Energy environmental priorities:
The Government is also aware of the environmental consequences of coal mining and is taking steps to address the concerns.---. The Government of Bangladesh’s Vision is to eradicate poverty and achieve economic and social prosperity for all people. This will be achieved through a pro-poor Climate Change Management Strategy, which prioritizes adaptation and disaster risk reduction, and also follow the path of low carbon development, mitigation, technology transfer and the mobilization and international provision for investments in coping mechanisms and green technology.
Pollution level targets, PM10, PM2.5, SOx, NOx:
Mean urban air pollution of particulate matter (a) PM10 in μg/m3 (b) PM2.5 in μg/m: a) 130.90 (2013) b) 78.00 (2013); 125.0
77.0 2016; 120.0 76.0 2017; 115.0 75.0 in 2018; 110.0 74.0 in 2019; 105.0 73.0 in 2020.
GHG emissions reduction targets:
CO2 emissions (tonnes per capita) 0.34 in 2015, 0.348 in 2016, 0.356 in 2017, 0.364 in 2018, 0.372 in 2019 and 0.38 in 2020.
Pollution control action plans:
To meet national air and water quality standards.1. Monitor, control and prevent environmental pollution and degradation related to air, water and soil [...] 3. Implementation of emission, effluent and waste management strategy 4. Introduce low-sulphur diesel and compatible standards vehicles 5. Introduce energy efficient affordable technology.---Expanding air quality management activities, focusing on gross diesel polluters, and the extension of air quality monitoring to major cities.[...] Introduce cleaner fuel & transport standards to achieve environmental sustainability. Strict enforcement of Brick Kiln Act 2013 for phasing out of traditional brick Kiln.
Decarbonization strategy:
To meet energy demands of development through a low carbon strategy. 1. Conserve non-renewable resources and sustaining auto and eco-generation of renewable resources 2. Mass initiative to be taken under Clean Development Mechanism and REDD;---LCD strategy will be developed in collaboration with relevant ministries and agencies along with mainstreaming the National Action Plan on Short-lived Climate Pollutants in all the relevant mitigation sectors.
Carbon markets:
Currently there are twelve CDM projects concerned with solar energy and waste management. The third project is expected to begin soon.---Carbon Credit and REDD Mechanism Programme: The mechanisms for certifying and approving reforestation and forest protection under carbon credit and REDD mechanisms will be rationalized and streamlined and be used to enable substantial forest restoration and coastal afforestation through partnerships with local communities, civil society and private sector.
Green finance:
Enhance CCA (Climate Change Adaptation) financing -In order to ensure continuous funding, the Government will offer more effort to seek international financial support, in addition to allocating funds towards CCA. A new financial mechanism in the form of Green Climate Fund (GCF) is about to be made functional.---Establishing energy efficient green technology based Bangladesh Environmental Specimen Bank.
Energy-water nexus:
Installations of solar panels for small scale irrigation in rural areas will be given priority.
Cooperation in env.:
The Government of Bangladesh’s Vision is to eradicate poverty and achieve economic and social prosperity for all people. This will be achieved through a pro-poor Climate Change Management Strategy, which prioritizes [...] the mobilization and international provision for investments in coping mechanisms and green technology.