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All, Coal, Oil, Power, Gas, Nuclear, Renewable, Bioenergy, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind, Other
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources
Unofficial source
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Сводный обзор: 
The Initial Draft of the 22nd October 2012 of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Rules, will be known as the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Rules, 2013. They address the role played by the SREDA and other institutions in the energy conservation measures. After having defined the institutional arrangements, it deals with: - the Residential and Commercial Buildings; -the Industry and Service; - The Public Sector; - Sector-wide Measures and the Promulgation of the Rules.
Деятельность органов власти
National policy structure: 
The Authority shall within one year of passage of these Rules, develop and recommend to the Ministry a comprehensive National Energy Conservation Master Plan. [...] The policies based on the Master Plan will include quantitative targets for energy conservation nationally and by sector.
Energy institutional structures: 
SREDA shall have authority over all forms of solid, liquid, gaseous and electric energy. The Authority will serve as the nodal institution for identification, promotion, facilitation and overall coordination of all national renewable energy and energy conservation programmes [...]. --- Several other organizations shall have key responsibilities in support of the Authority and in specific energy conservation programme areas including those specified below: (a) The Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institute (BSTI) shall co-operate with the Authority in establishing testing facilities and procedures for energy; [...] The Boiler Directorate of the Ministry of Industry shall cooperate with The Authority to determine the feasibility of incorporation energy efficiency performance standards into existing programmes of on-site boiler inspection.
Public database availability: 
This data shall be maintained in a user accessible information system, available to the public except for confidential business information. Consistent with the vision of “Digital Bangladesh” the information system will give attention to mechanisms for electronic reporting via internet or other means by entities required to report or voluntarily submitting energy conservation related data and information.