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All, Coal, Oil, Power, Gas, Nuclear, Renewable, Bioenergy, Hydropower, Solar, Wind
General Economics Division Planning Commission Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
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Сводный обзор: 
The Vision 2021 and this associated Perspective Plan 2010-2021 have set solid development targets for Bangladesh by the end of 2021. The Perspective Plan provides the road map for accelerated growth and lays down broad approaches for eradication of poverty, inequality, and human deprivation. Specific strategies and the task of implementation will be articulated through the two five-year plans: Sixth Five Year Plan (2011-2015) and the Seventh Five Year Plan (2016-2020). Development priorities addressed in the document include: ensuring broad-based growth and reducing poverty; ensuring effective governance and sound institutions but creating a caring society; addressing globalization and regional cooperation; providing energy security for development and welfare; building a sound infrastructure and managing the urban challenge; mitigating the impacts of climate change; and promoting innovation in a knowledge-based society.
Energy access priorities: 
Improving the reliability and quality of electricity supply.
Energy access targets: 
Electricity for all by 2021.
Приоритеты ЭЭ: 
To increase sector efficiency, reform measures must be implemented.--- To raise efficiency of power sector to contain cost and as well as technical and operational. Economize use of natural gas, coal and oil as the primary fuels for electricity generation. [...] To increase energy efficiency and capacity, renewable energy sources e.g. solar, small-hydro, geo-thermal, wave, wind and tidal energy, particularly in the coastal belt area will be promoted.
Renewable Energy
RE priorities: 
[...] promote renewable energy, such as solar and biogas.---Other sources of clean energy, such as gas, need also to be developed for conversion to power [...].--- [...] saving power as well as renewable energy for future generations is needed. To increase energy efficiency and capacity, renewable energy sources e.g. solar, small-hydro, geo-thermal, wave, wind and tidal energy, particularly in the coastal belt area will be promoted.
RE targets: 
Provided that foreign investment becomes available to implement a renewable 500 MW power generation project by 2021, its share in power generation may then reach 3 per cent.
RE action plans: 
The SME strategy will network the short gestational and highly job intensive micro and small industries in the agro-based, poultry, livestock and fish related projects aiming to produce [...] biogas energy.---A 20-year hydro-power development plan is planned for the Himalayan region. This plan will be implemented by the year 2027.
Decarbonization strategy: 
The SME strategy will network the short gestational and highly job intensive micro and small industries in the agro-based, poultry, livestock and fish related projects aiming to produce [...] biogas energy.
Carbon markets: 
The government will also take advantage of clean development mechanism policies to secure external funding in energy efficiency, development of alternative sources of energy and enhancing carbon storage capacity.
Energy pricing: 
To adjust price with a view to reducing burden of budgetary subsidy while ensuring affordability to consumers. --- Ensuring a reasonable and affordable price for electricity by pursuing least cost options. --- Principles on the pricing of electricity have to be based on the true alternative cost of gas, the main input for electricity generation today.
Energy Supply and Infrastructure
Infrastructure development priorities: 
The Government has also announced a major initiative for boosting power generation and expand power distribution network to alleviate the ongoing energy crisis in the country.---[...] promote renewable energy, such as solar and biogas.--- To increase energy efficiency and capacity, renewable energy sources e.g. solar, small-hydro, geo-thermal, wave, wind and tidal energy, particularly in the coastal belt area will be promoted.---Give priority to the conversion of probable and possible reserves to proven ones and also to converting delineated gas resources into reserves.---The efficient and safe movement of people and goods needs well-built efficiently operated and maintained physical infrastructure and transportation systems, along with reliable and affordable supplies of [...] electricity and power.---A sustainable long-term solution to power needs in the North East sub-region including Bangladesh will require development of hydro-power [...] for exports to Bangladesh [...]. --- To have provision for dual fuel in power plants wherever possible. --- System loss in distribution must be addressed. --- Promoting geographically equitable or balanced development in terms of equitable development opportunities through gradual expansion of pipelines and supply of gas to southern, western, and northern areas of the country. --- To implement nuclear fuel based power plant ensuring adequate safeguards.---A 20-year hydro-power development plan is planned for the Himalayan region. This plan will be implemented by the year 2027.--Popularization and expansion of domestic LPG use to discourage new domestic gas pipeline connections; BPC will prioritize the enhancement of its import/refining, storage and distribution capacity. --- Solar energy, hydroelectricity, bio-gas, et hanol from zatropa seeds, windmills, and other sources of renewable energy will be explored as the use of hydro-carbon based fuels reduces.
