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Energy, Power
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Renewable, Solar
Power Division Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
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Сводный обзор: 
The 500 MW Solar Programme is an initiative to promote renewable energy programme in Bangladesh between 2012 and 2016. In this document Government intends to figure out different options of solar power development projects under this programme. There are a commercial and a social way through which the program will be implemented. The commercial type will be in the form of solar park, solar mini grid, solar water pump etc while social type will be implemented in community health centre, union information centre, religious installation, railway station etc. The Private Sector has been identified as an important stakeholder for the implementation of this programme. Finally, to implement the programme necessary guidelines have been prepared.
Bi-, multi-lateral mechanisms to expand access: 
--- Government is firmly committed to achieve this landmark solar mission project. It will seek financial support from the Development Partners and donor agencies. --- Replacement of Diesel Irrigation Pumps with Solar Power: IDCOl will select NGOs, MFls or private entities (called 'Partner Organization' or PO) to implement the programme on the basis of management capacity, financial strength and relevant experience. --- Dedicated funding support has also been extended through government financial institutions like Bangladesh Bank and IDCOl as well as through private commercial banks. --- Financial support is expected from Development Partners in the form of grant 1.38b USD and low interest credit 0.85b USD. Remaining financing shall be arranged from government and private sector.
Energy access priorities: 
Solar Electrification in Remote Educational Institutions: Government declares their vision to ensure quality education to all. Electricity access and reliable supply shall facilitate better educational facility and learning environment for the students. More village children will be encouraged to have education. As a result, literacy rate shall increase and human development index of the people will be upgraded.
Energy access action plan: 
--- Solar Mini Grid Power System at Remote villages: To make this technology more useful and to reduce the dependency on conventional fossil fuel based electricity generation government identify solar mini grid as an appropriate solution to meet the lighting need of rural community. --- Installation of Solar Home System in Religious Establishments: Many remote areas establishments have no grid electricity. Solar electrification for these religious establishments would not only reduce pressure on grid electricity but would also ensure fulfillment of government's social commitment. --- Solar Electrification at Remote Railway Stations: Solar PV with battery back-up supply will ensure reliable electricity access to those Railway Stations.
Energy access targets: 
The vision of the government is to provide electricity to all citizens by 2016.
Energy service quality targets: 
--- Solar Mini Grid Power System at Remote villages: [...] The project will ensure access to the quality electricity services to the remote villages that might not get access through conventional grid in next 15-20 years. --- Solar Electrification at Union eCenters: Since many of the unions do not have reliable electricity during day time, it would be sensible to install solar PV systems at the Union Information Service Centers so that the remote villagers do not suffer for electricity outage.
EE targets: 
Replacement of Diesel Irrigation Pumps with Solar Power: Under this program if we can set up around 19000 systems with average capacity of 8 kW pick each will reduce 95000 liter diesel and significant amount of C02 emission everyday.
Energy Service Companies (ESCOs): 
Roof-top Solar Power Solution for Commercial and Residential Buildings: [...] Systems preferably tied with internal grid and use of battery will be discouraged. Energy Services Company (ESCo's) from private sector are allowed to participate in this operation. --- Installation of RoofTop Solar Solutions at Industries: ESCO's will procure license from BERC before start business. Electricity generated from these systems may used by building owner for own consumption or may sale to the respective distribution companies. In case of selling electricity to the distribution companies prior consents need to be taken by the ESCOs from distribution companies.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
Now time has come to explore all options of energy resources for sustainable development. [...] The huge solar potential can be harnessed to supplement growing demands of electricity.--- Replacement of Diesel Irrigation Pumps with Solar Power: Considering the energy crisis of the country and increasing price of petroleum products across the world, it is important to explore alternative energy sources for irrigation to ensure food and energy security as well as climate change mitigation.--- To improve Bangladesh's energy security and to establish a sustainable energy regime alongside of on grid energy sources, Government is placing its top most priority on developing off grid electrification programme from renewable energy resources in private sector.--- [T]o reduce the dependency on conventional fossil fuel based electricity generation.
