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Energy, Power
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Oil, Power, Gas
The Government of Bangladesh
English translation of the original document (without amendments)
Сводный обзор: 
The Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission Act, 2003 (Act No. 13 of 2003) is an Act to make provisions for the establishment of an independent and impartial regulatory commission for the energy sector. It explores the details regarding the establishment of the Commission, the financial matters of the Commission, its Functions, Powers and Proceedings, the Relation between Commission and Government, Licence, Tariff, Commission’s power to issue order and implement its decision, Flow of Information, Arbitration - Settlement and Appeal, Offence and Penalty, Receipt of Complaint of Consumer and disposal.
Energy pricing: 
Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, the price of power generation in wholesale, bulk and retail, and the supply of energy at the level of end-user, shall be determined in accordance with the policy and methodology made by the Commission in consultation with the Government [...].
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
There shall be a fund to be called “Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission Fund” and money, as mentioned below shall be deposited in the fund, such as:- (a) grant from the Government or statutory body; (b) loans borrowed by the Commission; (c) fees and charges deposited under this Act; and (d) money received from any other source
Independent power producers: 
The private companies, with whom agreements have been executed between the companies and the Government or any of its agencies, immediately before this Act comes into force shall be treated as licencees for the generation of power and for the supply, transmission, distribution, storage and supply of energy along with the bulk energy under this Act.
Public Private Partnerships: 
The private companies, with whom agreements have been executed between the companies and the Government or any of its agencies, immediately before this Act comes into force shall be treated as licencees for the generation of power and for the supply, transmission, distribution, storage and supply of energy along with the bulk energy under this Act.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy institutional structures: 
A Commission to be called the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission shall be established as soon as this Act comes into force.