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Power, Building
Виды энергоресурсов: 
Power, Other
Bureau of Energy Efficiency supported by the International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC)
Ссылка на документ: 
Сводный обзор: 
The purpose of this code is to provide minimum requirements for the energy-efficient design and construction of buildings. The code is mandatory for commercial buildings or building complexes that have a connected load of 500 kW or greater or a contract demand of 600 kVA or greater. The code is also applicable to all buildings with a conditioned floor area of 1,000 m2 (10,000 ft2) or greater. The code is recommended for all other buildings.
EE targets: 
The power cabling shall be adequately sized as to maintain the distribution losses not to exceed 1% of the total power usage. Record of design calculation for the losses shall be maintained.
EE lighting and mechanical system standards: 
Lighting systems and equipment shall comply with the mandatory provisions of § 7.2 and the prescriptive criteria of § 7.3 and § 7.4. The lighting requirements in this section shall apply to: (a) Interior spaces of buildings, (b) Exterior building features, including facades, illuminated roofs, architectural features, entrances, exits, loading docks, and illuminated canopies, and, (c) Exterior building grounds lighting that is provided through the building's electrical service. [...] Interior lighting systems in buildings larger than 500 m2 (5,000 ft²) shall be equipped with an automatic control device[...].---Luminaires in daylighted areas greater than 25 m2 (250 ft2 ) shall be equipped with either a manual or automatic control device that: (a) Is capable of reducing the light output of the luminaires in the daylighted areas by at least 50%, [...]---The installed interior lighting power for a building or a separately metered or permitted portion of a building shall be calculated in accordance with § 7.3.3 and shall not exceed the interior lighting power allowance determined in accordance with either § 7.3.1 or § 7.3.2. ---Power transformers of the proper ratings and design must be selected to satisfy the minimum acceptable efficiency at their full load rating. In addition, the transformer must be selected such that it minimizes the total of its initial cost in addition to the present value of the cost of its total lost energy while serving its estimated loads during its respective life span.
EE building standards: 
The code is mandatory for commercial buildings or building complexes that have a connected load of 500 kW or greater or a contract demand of 600 kVA or greater. The code is also applicable to all buildings with a conditioned floor area of 1,000 m2 (10,000 ft2 ) or greater. The code is recommended for all other buildings. ---The building envelope shall comply with the mandatory provisions of § 4.2 and either the prescriptive criteria of § 4.3 or the trade-off option of § 4.4. [...] Fenestration U-factors U-factors shall be determined for the overall fenestration product (including the sash and frame) in accordance with ISO-15099 [...]. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) shall be determined for the overall fenestration product (including the sash and frame) in accordance with ISO-15099 [...]. Air leakage for glazed swinging entrance doors and revolving doors shall not exceed 5.0 l/sm2 [...].---All heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment and systems shall comply with the mandatory provisions of § 5.2 and the prescriptive criteria of § 5.3. ---All heating and cooling equipment shall be temperature controlled [...].---All service water heating equipment and systems shall comply with the mandatory provisions of § 6.2. [...] Residential facilities, hotels and hospitals with a centralized system shall have solar water heating for at least 1/5 of the design capacity. Service water heating equipment shall meet or exceed the minimum efficiency requirements presented in Table 6.2.2. [please, see document for details].