RE targets: 
The strategy of the mission is to embrace 500 MW solar power by 2017. 500 MW Solar programme Development Strategy (...) is expected to be completed by 2016. --- Government has set a target to generate 5% electricity by 2015 and 10% by 2020 from renewable sources. --- Replacement of Diesel Irrigation Pumps with Solar Power: Area coverage will be on average 13 hectares of paddy fields per pump. It is estimated that 18,700 diesel based irrigation pumps will be replaced by solar power under this programme. --- Installation of RoofTop Solar Solutions at Industries: Estimated solar power capacity addition from this project will be 20 MW. --- Roof-top Solar Power Solution for Commercial and Residential Buildings: [...] Estimated solar power capacity addition from this project is 10 MW. --- Solar Mini Grid Power System at Remote villages: [...] Total solar power capacity addition from this component will be 25 MW. --- Solar Park: [...] Estimated solar power capacity addition from this project will be 135 MW. --- Replacement of Diesel Irrigation Pumps with Solar Power: [...] Total solar power capacity in this option will be 150 MW. --- Installation of Solar Home System in Religious Establishments: [...] Total solar power capacity addition from this project is 12 MW. --- Solar Electrification at Remote Railway Stations: [...] Total estimated solar power capacity addition from this project is 10 MW. --- Solar PV System in Government and Semi- Government Offices: [...] Estimated solar power capacity addition from this project is 41 MW. --- Solar Electrification in Health Centers: Estimated solar power capacity addition from this project is 50MW. --- Solar Electrification in Remote Educational Institutions: Total solar power capacity addition from this project is 40 MW. --- Solar Electrification at Union eCenters: Total solar power capacity addition from this project is 7 MW.
RE action plans: 
500 MW Solar programme Development Strategy [...] is the largest ever Solar Power Development Mission in Bangladesh which is adopted in 2012 in accordance with vision of RE Policy. This mission will be implemented with active collaboration of a number of government ministries and their affiliated agencies hosted by Power Division. The mission is expected to be completed by 2016. The mission aims at strong involvement of private sector participation for project implementation. It is also under plan to harness CDM benefits from the programme as applicable. --- Steps have been taken to establish solar mini grid and grid tied solar park in different locations. 52 solar irrigation pumps have been set up in rural areas to facilitate farmers to get water for cultivation in an affordable price. In order to harness wind energy wind mapping is going on in public and private sector. Also steps have been taken to identify other sources to harness renewable energy. --- Replacement of Diesel Irrigation Pumps with Solar Power: Considering the scarcity of land to set up solar panels two tire solar irrigation for cultivation is under examination. --- Solar Mini Grid Power System at Remote villages: Initially 30 remote areas have been identified under this programme where grid expansion is not planned for next 15-20 years. Additional new areas will be identified to develop solar mini grid system on the basis of successful implementation. --- Government has taken initiatives to reduce dependency on fossil fuel based electricity generation by developing grid tied Solar Park projects in government owned non-agricultural lands. --- Installation of RoofTop Solar Solutions at Industries: Government is trying to encourage Industries to install solar panel to meet certain percentage of their demand from solar power. Solar power system will meet certain percentage of lighting and fan load demand.
RE reductions in taxes: 
Several fiscal incentives have been declared for Renewable Energy project developers and investors, including duty exemption on certain renewable energy products e.g. solar panel, solar panel manufacturing accessories, lED light, solar operated light and wind power plant.
Public competitive bidding/tendering: 
The Operator will be franchised a particular area for 15-20 years through competitive bidding. --- Project developer will be selected on solicitation process following IPP model.
Public investment loans or grants: 
Installation of RoofTop Solar Solutions at Industries: This Project aims to extend concessionary credit facility to the industries as an incentive. At initial stage 400 industries have been targeted. Replacement of Diesel Irrigation Pumps with Solar Power: [...] IDCOl will provide grant and concessionary loan and necessary technical and promotional support to the POs for successful implementation of the programme. --- Financial support is expected from Development Partners in the form of grant 1.38b USD and low interest credit 0.85b USD. Remaining financing shall be arranged from government and private sector.
