Strategy seeks to transform the national development landscape ensuring greater environmental sustainability of Russia’s economic system. The policy further provides evidence to prove irreversible and pervasive impacts of human-induced environmental changes and, in response to existing challenges, sets out strategic goals and target indicators to be achieved within the given timeframe. ------ The scope of the present regulatory document encompasses a wide range of issues, including restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity conservation, prevention or response to environmental threats, sustainable use, protection and restoration of natural resources. The policy is supplemented with a comprehensive plan outlining actions for implementation of the Strategy.
EE public awareness/promotional programmes: 
Target indicators: improve awareness on environment-related issues in the business sector through activities of competence centers for environmental sustainability, develop skilled labor force aware of sustainability - more specifically, energy efficiency - issues. By 2025, increase the number of competent specialists by 20-30 per cent (pessimistic scenario), by 50-100 per cent (optimistic scenario), from 2014 baseline.
Energy environmental priorities: 
A comprehensive set of actions is proposed in response to emerging and persistent environmental issues, pertaining in particular to energy-related matters. An excessive emphasis is placed on environmental hazards associated with industrial disasters, depletion of natural resources, air, water and land pollution. ---- Art. 3.2.2 points our that climate change impacts associated with GHG emissions and ozone layer depletion pose serious risks to the environment and population health. ----- Art. 5.1. Tighten control over activities carried out by transnational corporations and foreign companies to ensure that natural resources - the backbone of national economy - are used in efficient and sustainable manner, to ensure that associated impacts do not exceed the carrying capacity of the environment, to ensure safety of waste disposal.
Pollution level targets, PM10, PM2.5, SOx, NOx: 
Target indicators: by 2025, reduce total emissions by 10-15 per cent (pessimistic scenario), by 15-25 per cent (optimistic scenario), from 2014 baseline. Reduce pollution from stationary sources by 10-20 per cent (pessimistic scenario), by 20-40 per cent (optimistic scenario), the baseline year is 2014.
GHG emissions reduction targets: 
Target indicators: by 2025, achieve significant reduction in CO2 emissions: by 15-25 per cent (pessimistic scenario), by 25-35 per cent (optimistic scenario), from 2014 baseline.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Art. 5.1. The Strategy focuses on measures and initiatives to scale up climate finance in the Russian Federation. Mobilization of climate investment is crucial for the introduction of advanced technology.
Public Private Partnerships: 
Art. 5. What makes Russia’s agenda on the environment transformative is its foundation in multistakeholder approach pursing aspirations of the business community, the government and public institutions. Given that, the policy aims to strengthen mechanisms of public-private partnerships considering it a cornerstone of national policy on the environment.
National policy structure: 
The Strategy seeks to ensure coherence with the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020, Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation, Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation, and Principles of State Environmental Policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030. ----- The regulatory document underscores the importance of maintaining consistency of national policies on protection of the environment, ecological monitoring and assessment and international treaties the Russian Federation adheres to.
Clean energy technology deployment: 
Art. 2.2. Objectives of the Environmental Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2025. While targeting improvements in Russia’s general economic growth and competitiveness, the policy proposes mechanisms for the introduction of environmentally sound, resource-conserving and more efficient technologies. Technological advancement of energy-related industries will help mitigate adverse environmental impacts and facilitate the effective exploitation of natural resources in favor of environment. ---- Plan of Action on Implementation of the Environmental Security Strategy: establish comprehensive regulatory frameworks for scaling up clean technology deployment in all sectors of Russian economy.