Regional integration priorities: 
To meet energy demand, efforts will be made for regional energy cooperation in addition to exploring internal sources. --- A sustainable long-term solution to power needs in the North East sub-region including Bangladesh will require development of hydro-power in Nepal and Bhutan as well as parts of North East India for exports to Bangladesh and India. Other sources of clean energy, such as gas, need also to be developed for conversion to power with possibility for trade. Yet another possibility is regional power trade based on varying patterns of demand and capacities. This requires compatible grid interconnections between Bhutan, Bangladesh, India and Nepal along the bordering areas.
Energy trade priorities: 
Ensuring export competitiveness in general – by addressing border barriers (e.g. tariffs) and beyond-the border constraints e.g. energy [...].---The import of electricity from India and Bhutan are worth exploring. Myanmar has satisfactory gas reserves. Bangladesh could negotiate for import of gas from Myanmar.---A sustainable long-term solution to power needs in the North East sub-region including Bangladesh will require development of hydro-power in Nepal and Bhutan as well as parts of North East India for exports to Bangladesh and India. Other sources of clean energy, such as gas, need also to be developed for conversion to power with possibility for trade. Yet another possibility is regional power trade based on varying patterns of demand and capacities. [...]
International trade association membership: 
During the period of the Perspective Plan, Bangladesh intends to play a proactive role in seeking out opportunities for beneficial cooperation in the South Asia region and beyond. Other openings for such cooperation have come from its membership of the Asia Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA) and Bay of Bengal Initiatives for Multi-sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation.
Independent power producers: 
[...] by 2021, it is estimated that the private sector will be in a position to account for two-third of the total power generation. --- Private sector involvement in electricity generation shall take account of the cost price aspect in relation to the public sector. This will also lead to generation of enough revenues and resources for further investment.
Investment climate development: 
Increasing private sector participation to mobilize finance. --- In seeking to achieve double-digit GDP growth, private investment including FDI has to be depended on.
Public Private Partnerships: 
The Plan will ensure prompt and timely decisions to steadily encourage greater private sector role in the energy sector. ---To finance power generation projects through Public–Private Partnerships. --- Increasing private sector participation to mobilize finance. --- Promoting competition among public –private entities.
Деятельность органов власти
Energy management principles: 
[...] ensure transparent governance of energy-related public sector institutions [...]. --- Introducing a new corporate culture in the power sector entities. --- In order to achieve these goals in the Vision 2021 period, governance of the sector has to be strengthened, keeping efficiency and integrity at a very high level. --- As the energy sector is highly import-oriented, transparency must be assured, including through parliamentary oversight. Energy efficiency and performance auditing will be promoted. --- The Plan aims to develop an integrated and developed energy sector with a diversified fuel mix that will be the key driver of a sustainable local and national economy, while attaining global competitiveness in all sectors by 2021. --- [...] the Government has adopted a comprehensive energy development strategy. The strategy provides a balanced approach that looks at both supply increases and demand management aspects of the energy market in a long-term horizon.--- Promoting competition among public –private entities.
National policy structure: 
There must be a deliberate policy of energy conservation and the policy should be effectively enforced.
Gas-to-power technology: 
Other sources of clean energy, such as gas, need also to be developed for conversion to power [...].
Natural gas transportation technology: 
Increase the reserve base and production of gas through accelerated exploration, appraisal and development of gas fields, production augmentation and optimization of recovery. The transmission and distribution network will be developed in line with that.
R&D renewable energy: 
In the long run, solar energy appears to have an unlimited supply: Research and experimentation, including wind power, should be encouraged.