Pollution control action plans: 
Replacement of Diesel Irrigation Pumps with Solar Power: [...] Under this program if we can set up around 19000 systems with average capacity of 8 kW pick each will reduce 95000 liter diesel and significant amount of C02 emission everyday.
Carbon markets: 
500 MW Solar programme Development Strategy: It is also under plan to harness CDM benefits from the programme as applicable. --- To ensure competitive advantage it is also undertaken a plan to harness CDM or similar type of benefits from the programme as applicable.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Installation of RoofTop Solar Solutions at Industries: This Project aims to extend concessionary credit facility to the industries as an incentive. At initial stage 400 industries have been targeted.
Energy pricing: 
Replacement of Diesel Irrigation Pumps with Solar Power: The Farmers Group will pay water tariff to the POs. POs will repay loan to IDCOL. --- Installation of RoofTop Solar Solutions at Industries: Tariff for these stations will be determined by the BERC considering the tariff estimation made and forwarded by SREDA.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
Replacement of Diesel Irrigation Pumps with Solar Power.---Government is placing its top most priority on developing off grid electrification programme from renewable energy resources in private sector. --- To energize the rural economy, commercial model has been initially identified under the Rural Area Power Supply System (RAPSS) guideline to implement mini grid project through private sector in remote off grid areas.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Financing is the most important key factor to implement 500 MW solar programs. It is estimated that 2.76 billion USD will be required to implement the programme. Out of which 1.77 billion USD will be required for commercial projects.
Financial incentives for energy infrastructure: 
Several fiscal incentives have been declared for Renewable Energy project developers and investors.
Tax and duty exemptions for energy equipment: 
[...] government has extended fiscal incentives including duty exemption on certain renewable energy products e.g. solar panel, solar panel manufacturing accessories, lED light, solar operated light and wind power plant.
Independent power producers: 
Solar Park will be implemented on Build-OwnOperate (BOO) basis. Project developer will be selected on solicitation process following IPP model. --- Installation of RoofTop Solar Solutions at Industries: Solar roof top system following IPP model on BOO basis can be developed in government and semi government buildings.---To energize the rural economy, commercial model has been initially identified under the Rural Area Power Supply System (RAPSS) guideline to implement mini grid project through private sector in remote off grid areas.
Investment climate development: 
To energize the rural economy, commercial model has been initially identified under the Rural Area Power Supply System (RAPSS) guideline to implement mini grid project through private sector in remote off grid areas.---Government will facilitate private sector with fiscal and financial assistance as well as with investor friendly policy and capacity building support.
Public Private Partnerships: 
The Solar Power Development Mission [...] aims at strong involvement of private sector participation for project implementation. --- [...] Government will encourage private sector involvement in this mission. The mission will be implemented in public and private sector. Major portion of this mission which is equivalent to 340 MW will be implemented by the private sector. --- Commercial project will be build, owned and operate by the private business houses. Government will facilitate private sector with fiscal and financial assistance as well as with investor friendly policy and capacity building support.
Bidding and Tendering: 
The Operator will be franchised a particular area for 15-20 years through competitive bidding.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
To achieve high economic growth as envisaged in the sixth five year plan, Government of Bangladesh has prioritized power sector development in a sustained manner.
National policy structure: 
Renewable Energy Rule and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Rule have already been drafted under SREDA Act.
Energy institutional structures: 
Government has enacted legislation in the Parliament in December 2012 for establishment of Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA). The objectives of SREDA will be to promote develop and coordinate renewable energy and energy efficiency programme in the country. [...] In the meantime renewable energy wings have been set up at different organizations to assist and implement renewable energy programmes and activities.
M&E of policy implementation: 
Replacement of Diesel Irrigation Pumps with Solar Power: [...] The project will be financed, monitored and supervised through Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOl), a government owned financial institution under the Ministry of Finance. --- A Steering Committee will be constituted headed by Power Division official comprising members from the Power Cell, REB and IDCOl to monitor and supervise the implementation of the project including distribution, O&M and tariff realization.