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Energy, Power
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All, Oil, Power, Gas, Nuclear, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar, Wave and Tidal, Wind, Other
Finance Division Ministry of Finance Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
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Сводный обзор: 
This booklet is an effort to make the nation aware of various immediate, medium term and long term steps taken by the Government in power and energy sectors. The Government is trying to do so in line with the “Vision 2021” for building Bangladesh as a happy, prosperous country of medium income through maintaining macro economic stability and achieving rapid economic growth by 2021. The Roadmap 2010-2011 analyzes the current situation of the power and electricity sector, also considered the Outline Perspective Plan for Bangladesh and provides for a work plan.
Energy access priorities: 
Improving the reliability and quality of electricity supply [...]. ---In order to bring the total population under electricity coverage emphasis should be provided to produce electricity from renewable sources besides using non-renewable energy.
Energy access targets: 
[...] electricity for all will be ensured by 2021.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
Increasing the sector’s efficiency. --- Initiatives have been taken to bring qualitative change in demand side management and use of fuels in order to save power and energy. --- To increase sector efficiency, reform measures must be implemented.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
The demand for electricity will be addressed through the use of renewable energy. --- In order to bring the total population under electricity coverage emphasis should be provided to produce electricity from renewable sources besides using non-renewable energy. --- In order to reduce the reliance on natural gas and import-dependent oil the government has taken a number of steps to spread and develop environment-friendly, renewable energy.
RE action plans: 
Setting up 14 thousand solar home system by REB. ƒSetting up a solar panel having capacity of 21.2 kilowatt for Prime Minister’s Office. ƒInstallation of around 5.30 lakh solar home system in rural areas with the aid of IDCOL (Infrastructure Development Company Limited) through NGOs. ƒPower generation by setting up wind-mill run power plants in coastal region of Kutubdia and Feni. ƒEstablishing of a wind-mill run power plant of 100 MW(off-shore) capacity in Anowara of Chittagong and 4 solar power plants of 10-15 MW capacity (connected to grid). ƒActions are underway to implement pilot project as IPP to produce power from waste.---Encouraging setting up of Bio-digester Plant. ƒEncouraging the establishing of solar panel producing industry. ƒProviding adequate investment in power sector enterprises.
Renewable energy subsidies: 
Providing policy-strategic and financial support to wind-mill power generation. ƒDetermining rational price to ensure sustainable development of energy sector. ƒ
Energy pricing: 
The per unit production cost of electricity is expected to rise (20%-30%) in the upcoming 2-3 years due to the installation of high cost liquid fuel based peaking plants which are implementable in 18-24 moths. Accordingly, the Energy Regulatory Commission may increase the tariff of power step by step. However, power tariff will come down after 2014 as the implementation of gas and coal based power plants will be completed. [...] consumer's economic consideration is given priority over commercial interests in price calculation of electricity, gas and other fuel oil. [...] price is to be made more with commercial consideration, in order to involve the private sector.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
In order to reduce the reliance on natural gas and import-dependent oil the government has taken a number of steps to spread and develop environment-friendly, renewable energy.---The Government has given priority to infrastructure development especially in power and energy sector as means of attaining higher growth.--- Use of coal and other fuels will be enhanced in order to reduce dependence on natural gas for power generation. ---Along with other necessary facilities, at least the infrastructure of two terminals of 500 MMCFD has to be built up to receive the imported liquid gas from the ship. --- Present Government, with the technical assistance of Russia, has made effective arrangement to establish a nuclear power plant with a capacity of 1000 MW in the pre-determined location at Rooppur. In this respect, Bangladesh government has signed a framework agreement with the Russian National Nuclear Institute.
Regional integration priorities: 
The demand for electricity will be addressed through regional cooperation.
Cooperation in connectivity: 
Present Government, with the technical assistance of Russia, has made effective arrangement to establish a nuclear power plant with a capacity of 1000 MW in the pre-determined location at Rooppur. In this respect, Bangladesh government has signed a framework agreement with the Russian National Nuclear Institute. It is expected that the country will be able to enter into nuclear age through the establishment of nuclear power plant by 2016.
Energy trade priorities: 
ƒExpediting the import of LNG. ƒ
Bi- and multi-lateral energy agreements: 
Present Government, with the technical assistance of Russia, has made effective arrangement to establish a nuclear power plant with a capacity of 1000 MW in the pre-determined location at Rooppur. In this respect, Bangladesh government has signed a framework agreement with the Russian National Nuclear Institute. It is expected that the country will be able to enter into nuclear age through the establishment of nuclear power plant by 2016.
Energy sector investment priorities: 
Purchase higher quality machineries of advance technology and technicalities as well as build up efficient manpower within short period to strengthen BAPEX.---Providing adequate investment in power sector enterprises.
Independent power producers: 
[...] through IPP (Independent Power Producer) and through Rental, electricity is produced in the private sector which is purchased by the Government at a fixed rate. --- To finance power generation projects through Public-Private Partnership, Independent Power Producer (IPP) policy has been formulated in 1996. Private sector has been drawn in to the power generation through IPP, SIPP, Rental, Quick Rental and Joint Venture policies under the PPP framework.
Investment climate development: 
ƒReducing the tendency of quick withdrawal of invested money of international oil companies under Production Sharing Contract (PSC).--- The Government is firm to create an investment-friendly atmosphere to attract private ventures according to the set target.
Public Private Partnerships: 
[...] the shortage of electricity production will be overcome through PPP (Public Private Partnership) and private investment alongside government investment by 2012. --- Efforts are continued to attract private ventures considering the risks in large primary investment and profit. However, [...] price is to be made more with commercial consideration in order to involve the private sector. --- Involving the private Sector with planning of import LNG and establishment of the terminals.
Bidding and Tendering: 
Expedite onshore bidding process.--- Quick accomplishment of demarcation of maritime boundary with India and Myanmar for bidding the blocks located at deep sea area.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
Introducing a new corporate culture in the power sector entities. --- Government is determined to overcome the critical situation prevailing in the gas sector to ensure the availability of energy. --- Build up trained and efficient manpower in order to administer and maintain the nuclear plant. Build up awareness among general people regarding the risk and prevention of nuclear power centre.--- Developing and sustaining skilled professionals with knowledge on various sources of energy.
Energy institutional structures: 
Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB), Ashuganj Power Station Company Limited (APSCL), Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh (EGCB) are producing electricity in the public sector.